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(Random stuff that I felt like to share, while I’m still preparing the Patreon rewards of this month!)

Some people have been reminding me the comic [Muraka Project] (currently on hiatus on Webtoon).

I don’t know if does exist an opposite word for “procrastinating”, since that word would define me. I have a problem with patience, and I feel the pressure to do everything as soon as possible. And that’s not a good thing, I think it’s the reason why I’m always so stressed and burnt with all the ideas on going.

Starting the comic was an idea I had in June of 2019, and instead of planning everything to start posting maybe half year lates, I just went ahead the next day after having the brilliant idea of starting sharing the comic. I don’t know how these things are supposed to be done properly, but the truth is that starting sharing the story online, helped me to develop more the story. This is a good thing of course, but also, a big problem. The story line of the first chapters wasn’t too defined, and some of the characters weren’t defined as much yet. One example is Seban. I’m still shocked how a character who was planned to be just a secondary character became a really important one (and personally, one of my favorites). So I feel the need to change stuff from the past chapters, not only for the plot itself, also for the art. Reading some of your own previous characters and feeling embarrassed for posting ii, it’s an interesting feeling, and I guess it’s what implies improvement.

Well, it doesn’t matter how may projects I have in mind, how many I can abandon or something, but [Muraka Project] is always there, In my mind, and I always feel the urge to continue working on it. But you know I still feel that I’m not ready yet? Maybe neither mentally nor professionally (for the art skills I mean)?

I will see! By the moment, I would love to continue the story little by little, and trying to organize myself and establish real goals for the next year!



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