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This was a comic inspired in my daily life (again hehe).

I’m enjoying doing these comics more than I imagined, and although the style is quite messy, just drawing the little gray dragon (who by the way, doesn’t have a name yet!) it’s worth it hehe

Actually one my lovely patrons and awesome friend is working on a plushie of this dragon and I’m super excited to have it and share it with you! I really needed a pet! 😭

And about the comic, it tells the curious fact that even my family doesn’t really consider drawing a job, even being a freelancer. I’m not complaining about it, since I understand that it must be complicated to understand it, but I still find it a bit funny so I wanted to share!

This happens to any of you? :3

Also these these I’ve been struggling with my art and the way I’m going to organize my content. Drawing my Ocs and especially environments in my favorite thing. I already separated the Oc account from the main account because of the style, but now I started with these comic and dragon cuties series and I don’t really know what to do with my Ocs from now on. Maybe I will take a break of posting about them in social media and just sharing them here on Patreon? I don’t know really :(

I’m terrible with this aaaaaa

Hope you are having a lovely day! 💗




I absolutely love the comics! Keep 'em coming 🧡