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Not to alarm anyone, but I am having some dental work done that'll have a pain management time that I'm told will last around a week or so.

I'm not sure how this is going to affect my ability to continue work.

Also have a weird painting I did from 2019 when I was having a mental breakdown about not being a serious-enough artist.




Hoping for a good dental procedure and a speedy recovery. Also nice mental breakdown donut.

Pretty Pink Pony Princess

Hope it goes well, just focus on recovering! A week down is no biggie and people will understand if it knocks you out for the time.


Wishing that the week passes quickly for you!


Take whatever time you need to rest and heal, Snao.

Brian Scott

Best of luck with the procedure! Hope the pain afterwards ain’t too bad ^^


Hope it goes well, I had some of that done this year and it was a pain, hope it's not as bad for you, but yeah take all the time you need!


I take your painting stuff very seriously, it is very good


you are one of the hardest working artists i know so please take as much time as you need to recover. these arent excuses theyre just facts.


Ok! Teeth pain sucks, take all the time you need. Your health (physical and mental) comes first.


Hope the dental work goes well! Take all the time you need to recover : )


Homer Simpson's terrible dream .... Oh, teeth, that's another problem, I treated mine every week for 6 months in a row .... it's still a pleasure, but I got a very qualified doctor. Take care of your Health with Christmas and the coming New Year, the main thing is that inspiration does not leave you)


May dental things go well.

Setsune Wave

Rest up, hope it goes well!


Hope your dental work goes well, and that the pain isn't too bad! I also gotta go to the dentist soon so, you at least won't be alone either hehe.

Margaret Trauth

God I feel like I’ve been having a low-key breakdown about not being Serious Enough about my art in one way or another for the past five or six years. I should try doing something as ludicrous as a toothy donut.

Emery Frenette

ahahaha i feel the latter dude :') heal up!! your well-being is important!