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Updated: First pass shading version.

I am shifting gears to AGDQ-related images, and I dont know if it's feasible to have alt-images prepared for them!
Because I want to try and do a wider variety of images up front.

This Noelle pic interrupted that plan because I did a twitter incentive for 1000 retweets, and it managed to get there somehow.
So.. This is what to expect soon enough!

As for the AGDQ stuff, again, I am picking ideas from the schedule itself, and so far I have 2.5 base images done for that (Urbosa, Coco Bandicoot, Rouge the Bat(Sonic Heroes)) . I definitely will try to restrain myself from doing fully-rendered images for every idea there, since it's completely impossible...
But hopefully at least decent drawings, as the level of finish.

This Noelle pic will be completed first though, and hopefully at a decent quality!



Reiku Yin

Doe wifu is ok to have interrupt even if she'd never do that maybe. But clearly she ran to hard. get that girl an onahole or something. *peers* Or more condoms apparently.


It is a looong Christmas night for Noelle :3c


I love how she's obviously in the middle of some kind of tf/growth process; she's far too big for the bed she's annihilating.


I'd love to see some longer form sequence or comic about the changes some of these characters go through. Whether that's with one of these more-recognisable characters, or with one of your characters, or doing some deep dive into Naoki lore...


hehehe dont worrie Snao, as always you dont need go FULL POWER on those AGDQ pieces, you can do as you always do, with a few monochrome pieces now), and upgrade then later if you enjoy those results. We believe you can bring wonderful stuff and we want you to bring the stuff you love. ^^ And man you did go raw with Noele, this sequence alone is outstanding my friend and those body volumes are awesome. ^^ ( her milkies are perfect). always good check your inner work, I do love how you render shades and is my honest wish I could learn from it. would be good either check your inner files works or a simple video progress on it. Again make a good work on this steamy noelle. ^^




mmmyes~ Not even really familiar with deltarune, but you make Noelle real cute. love needy babes too hung for their own good~ Would love to see a similarly endowed Elora from ya. (also, been a long-time admirer, love your growth and tf sequences and the way you draw them veins~)


Looking good! Bet she wants to stuff a purple girl full of whitenstuff


Speaking of veins, hope to see a version of this one with that *north-pointing pole* positively bulging with 'em. ^^


Thaaaanks. :V I dunno when I'll do another Elora tho! But probably since Spyro 2 appears in the agdq schedule!


Yah idk! Comics are incredibly high effort, so I shy away from them because I can make more pinups faster


Ya I probably shouldnt go max effort on them, so that I can cut fewer ideas


I am loving your version of Noelle Way better than a cute little deer


Thinking's for suckers!