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These days are being a bit hard, after taking a break of 3 days (the trip with my partner) I have a lot of work to do, and the doubts and struggles about my career and future are taking me a lot of time too, and it’s difficult to focus on my tasks, especially commissions.

So today I just decided to take some minutes to sketch Seban and Raze (@vagabond.novel on IG original character) nsfw moments.

When you are focused on finish all the illustrations you start (talking about commissions and the art I want to post on my accounts) you don’t have that time to sketch freely and experiment with your brushes. And I kinda miss that these days! When I’ve been a lit of time without sketching with the only purpose of sketch, drawing anatomy or some poses it’s more complicated 🥺

So sweeties, if you can, take a moment of your day to just full a page with quick doodles, it’s also important to explore and play with the pencil! 💗




Thank you for sweet dreams 🤤💗✨