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I’m taking these days I’m on vacation to experiment with my art style. About one year ago I used to make my drawings a textured look and I think Procreate has interesting tools which allows this. Also, this drawing is inspired in my trip (we are seeing a lot of beautiful cliffs here!).

I don’t know if any of you have this program but I would love to share my brushes with you soon :) Also a tutorial about gestural controls would be nice, since there are a lot of tips which helps to speed up your process!




I WANT BRUSHES I WANT THEM ALL *calms down* Hehehe, I'm just a brush-zombie, no worries ^^ I have like 100 brushpacks 🤔 Also if you'd like I can point you at some textured ones (that are not expensive), so much of insider info xDDD


That's what I need!!! I need to find some good places to buy brushes from. I love textured bushes. It would save me a lot of time to have a brush put in that the texture than have me do it. Your background looks amazing.