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Clarity update 1:

For people concerned about censorship laws in Japan, people use offsite hosting with de-mosiac images.

I will probably do a poll post later in the week for a  phase of second opinions, for people who are not comfortable with leaving a comment.

Sorry for spamming inboxes, but I wanted to address a frequently repeated comment concerned with censorship compliance.


Comradery is Dead On Arrival because of their overly strict NSFW policy 


I hate making text-only posts!
So Patreon is going to hold a livestream conference in about a month, around September 23, focusing on NSFW policy.

They are being vague about the wording and description of this, which *technically* means it can *technically* be anything. 

However, given the recent implosion of OnlyFans' NSFW policy change, and where Patreon's original investments/venture capital came from, I think that this is intentionally being vague. Taking no tonal position until they host the livestream.

I personally don't believe it will be good, because most websites doing nsfw policy changes have been to slowly remove it, but I haven't prepared an alternative yet, such as Subscribestar or Pixiv Fanbox.

So, in the event of a Patreon collapse due to pressure from religious puritans not on Patreon itself, but on Patreon's e-money handlers (such as credit card companies), would you prefer Subscribestar as an alternative, or Pixiv Fanbox?

It's important to ask now, so that I can be more prepared



Shit as long as its still a dollar I'll go anywhere


probably fanbox, most people I follow are on Pixiv. Fucking wack though


Pixiv fanbox!


Personally I have used pixiv fanbox and feel it’s UI works pretty well. Don’t have much if an opinion on subscribestar though.


Can someone clarify Pixiv Fandom? Or is it literally the same as patreon?


I have only fallowed others on Subscribestar, But I'm fine with which ever one is best for the creator.


I think if you go the fanbox route you will have to censor all the dongs as they aren't allowed I believe. I think subscribestar also allows people to pay dates be the day they joined each month so I don't know how that would effect you income plans. I don't know if you can change that.


I use Fanbox; can't speak to what it's like for creators, but it's fine thus far as a subscriber and seems to be a lot farther removed from the clutches of the Dominionist Right and their captured financial processors


Fanbox, but remember at they're following Japan's standards/Take of "mature" content.


Fanbox, personally speaking.


Could show censored versions on Fanbox and have a link to a password-protected uncensored Dropbox archive?


Fanbox provided there's way to get uncensored files


subscribestar would be prefered because pixiv has to follow japan's censorship laws.


Fanbox please




Subscribestar definitely

Riley Renamon

Either one but Subscribe star would be a better choice


Subscribestar is a platform by assholes, for assholes, but I find it preferable to the platform that's going to require you to censor your work, by law.


Whichever works best is good by me. Just provide info and instructions as necessary and I will follow. 👍


id go star, just cause pixiv follows japanese censorship law


I use Fanbox already with no problems, but whichever fits your content/needs the best, I’ll make the move.


Subscribestar. Its less worse than having to censor because japananse are silly with their censor


Check out Comradery, it's a co-op so if you join as a creator, you get a direct stake in sitewide management, though it's still in alpha


gonna vote subscribestar also, if you dont wanna make a text only post, scribble some tiddies on a napkin, caption it with "read and vote" and we will all click the link




I use fanbox for Sinensian, it's pretty simple


I'd say Subscribestar like the others. I'd prefer to have uncensored art if at all possible.


Subscribestar for sure.

Ore wa Sutandoda dai o!

Fanbox is easy, 'cause it just uses your Pixiv account. But I could always make a Subscribestar account, I know I've put it off long enough.

Actual Bastard

I prefer Fbox since a lot of (especially asian) creators I follow have accounts on Pixiv and PayPal payouts are available (and a bigger presence on Pixiv could be beneficial to you regardless). If you choose this platform though, you'll have to place the uncensored content on links outside of the website (I recommend MEGA or Google Drive) and censor the images uploaded to the platform itself.


I have before when it was originally announced, their NSFW policy was dead on arrival, and I am not interested in it after it already took that stance even if they changed since then. I would only use them as a last resort because of their original NSFW stance was justified by their banking/billing concerns.

Margaret Trauth

God I wish I could say Comradery but they are in alpha and they are quite frank about not wanting to do the “let porn on to grow until we are big enough to get noticed by payment processors” dance.


I think discord is the best course of action. Just make a server that only your patrons have access to and post your arts there


I'd vote for Fanbox if only they didn't force to censor everything and forbid linking to uncensored content. So Subscribestar I guess?


I currently am using FanBox for a few folks. Don't have a SubscribeStar, but I can make an account.


This *might* change due to me getting financially pressured by exchange rate fees. I don't know yet. I'm sorry for having to be honest about this, but it's definitely a possible factor.


Can't say I'm surprised, I had heard a rumour before the OnlyFans nonsense that Patreon tried to enforce their own TOS on the F-list website (as F-list was using this for a membership system) and it went about as well as you would expect. I already have a presence on SubscribeStar but I'll follow wherever you go. On a side note, cumrocket.io is really trying to capitalize on these shenanigans, it'll be interesting to see how that goes.


I have zero interest in involving myself and this community in NFT startups. Far too risky, and even the original NFT network was basically a pump'n'dump scam. I expect all the startups to follow similar altcoin trends.

Stelard Actek

I think I'd prefer subscribestar.

Setsune Wave

I have a SubscribeStar and at least functionality-wise I'm pretty happy with it so far. I'd love to give you a referral link if you sign up, if you would be assenting to that.

Vanessa Faye

Subscribestar all the way, much better than pixiv fanbox

Samuel Albert Mell

Pixiv Fanbox, if only because I already have an account for it so it would be easier for me.


I'd prefer Subscribestar cuz Pixiv is too Japanese centric


Pixiv Fanbox is kind of a pain to use, I'd prefer SubscribeStar.

Reiku Yin

SubscribeStar or a discord

Leonardo Luis

Arguably, if you're willing to deal with the hassle of double uploading, going with both would allow the option for people who have accounts on either or to support you without having to weigh the cost/benefits of making a new account on a different platform?


I have Pixiv Fanbox so I'd say that, but could follow you to SS, see how it goes.


Does pixiv fanbox require mosaic images as well? I've only got a regular pixiv so idk if fanbox is any different


Ya, it's a national law. People use offsite hosting (dbox / gdrive / mega) to get around that apparently.


Subscribestar feels pretty similar to patreon for a subscriber compared to pixiv fanbox, it feels nicer to use. Though the ultimate move is to have both!


Subscribestar probably although I have Pixiv Fanbox account also so to me personally it's no big hassle for either.


I appreciate the update. I'd say I like Fanbox the best, but either is fine really


Less clutter on my phone i'd say x3 if it has to happen, i just hope for an archive of the goods x3

Happy Potato

I'm fine with either, as long you're okai mang!


Personally I would be fine with both. But be aware that you cannot subscribe on Subscribestar with Paypal, you basically need a credit card. Not everyone has one. Pixiv offers more payment options and is generally really easy to navigate as well.


Thank you, this is particularly valuable feedback, as I haven't made the time to look more deeply into either yet.


I'm also worried about Pixiv as they already have censorship rules, but apparently they're never enforced. I think Subscribestar would be fine, though I haven't messed with it yet. Either way, I hope this pressure backfires and blows up in their faces.


I'm fine with either, I haven't tried subscribestar, but I have used pixiv fanbox and it's pretty much the same thing as patreon. Artists who I subscribe to there who upload uncensored genitals usually slap them inside zips in PDS/GIMP format, or host them on MEGAs as a workaround. If that seems like too much of a hassle for you then subscribestar might work better.

Mecha Kaiju X

If Patreon goes under, pixiv is probably the best alternative.


Any pressure from the NSFW community would be outweighed by the pressure from the foundational nature of the pressure of e-money handlers. If the actual money exchangers pull the plug, the entire website is dead. It's wishful thinking, but it's always worth a shot, is why Im discussing alternatives now.




subscribestar, you don't have to worry about censors and it has discord integration(if you decide to use one in the future).


Pixiv fan box.

Mark G

That's a good point. I wonder if it would be against Patreon's upcoming stance/policy if you're just selling access to something (like a Discord server channel), rather than the actual thing (raw files on here). You can already control Discord permissions depending on Patreon tiers.