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A series of images I am doing "for" AGDQ. I'm doing them for fun really. AGDQ is a video game speedrunning event hosted at https://gamesdonequick.com/
Thank you for your support and patience! Not all of these images will have alts prepared for them because I'm trying to complete as many different images as possible!

I looked up if April was ever mutated, and she was via a teleporter/dna accident. So I piggybacked on that idea with mutagen.




Big muscles and bigger booba is such a wonderful combination


It looks like she's enjoying herself but isn't quite satisfied. Excellent work. As others have said really hope we see her again at some point.

Reiku Yin

Oh right when she became a cat that one time. But giving her roll back in those days as the damsel, she could not be giving things to allow her power or fend for herself. If they revisited that idea now-a-days it would be a power up. I think I said it on another piece with the same vibe that I'd not mind that one bit.


oh lord! She is a wild one


She's a super happy cheeta reporter! I dunno if she'll return at this time :V


uuuuuuoooohhhhhhh April nips


Aaah, I see she customized things to Show Off Them Guns.


Ya ya ya! It's been a while since exploding out of the old clothes!


I didn't know i needed this, BUT NOW I REALLY DO!!!

Norman A. Letterman

Absolutely lovely design. Need a show like this.


hehehe GDQ is sure a treasure now, those awesome models looks amazing. ^^ I really enjoy how cheerful and moody this piece is, a wonderful design for her. Great work Nao.


Omg! Love it! 😍