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Rough sketches. Big bappos. Big bepsi'ses.

Quarantine concerns finally set in on my mental health. Not enough to make me stop, but it definitely has been a frequent interruption/distraction.

Sorry for bringing world news up yet again, but I thought that I should explain my reduced speed.

I'm going to stop using that lined paper unless it leads to complete work from now on. It's waterproof paper! So I can use it anywhere at any time without any worry. Even when I relax in the shower/tub, I can continue doing a bit more work.

That can sound like Im overworking, but really it's fine. I did manage to set aside time for Doom Eternal when that was released and marathon-played that.

To-do List: Return to Isabelle pic.




Good to hear you're doing fine. Love all the doodles :eyes:


Good to see you posting and what a sweet selection of sketches it is too! Goth balloon Nao and Bunny are definitely faves. :3

Sinji Thewp

you able to get up outside for fresh air or something during the day? that's been helping me. Just gotta get movin out of the house even though there's nothing to do. Also the goth balloon pic is nice :D


Happy to hear your managing to stay in good health during the quarantine. also love ya roughs.

Mecha Kaiju X

Goth balloons are the best balloons ^^ stay healthy Snao!


Oh good, I am now more horny for Bugs


didn't expect you to hop on the Bugs train but happy you did 👀