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Feel free to throw comments and suggestions at me while you're here. It doesn't have to be here either. Hit me up on twitter or tumblr or weasyl or whatever. Keep in mind that all of them will be NSFW at some point I don't always reply to comments, but I make sure to read them anyway. http://certifiedhypocrite.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/AStupidJerk https://www.weasyl.com/~naoki Also a good time to remind you that you cannot use paypal in a NSFW transaction on Patreon. Nonetheless, I appreciate the support, and it's more respect than I expected to earn from everyone so far. (Sorry, I'm a pessimist at heart.)



You can find draws mostly under the #TehSean and #Snao tags and at https://www.weasyl.com/~naoki Hi this blog is a spammy reblog blog. It is #NSFW and NSFW. NSFW This is a place where I post gross...



Thanks for continuing to share your art with us, and giving your fans a chance to give a little back.


I don't have much to suggest but just a thanks for your amazing art that you keep producing and sharing ;w;


Nack here, just keep doing what yer doing.


Well you definitely have a good idea about my suggestions. :D

Sinji Thewp

what are some of your more favorite things to draw (i think i know a few) but things like you have fun with when drawing


Ummn. Process images I think? Sequences. They tend to be incredibly time consuming though!