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Well! That's that! I'm very tired! Thank you so much for your patience and support!

A couple of these may or may not be completed in the future, but for right now, my brain is fried from this week and I am looking forward to a more-normalized schedule.

Thanks for supporting me in this so that I am able to continue paying bills, and donating to charities like GamesDoneQuick.




Hoping that Toadette gets colored in the future. Get plenty of rest you epic beast


Snao; this week has seen you draw so many lovely pictures, colour and complete them, all while maintaining a standard of pure excellence. And all for charity. You're amazing, Snao. Thank you.


Awesome work! You seem to have gotten a lot faster, I seem to remember you still releasing these a week after the event last year(maybe exaggerating I don't exactly remember). Good job sir!


Please do make sure you rest your body and mind after this week of supercharge.


After pumping out so many pictures, you deserve some rest

Reiku Yin

Get some rest dear. You always over-preform on these. The fact the quality never suffers is amazing. Always have my support, but make sure you don't over do it.


I hope you got to enjoy the event this week, between the crazy work you've put in. Always excited to see your work (whatever form it ends up in). Rest well !


Once again you were an absolute trooper Snao. Loved all of these and I'm in awe at the commitment you have for this event on your own way.


I'm still in awe of your ability to do all these! Have yourself a good rest 😊 also thank you for my wife Gardevoir 🥺


Yahhh! I was able to fulfill their cumulative grand prize incentive of 250 USD again, so thanks for helping me afford that again!


So, to be clear about this: The first time I did this, I attempted to start when the marathon did because I thought that would be a "fair" way to do the challenge. I didn't have fun with it at all, like it was miserable. So at the next GDQ, I decided "Well they plan in advance. The runners practice in advance, so I will prepare work at least 1 week in advance too." And everyone enjoyed that better, and I had a better time of it, while still challenging myself. I will admit that I did get faster from these events though, even considering the 1-2 weeks of prep


Yah! That's definitely why I only do this twice a year lol. This one was a bit of a crunch because normally SGDQ is in July, not in June


Yeah I really liked the JRPG speedruns as usual. The RPG speedrunner commentary is always crazy-good.


While GDQ's changed in ways that I understand had to happen. Cuz it literally started in a basement, and eventually became more-optimized... I still very much cherish the GDQ for its endless good memories. So yah, I promote it, and put forward a chunk of my income toward it! I'm just glad people tolerate this, since it IS variety-posting, which is like. It's just objectively bad for business (people prefer a stabilized theme overall lol)


Thank you for your support! I'll find some way to rest without getting bored probably haha