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[Muraka Project] is a fairly long story. I started writing it two years ago and it has become a novel for me!

Relationship between characters and their constant evolution is essential in my point of view, and it is one of the things I like the most to develop.

Iris and Blake had a more or less peaceful life, but because they get involved with Trece and Mura, everything will get complicated and they will have to make very difficult decisions.

That aside, I love to imagine scenes that will occur in next chapters and draw them as if they were a scene from a movie. What do you think? :3

This is a moment that will happen two years later, by the way ^^

Have a nice day sweeties! Do you have any special plans for Halloween? :D




Sin duda la escena se ve muy cinemática, mola! 😄 No, solo descansar, la verdad (porque esta semana tengo exámenes).


BLAKE!!!!! IS!!! SO!!! HOT!!!