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|| Español || (English below)

Hola hola!

Qué tal a todo? :)

Dejo por aquí unos sketches que he estado haciendo para practicar con dragones, para algunos he usado referencias de Pinterest! Y el primer dibujo va a ser para un dibujo que quiero subir a Instagram en el que salgan los tres dragones de la historia.

Y quería recordaros que las recompensas las envié a principios de mes a vuestros correos, si no lo recibisteis por favor, decidme!

|| English ||

Hello sweeties!

How is everything going? :)

I leave here some sketches that I have been doing to practice with dragons, for some poses I have used Pinterest references! And the first drawing is going to be for a drawing that I want to upload to Instagram in which the three dragons of the story come out.

And I wanted to remind you that I sent the rewards at the beginning of the month to your emails, if you didn't receive it please, tell me!

Have a lovely day!



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