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Hi sweeties!

How are you going? :D I'm working a lot this week ^^ And tomorrow I'm going with some friends to the mountain! I'm excited :D

So here is a new speedpaint. Have you seen the drawing yet? I thought it could be a good idea to show the timekeeper so you can see how much it cost to me each part! ^^ Enjoy i!

So I wanted to share with you a couple of ideas:

[+$3 Tiers] The first one is doing an event with you. As you know one of the rewards are Linearts! So maybe would you like to get the lineart in PNG and color this line? ^^ I would love to see your versions! And of course I could share them in my IG stories! Would you be interested? :3

[All the Tiers] The second one is sharing with you my schedule and give you some tips to organize yourself. This post will be a bit longer but I would really love to share this with you! Do you like the idea? ^^

As always, suggestions are welcome!

Have a nice day! :3





Great job on the glow alba! I was actually needing some tricks for glowy hands I had trouble with on my current piece. This was perfect timing lol 💕💕


And I know who is this (the dtiys of one extremely kind soul) ^^ Well, i’d like to see your schedule, personal stuff is always intriguing -P P.S. Like a true admirer of glow (seen tons of it and I hope I can make some nice too xD) I do admit this is the AWESOME glow.


Oh! I want to see that piece! You can leave the hand white and add the glow with a textured brush in a luminosity layer or overlay layer :D


Aaaaa so happy you like the glow (I'm a big fan too!) and the idea! And yes!!!! She is a sweetheart!!!