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Her name is Liz. I haven't played Crash Team Racing at all. Does she have a last name? idk. She was the bustiest Grid Girl in the original game, and now she's back as a contender.

I was slightly surprised that the Nitro Squad's members all have different proportions. Uhhhhhhh anyway I like Liz's hair?? Probably because it's similar to Vier's? Sort of?

So Liz's voice is British-ish from the one video I heard so I had the dumb idea to dress her up as Lara Croft. They're just leaving all these future-past lost-technology eggs layin around!!

Im very sleepy and watching Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom on GDQ.

Pencil's sketch included.




Hey, this looks great! I love how squeezable and huggable the breasts look as the shirt sticks to them. Hope you get some good rest my dude!


I like Liz's hair too, and I like this


Why do you just make, like, the hottest bandicoots


This is incredible, the world you create for these babes really draw me in


Gee I wonder what that artifact is gonna do. Also, I think i’ve seen you have characters with those Lara Croft sunglasses a few times.


Oh wow O:


I've always liked the look and Lara Croft was definitely one of the best looking with the glasses. They came back in stuff like The Matrix and Natural Born Killers and stuff like that.


Yea I need to do it more often. Even some simple splashes seem like they add a lot, but some more fully formed backgrounds are nice. They take a lotta time sometime tho.. but.. still...... seems to be worth the effort.


Thanks! And ya, they're wobblin everywhere cuz it's anime


Your work always impresses, Snao. All the detail in the pillar and the device, and in all of Liz's gear, comes together to make a really good looking pic. Well done!


Thank you very much. It was an interesting experience to make it


GDQ has been fun (watching RE2 run now D8 ); I love this on so many levels. Classic Lara Croft design on a re-imagined furry Waifu~ I can hear that playstation spinning up already.