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I’ve decided to do some changes in the Webcomic to feel more comfortable and less stressed :3

  • Using Procreate instead of Paint Tool Sai. Seriously each day I love Procreate more and more! This is not the best program to do comics... but Sai neither. At least Procreate allows to add perspective guides and create straight lines, which is really helpful.
  • Simplify the style, but trying to keep the same mood. Although I still use a lot of layers, I focus on the environments while I reduce the time for rendering. I think this way the panels look more like a comic too!
  • Posting every other week. Since I’m starting soon the master and as I have some trips this August I thought working on longer chapters but just two chapters per month it would be a better idea. This is a really personal and challenging project and I don’t want to be overwhelmed and give up at all! And it’s a quite long story so...
  • Changing the typography. I used to add Avenida because I could add a different touch and highlight with bold text some parts, but at the end using comic typographies like Anime Ace always help with the comic vibes maybe?
  • Better English! I’m a terrible English writer yet BUT I found helpers! My boyfriend is helping me to translate the script from Spanish to English and a person I met the other day wanted to help me a bit to correct these sentences. So I hope everything looks more natural and fluently from now on!

Those are all the news! Hope you have a nice day! Oh! I show you a little Chibi drawing I did for the end of each chapter!




Aww, Alba, you're doing Great!! You do what's best for you girl. You have my support all the way, no matter what you do ;-)