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First WIP of the month! ;3 Trece and Kode making faces!

By the way tomorrow I’ll do an Artist Support Post on Instagram, in case you want to participate! ^^

And also tomorrow I will arrive home so finally I will have good internet and a computer to prepare Patreon stuff!!!




They look so cute >.< Making their eyes standout like that was a nice touch with the highlight on the edges. Do you make ALL of your scenes in Procreate on your iPad? I'm really impressed by Procreate's capabilities.


Thank you Miracle :DD And no really! These days I've been working just in Procreate because I was on holidays! But finally I'm at home and can use Paint Tool Sai again! I really missed it! But yes! Procreate is AMAZING and I'm considerating start to do the Webcomic there!