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Hey it's a callback to that one Coco Bandicoot picture where she's wearing some kind of skimpy sports uniform for some kind of futuresport that's like the XFL, but kinky.

Anyway, here's a thing where it's like. The weird performative nature of voyeurism and/or public humiliation or something. Where like. It takes a great deal of acting to suspend disbelief.

Sort of like a lot of fetish-focused imagery where it's like. "Oh gosh how does this keep happening to meeeeee" and leads to a lot of bizarre narratives in more serious work where people go "the villain and the hero *need* eachother" ... anyway. Uh.

It's Maple Salt, an obvious knock-off character that is, for whatever reason, working in the high contact world of competitive breast enlargement.

Why's it out of order? This was a brainstorm page.



Norman A. Letterman

The whole concept sounds very entertaining. Competitive Breast Enlargement seems like something the GRO marketing team would come up with. Also, Maple Sugar might be less obvious - quality reference regardless.


I dig this - there's something about boobie greed mixed with a competition that sounds wonderful to me.


Juice up. Hit the field. Juice up. Hit the field. Repeat. :D


Competing for the most graceful hyper is v important


have you ever done a full write-up on Gro?


I don't really want to. It's a magic substance for the most part. The only limitation I place on it is that it's like other drugs, where taking more doesn't mean more-faster. It means nausea / poison symptoms.


Love the bit of world building (always seems like you put thought behind this stuff rather than just being boobs for boobs sake) and the concept of competitive growth competitions. You keep coming up with great concepts I want to keep seeing more/continuations of!


Woof! I say "WOOF". Keep juicing!


Well! .. Yeah! A little, but it's all y'kno. Like trying to predict the weather. Or something.


muscle weighs more than fat weighs more than muscle weighs

Baron Von Seide

Giving this page some close attention... a lot going on here. “Ominous Heft” could be a good character name... most likely the “heavy”. One of ‘em, anyway. & a new sport needs a catchy inane slogan- along the lines of “It Takes Inflated BALLS To Play GRINDER.” Or, something. Also the psychological background feels especially promising. New Year begins well-


finally the proper proportions for this doggo~!


can there be a full body art of this busty boi?~


idk why, but the frist time I saw Maple I kinda blushed, which only has happened once before. One thing would be for sure, Chris would be watching Maple 'bulk up' and probably be too shy to do anything else. x3