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 Neborii is an exotic and practically abandoned place, which will not appear until the end of the second book of [Muraka Project] (there are three books). In one of the first arcs in the story, the characters will meet Lutne and her dragon Azzula, and after losing their home and nowhere to go, they will take refuge in Neborri, the uninhabited tower of the sea. 

The Minor Sea in the east is a large salt lake that connects to the Greater Sea by a small river. In the middle of the smaller sea, there is a kind of mountain of kilometers high that humans were afraid to visit. 

This mountain, in which temperatures are very low and snow and ice accumulates, has a strange tree with red leaves, which remain that way throughout the year. Due to its color, it's called the Blood Tree.  

However, there did exist a civilization that lived with some small white dragons (the snow dragons). These humans had very white skin, as did their hair, and their eyes were thin. Crushing the leaves of the blood tree and mixing it with water from the Minor Sea, they got a red paint with which they painted the ears and some details under the eyes.  

They lived in small houses distributed at different heights in the mountain, and above all, they had built a castle-temple, where they performed religious rituals and where they took refuge during the winter season, since only their thick walls could stop the cold.  

When the Virus spread, some infected dragons reached Neborii, and the people, who had no contact with the outside, were unable to act in time. That's why now Neborri is empty. 


I love imagining worlds and places, and maybe some of them won't have a lot of importance in the story, but I still enjoy the lore hehe 

Hope you enjoy knowinh more about this sweeties!




gaah this is so coool <3


I love the aesthetic of this so freaking much ;v;