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Hey hey sweeties! ^^

I hope you are having a great day! ๐Ÿ’™ Today is the last day of September and I wanted to share the [Worlbuilding Archive] of this month ^^ It's about a secondary story I have, called The New Blue!

I hope you like the art and the information! ๐Ÿ’™

๐Ÿ’™ Introduction 

The idea for this story comes from 2015 (in fact, before [Muraka Project]) and at that time the anime Free  inspired me a lot. I had always had a particular interest in water and underwater life, and together with this series, of which I adore the characters and their passions, as well as all the water scenes, it inspired me enormously. 

Also, when I was a child my favorite movie was always The Little Mermaid, and I came up with the idea of โ€‹โ€‹doing a version with two children. The intention was to make a story for children in which it was reflected and normalized that two boys could openly show their affection and love.

The first name I gave to the story was "Los Niรฑos del Agua" (The children in thewater)  which sounds better in Spanish in my opinion haha. The place was not too special, it was set in the real world, in a coastal area. And Noรฉ had European features, and his name was Mackbeth (like Shakespeare's tragedy, yes! It had a meaning!)

Little by little I developed a more fanciful background, which is the genre that I like the most. Thus, the story takes place in a world called The New Blue, where humans have created a new civilization after leaving Earth, which was already uninhabitable. In this new world, there is hardly any land, so humans build floating buildings integrated into the ocean. Due to limited resources, tough regulations are imposed, such as food rationing or birth control, only allowing children to be born in some years. Hardly anything is known about the water planet, and only some biologist vessels can make expeditions beyond the permitted limits.

Marzo is a child who was born mute and in a year that was not allowed. In addition, his mother, one of the biologists, lost her life on one of her trips. Despite this, Marzo continues to feel a special attraction for the sea. Due to his condition and being a child who was born on a forbidden date, everyone despises him, except for his uncle, who takes him fishing from time to time.

On one such trip, a humanoid creature becomes trapped in its web, and Marzorisks his life to free it. The strange creature that inhabits the depths is a curious and mischievous person, so it will get closer than it should to the human it has just met. Marzo will name him Noรฉ.

๐Ÿ’™ Magic

I have always been especially drawn to soul beliefs and energy flow beliefs. And in the same way that in [Muraka Project] both have great importance, here too. The whole world is alive. That is, even rocks are living beings, but the hierarchy depends on the degree of consciousness, and Noรฉ's race is the superior. Magic flows through all beings when they are alive, and blue marks appear (which by the way, are inspired by Atlantis!). So... the reason why the houses of humans (the angular buildings) do not have the marks despite being made with material from the planet, is because the materials they used were living beings that have died. 

๐Ÿ’™ Enemies

Like in the story of The Little Mermaid, I wanted to introduce a "witch" character. But in this case, it is Mother, and it is not an enemy at all. She is a being that regulates the flow of magic on the planet and is considered a goddess by the inhabitants of the sea. The character is the one I drew for a #dtiys a long time ago!

In fact, the real enemies will be some humans, who have great power in the human settlement. When they discover the workings of magic in that world, and that Marz is a friend of one of the planet's sources, they will have no scruples to get hold of the energy source that will allow them to advance as a society on the new colonized planet.


The story, despite the fact that the protagonists are children, is quite cruel, and although the intention is that there is nothing nsfw (blood, etc.) I do not think that the target audience can continue to be children, as I intended at the beginning! But anyway, there will be a lot o wholesome scenes hehe ๐Ÿ’™

I hope you liked it! Someday I'll write the whole script I guess!

Have a wonderful day!





The characters and the art overall look amazing (as always) and I absolutely love this story!!! I'd definitely love to know more about it๐Ÿ’™