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Good day/night sweeties! 

 General information 

  • Features: if you want your account to be featured every monday (sometimes I don't find the time this day so I do it other day of the week) I would need your Instagram. Otherwise, I can't say if you don't want to be featured or something :(
  • Drive. I've been sent you a invitation to Drive, where I post linearts, drawings, wallpapers, speedpaints... If you haven't received it please, let me know!!
  • Tutorials [3$]. I've decided to post tutorials everyweek (instead of once a month, as it's said in the schedule). They will be images of the process and the fourth day a tutorial with voice! 
  • Material review. This will be one/two times a month, exclusive for +$5 patrons! Tomorrow I will post my first review, and I will open it too for $3, just this time :D I hope you enjoy it!
  • Corrections of your work.  If you want to benefit from this reward you can send me a drawing a week [$10] or a month [$5]. I will be happy to help! My email is kalisdice@gmail.com: 3

Also, I want to remind you my Tiers, I've been adding different things to each one. 

The first change is the Drive. I think I've sent you the link to access the content, but please, if there is any problem, please let me know!!

Capuccino [1$]: features, sketches, polls, speedpaints, WIPs, Tips and Wallpapers (Drive). 

Chai Latte [3$]:  

  • Features, sketches, polls, speedpaints, WIPs, Tips and Wallpapers (Drive)
  • Step by step, Linearts (Drive), tips and reviews of your work, tutorials
  • Free print raffle 

Vanilla Coffee [5$]:

  •  Features, sketches, polls, speedpaints, WIPs, Tips and Wallpapers (Drive)
  • Step by step, Linearts (Drive), tips and reviews of your work, tutorials
  • PSD/Sai files and digital illustrations ready to priny (Drive), full process videos, art supplies review 
  • Free print raffle 
  • Free simple doodle raffle 


Hot Chocolate [10$]:

  • Features, sketches, polls, speedpaints, WIPs, Tips and Wallpapers (Drive)
  • Step by step, Linearts (Drive), tips and reviews of your work, tutorials
  • PSD/Sai files [of drawings you choose] and digital illustrations ready to priny (Drive), full process videos, art supplies review 
  • Correction of your work!! (A full pdf with a personal correction, 3 or 4 drawings per month)
  • Free shipping on Etsy
  • Free print every month + free print raffle 
  • Free simple doodle + free simple doodle raffle
  • Bust colored commission raffle  

Mocca [5$]: (new and no cumulative!)

  • General tips, step by step, tutorials, process videos and speedpaints, art supplies review and corrections of your work (one drawing per month) 

This last Tier has been created in order to have access to information related to learning! I have created it in case some person is interested simply in improving drawing, leaving aside everything else (gifts, drawings and material, draws, features ...)


And I think that's all :D 

Well, just a little reminder that I always try to follow the schedule which is posted in my profile, but this may suffer alterations in the days I post the content! (for example tomorrow I'll post the speedpaint and the tutorial of the week because today I couldn't post it!). Sorry for possible inconvenciences :(

Thank you so much for reading! And I really hope you are enjoying this content! :DD

Have a nice day loves!



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