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Definitely real firearms that I didnt just make up on the spot, as inspired by Shadow the Hedgehog's pump-action MP5.
These are some kind of mystery knockoff USPs.

The Shadow the Hedgehog speedrun is scheduled to occur in about 1 hour.
This is part of the ( gamesdonequick.com ) SGDQ Blitz Week of images where I'm trying to do as much work as humanly possible in a week, speedrun style! Sort of. Speedpaint style? Some will be sketches.

The speedrun marathon runs 24/7, and it ends next Sunday.

Thank you so much for your support during this hectic week!




Ngl. I always thought the pump action shadow did for the MP5 was cause his hands were just that big that he could rack the bolt like a pump action




This is copium. Also copium was finding an airsoft version of this MP5 firearm that was pump action


Lol probably is copium. Albeit i was vet dissapointed they didn't have Shadow do the HK slap instead


Mommy shadow, mmm yess good.


god damn Shadow's got a thick chest. Boobs so big you can see them from the back are already god tier, but nipples I can see too? Now we're fucking talking!!


This is the only way to make Shadow palatable to me. Big sexy lady


luckily they look a lot like suppressed Tec-9s!


Beautiful as always, though while I do my best to avoid doing this I am a bit sad there's no (visible) penor. Bustyboi sonic characters just hit right, y'know?


jokingly I'm surprised she didn't blow it up with her Third Gun


Can we start a petition for more futa knuckles? She looks hot af in this

Margaret Trauth

The only way this could be better is if the heels were also guns, ala Bayonetta.


This hedgehog gonna make me act up 😩


I absolutely love the red black and gold, my colors.

Jimbob (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 11:29:05 Fun fact, the gun he cocks is actually a Troy 223. Which IS pump action cocked :>
2023-06-01 07:00:41 Fun fact, the gun he cocks is actually a Troy 223. Which IS pump action cocked :>

Fun fact, the gun he cocks is actually a Troy 223. Which IS pump action cocked :>

Jimbob (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 11:29:06 Wicked pic by the way <3
2023-06-01 07:01:10 Wicked pic by the way <3

Wicked pic by the way <3