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Hey hey sweeties! ^^

This time I come with something a bit unrelated to illustration! Recently the method Bullet Journal (I recommend you to read this article if you are interested in knowing more about it) has helped me to stay focus on my tasks and also, to develop my aesthethic in a different way. Doing templates helps me to be clearer and more organized, so I prepared some and I wanted to share with you, in case you are interested in printing them and write on it! Also, you can download them and use Procreate or other programe to write digitally and print later :)

All the files are attached as JPEG!

----------| PEN PAL FRIENDS|----------------------------------------------

Yesterday I started to prepare the letters for my pen pals! I was really excited but oh wow! It was more time-consuming than I expected! So, since this time I have to send [13] letters, I've decided to do some templates to a specific aesthethic, and then add some extras and of course, a personal letter written by hand! I share with you the templates I've prepared too, in case you want to use them for your pen pals ^^

Also, in case you don't know what a pen pal is: a friend with whom you exchange letters as a hobby! There are a lot of inspirational videos on Youtube where you can see people preparing the cute letters (sample) 

💗 Would you like to be my pen pal?

This is my first ever time having pen pals and I'm excited to know a bit more about my lovely people ^^ I would like to be closer to a lot of people but aaaa that would be crazy if I would say it openly in my social media! 

But if you want to have a closer and more creative relationship with me, you can complete this form and I will add you to my list! 

Please, read these points before sending your answer: 

☕ I will send you my address to your email in the next 48 hours! I will be preparing your letter but just in case you want to write me first! ^^

☕ Depending on my availability, the replies can take months to be done >///< (not the first letter tho)

☕ Occasionally I could add prints or stickers of my online shop, but pen pal is not for sending items for free! I will be adding extras but they will be usual pen pal stuff ^^ (washi tape, postcards...)

☕ Because of Covid-19 some country frontiers might be closed! By the moment I know Australia is still closed (it has been closed for 4 months TT_TT)

I hope you like the experience, or at least the templates!


Also, since I will be preparing a new template for my own Bullet Journal...  I'm happy to announce maybe every month you will have printable templates for your own schedule! ^^ By the moment I think this will be free content on Patreon since I don't really want to mix the art rewards with these templates!

I hope you like the idea sweeties! And have a wonderful day :D


  • InDesign: guidelines 
  • iPad Pro 10,5 + Procreate: design 
  • Brushes: Kunanyi and Script (Calligraphy)
  • Fonts: original by Kalisdice




Wow, these are so pretty!


This is such an amazing idea! I just signed up as a pen pal >-<