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Hi sweeties! ^^

How is going your weekend? :D 

I wanted to share this with you! It's related to how to build an universe if you are planning to do a novel or a comic. In [Muraka Project] 's universe there are conventional animals and plants but, in addition, dragons. 

Dragons are mythological creatures that I've always liked, but actually some types of lizards in our planet are called dragon too.

And in this world, dragons are magical creatures, more intelligent than humans, but there are different races.

For this reason, and considering that when I was little I was a geek of the dinosaurs, I thought to design cards of each dragon race that exists in this world.

I will add them to the end of some chapters of the webcomic, and to give it more realism, I have decided that it will be a collection that really exists in that world. Like when we collected pokemon or footaballer cards! ^^

Sorry for this random explanation, but I wanted to share this curiosity!

By the way the card is done with Paint Tool Sai and Illustrator!

Have a nice day!



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