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Landes is another place that will be quite relevant in the history of [Muraka Project]. It is the town of Blake and is located in the East, in the middle of a biggest desert. A huge rock structure has allowed a microecosystem full of  life, where even plants grow. There, the city of Landes rises, also known as the last monarchy. Blake is, in fact, the queen's son, a woman who hates formalities and hierarchies. She has always been one more person, perfectly integrated and without wanting to stand out in any way with the rest of citizens. In fact, in the castle she inherited, she has built an orphanage and a civic center for the inhabitants. Due to this pleasant environment, the revolution to change the system that Irune (the mother of Trece) started did not reach this town. 

People in this city have long, thin eyes with huge, thick lashes. The skins are usually tanned and the hair is light brown or reddish. 

Fauna and Flora

The most notable of this city are the argolas, some plants whose leaves store sunlight during the day and shine at night. These plants are hanging and use them as lights in the streets and in houses. Its color varies smoothly depending on the age of the plants, the younger ones being pinker. In addition, in Landes the huge reddish-colored rock is often riddled with some edible mushrooms that are the basis of the inhabitants' diet (about the diet, they adore hot spicy food).  As for the rock, it has been used to build houses and also, it has a high content of salt that is used to flavor foods.  The animals that exist under this rock are small in size. On the one hand there are the britas, small sheep that are raised to supply milk and wool. There are also the so-called Sad Foxes, small foxes that, due to their fur, seem to be always sad. These animals are used as pets in homes.  Lastly, there is a dragon race that lives in the grottos, the Blind Dragon, which due to its lack of sight has developed an incredible ear. 

There are two curious points about this city.
The first is clothes. The clothes are silk, with many transparencies at the top and with warm colors, generally patterned.
Tradition says that women who have had children can show their breasts behind the clothes with transparencies, but not before.
Another custom related to clothing is that couples who are in a relationship should wear one of their clothes with the same pattern / design as their partner.

The second point relates to the Dome. It is partially open to allow hunters to capture desert dragons and use them during fairs as entertainment, a very big problem that the protagonists will have to solve!


Hey sweeties! So this was the things I've defined of this town that I'm excited to show in the story. They all will visiti this town and a lot of things will happen! just hope that you enjoyed knowing more about them!

And of course, if you have any question, I will so happy to answer it hehe it actually help with the worldbuilding exercise!



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