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Hey sweeties! 

Here is a speedpaint of my version for @its.marg #Dtiys! Hope you like it!

And about the News: 


1] Changes in Patreon Conditions. 

I received a message about the new conditions Patreon is going to apply from July. You will be charged with an extra fee for taxes of your country. 

So, to avoid you paying more, I'm going to reduce the next tiers in July: 

  • [ Chai Latte] 3$ > 2,5$
  • [ Vanilla Coffee] > 7$ > 6$ 
  • [Hot Chocolate] 10$ > 9$
  • [Mocca] > 20$ > 19$

I can't modify the 1$ tier [Cappuccino] since considering the conversions to curreny plus Patreon and Paypal fees, I would just get a few cents, sorry for that :S

I wanted to notify you in advance of these changes in Patreon conditions. In case you want to continue paying the original amount to me, of course you can do it! But you will have to modify the amount manually in your pledge (talking about July) ^^ Thank you so much! I will do a reminder next month too!


2 ] Rafffles 

The other day a good friend commented me that she thought rafffles in Patreon are forbidden. And I checked it. I was a bit surprised since I'm, in fact, a patreon of other creators who do this too! But indeed, after reading some documents, yes, rafffles are forbidden in this platform!!

So by the moment, I'm going to continue doing the drawing and the pack gifts, but instead of doing a rafffle, I will just follow the list of patrons in alphabetical order, so each month someone will receive the drawing or the print and sticker pack, no luck involved!

Considering that  the tiers are, in my opinion and comparing with other creators, quite complete, I could just remove the giveaaway, but I like to do this little extra to thank all the support of the people here! ^^

Hope you agree! :D

Taking this moment to remember that one of the tiers, [Mocca, 20$] includes all the previous rewards from tiers  in addition to a detailed drawing every month (as a commission) if you want to have cheaper art from me! :)


3 ] Close Friend List

Recently I've been in a weird mood, and I've shared in my Close Friend List in @kalisdice_art my rants, since my mutuals are there too! I want to say sorry for that. I just moved you, my lovely Patrons to the Close friend of @kalisdice, where I will be sharing just art related stuff! I'm going to focus that account again in my brand account! Thank you for understanding!


[ @its.marg Speedpaint ]



The blurred effect is the best friend we've got