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So which characters would you like to see in Halloween type stuff at all?
I'm going to *start* with a Renamon tho. (It's the witch sketch Im starting with)

But immediately after, I run out of ideas. Maybe another Ankha? But as a mummy? Maybe a zooombie mummy so she can be all pale or green or purple or something???

But what else? idk.



Vampire Vanilla


How about COCO Bandicoot wearing Halloween costumes or Goth COCO.


Actually, BAYONETTA VANILLA would be neat


How about a werewolf?


Horny xenomorph is always a good pick for spooky stuff


Zombie mummy sounds interesting. How about a necromancer toriel? Or Naoki dressed up for Halloween too?

Nathan Smith

Toriel is always a good pick or if ya wanna do something out of left field you could do Miranda from Wakfu.

Cosmo Cassamassa

Alphys and Undyne as Dr Frankenstein and the monster please


Rivet dressed as Courtney Gears


Rouge for sure maybe in Dark stalkers Morrigan fashion. :D I also vote for some juicy hyper pussy glory too.


First thing that came to mind was Belladonna from Trials of Mana in Bayonetta's outfit.


Separate Courtney Gears fitted with Snao's upgrades


Something with Coco/Kola growing out of a costume


Definitely vote for more Coco and other bandicoots, you do them great. Maybe some living jack-o-lantern stuff? Naoki personally attending the fun? xD concentrated gro candy that makes consumer really high on the stuff? Also rouge the bat has to come to mid cuz bats & halloween. That's aboutall i can think of xD




I'm in the mood for some cliche Halloween shenanigans. Perhaps some classic costumes on some exceptional ladies? Like the classic Jason/Serial Killer, Ghost, Vampire, Frankenstein, Mummy, Demon/Devil, etc. Who gets what outfit is the real question.


Maybe Lucky from Animal Crossing since he’s technically a mummy. But give him big ole boobers.


Susie from Deltarune who is already a monster so you wouldn't have to do much to make her spooky?


Wouldn't mind seeing you draw Sly Cooper and Fox McCloud bumping into one another but they're dressed up in each other's outfits. X3


Ankha would be lovely to see indeed, perhaps as vampire for change of theme? Also Naoki as werewolf could be cool. :3c


Some sonic girls all were-hoged? Or maybe some hapless victim wandering into a Gro+ factory that they think is abandoned and activating some interesting security measures? Hard to break and enter when your assets are the size of mattresses. Or maybe to that end, Rouge breaking and entering? I'm always a sucker for story-based images. Some boys getting the Gro+treatment would be fun too.


May I vote for a Halloween Kanna ( blaster master) dress as cute witch with a heavy pumpkin theme ( both on scenarios and painted/design on her clothes) with her face doing a pumpkin grim ( but on cute/funny way). A absolute HUGE spooky dong would be a good plus. :P


Coco, Tawna, Nitro squad, any Crash girls really. Played Deltarune last week so maybe Susie or Asriel/Ralsei

Samuel Albert Mell

God I am *so* down for more mult-dick Ankha. Mummy would be great too, and hey it fits the egyptian theme! And maybe Sandy Marton just jamming in the background >_>

Sinji Thewp

I second seeing any of the Crash girls, perhaps gettin pummmmmmmped in some way (getting pumped bigger is confirmed to be halloween related, I checked google) :)

Leonardo Luis

I'm just gonna toss in an unlikely suggestion on the off chance ya decide to try: Micha from symphogear cause claws, teeth, and ya can do something spooky with a haunted doll theme.


I'd love to see some whisper art

Actual Bastard

There's apparently another Deltarule fembot so that'd be cool, I also like the idea of more Crash girls. Sonic characters as well since it's a bit of a tradition for ya :P


I'm trying to find some Halloween justification for it, but nothing's really coming to mind. I'd really like to see Naoki as a taur of some kind though.


I mean I always enjoy your OC shenanigans : )


Witches. just all witches. There's also Frankenstein stuff, making the perfect waifu


Rouge obviously, or any other sonic character haha


How about MalO/scp-1471? Would love to see your take on her.

Margaret Trauth

Ankha as something *not* Egyptian themed. Like a cowboy.


I would like to see Coco Bandicoot or Amy Rose for halloween particularly in a growth seqhence so I can watch those cocks get hyoooog. 👀


Robots of any type are hot


How about a big tiddy guilmon wearing Mai Shiranui’s outfit, Lucario wearing Lei Lei’s outfit from dark stalkers, or a yoshi wearing a Mario outfit, a big chesty female bowser wearing Asriel’s robes


lol I'm having the same issues... Maybe draw some malware version of renamon... or renamon/tasque manager mashup


Halloween Tori >///v///>

Iridium Wolf

werewolf Renamon. n.n

Agent Shark

WereGarurumon werewolf is an easy target ;)


Vampire Goth Evil Coco, maybe vampirella or elvira style with the big hair, or something more original


Blaze the Cat


Snaokenstein's monster. Build your own babe out of the best body parts, implants and endowments you can get your hands on.


How about SCP-1471, Mal0? She's spooky and sexy, perfect fit for Halloween!


I'll second anything costume related like that, all the more if its fighting game costumes

Mecha Kaiju X

Any OC/character dressed as a Deltarune character for Halloween (like Kris or Susie's outfit) :3

Pal Kia

How about a wendigo or other creature (like Specimen 8, etc. ) growing bigger from the viewer's fear?~


Tiny Kong. I'm here for top quality monkeys.


Ghost versions of charcters. The usual babes dressed up as eachother. (Tails wearing a Renamon costume for example). Maybe just some OC's going around trick or treating too characters houses for free Gro+ bottles lol let your imagination run wild we'll love whatever you come up with!

Elayn Dougle

Theres like a headless zombie girl monster musume or something, maybe something horror/sexy? Like the girl autofellates herself?


Kind of missing the hose-gro-based inflations and sciency stuff


anything as long as it's a robot pls


Star from Star vs the forces of evil?


I always like muscular characters. Maybe like a She-Hulk, or some Amazon?