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^^^The full set is in the zip!^^^

The high commander has become a bit eccentric. The war effort has long been won strategically and all pretense of the stragglers being a threat has evaporated.

And so, the mission of the military changed to exploration and repopulation, as headed by the empath warrior princess, now queen.

Not too, TOO many different versions this time because of the overwhelming complexity of the mesh...
But I do hope that you will find satisfaction!




Might you do lip edits in the future? I think she'd look great with a bottom lip.


Nice simple set :nodders:


I hope someday we can be graced with the glory of a hyper pussy Krystal :D


I approve ;)

Sinji Thewp

the color choice fuckin rockssssssssss


Definitely loving the new dress uniform she's got on. <3


background is some Hawkwind on distillate trip and she's perfect, piece is unreal <3


Boy I sure do!


Oh hell yea

Reiku Yin

Red on blue with purple tones. Very pleasing colour use. Tho I thin she should be more worried about how many recruits are going to be standing at attention before her if she's going around like that, more so if they are already shaped like that or near it.

Actual Bastard

Repopulation services are extremely important, and in this house we salute our brave troops for them!! 🦾


Quality bounce! At first I thought this was the most strenuous hopscotch game out there.


Morale went through the roof!

Sinji Thewp

will we see bigggerrrrrrr?


This set is done due to the overwhelming level of detail I shouldn't have committed to


Im not sure the hopscotch floor can take her weight for long


eheheheh. Well! They'll start their training to come close to her size!


haha oh dear. idk if this one has the time to spare for it


Mayyyybe but probably not this time around. D: This one kinda sucked up a lot of my time

Sinji Thewp

Id say it was worth though. Its legit crazy the amount of stuff in this!

Margaret Trauth

My brain is leaping from "Krystal-Like Objct" to the SF trope of the "Big Dumb Object" and ending up at "Big Dumb Krystal" and I'm not sure how I feel about actually trying to figure out what that would entail.