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Uh oh a penis!!!

It says why do I create when this text entry was empty.

I make porn that nobody else wants to make. That's it. Haha. Doug Winger died, so I can't just sit on my hands waiting for things I enjoy to just fall into the internet.

Anyway lol. 

This is the first of two simple uploads.




Your art means a whole lot to me, I think, and I'm glad you're still sharing it with us. It's an aesthetic I love and miss, for one of the reasons in your post. I've followed you for a long time and I appreciate what you do 💚


I admit I like this version better, because I like the outfit, love the shoes a whole lot, and the hair line effect that the PENIS just sort of distracts from everything else.


That's a very good point, and Im glad ya like the stylized stripey stuff.


;w; Thank you for saying so. It always surprises me when I read stuff this sincere because..welll... It's an irony-poisoned world on the internet and it's rare to hear. Thanks again.


I really love your outfit designs and I'm glad you gave us both versions, because I really like having the option to just appreciate the cute outfit you drew up. Also I'm glad you keep making the things you like to make, and I hope you're doing ok! I know a text post under a picture isn't exactly a window into the soul or anything, but sometimes you post a comment or two that has me wondering if you're doing alright. Sorry about the paragraph, just going to end by saying weird is good, and you're one of the best at it!


Oh no no no don't apologize for caring. I appreciate it a lot. I'm doing pretty ok! Just wish I could do art way more x_x;