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The night with Luna was flavorful, hot, and steamy. Having cherished the beauty all around and explored every inch of her body, Harry felt much calmer and focused.

So, as the new day came and they sneaked back into the school, they packed their bags to return home for Christmas. But this time, Harry didn't bother returning to the Dursleys and chose to remain at the Burrow with the Weasleys.

This feels strange. He noticed something as soon as he arrived at the place. It feels like every adult is trying to avoid me.

Harry had seen a few guests coming there over the days, and other than the usual greetings, they never talked about anything else. Even Remus and Nymphadora acted as if there was no Dark Lord to fight against.

Hermione must have informed them. What a curse, I can't plan anything with them anymore. The more Harry thought about it, the more useless he felt. I must find a way to gain an upper hand. All this knowledge from Voldemort's brain has got to have a use.

"Hey, Harry."

"Ginny," Harry stopped as he was walking upstairs to Ron's room, where he was staying for the time being.

He checked her out from top to bottom. Cascading waves of vibrant red hair spread over shoulders, a face where freckles play like constellations on porcelain skin, and her shorter-than-him stature were usually never in his focus.

But what she was wearing at the moment made him realize why it was so hard to control his heated thoughts before. Her tight shirt with folded sleeves and the equally tight jeans around her legs really accentuated her figure, ass, and waist.

"H-Harry, can you teach me a few sixth-year spells in advance? I'd like to focus on Quidditch in my sixth year and go easy on the studies," Ginny said with a deep blush on her cheeks. She constantly looked down and alternated to his face to see his reaction.

I wonder if she has freckles down there too. Harry suddenly thought of something he felt he shouldn't and noticed the heat in his groin. No! I can't do this. She's my best friend's sister… But she just wants me to teach her...

"Sure, where should I teach you?"

"In my room," Ginny chirped.

Oh no, what if I can't control myself? Harry had no doubt about his own sexual appetite anymore. He had long realized that his wand was always willing to rise and salute at the first sight of a 'fateful' possibility.

Ginny opened the door to her room on the first floor and walked in.

Harry, who followed behind, couldn't take his eyes off her rear, tightly wrapped in her blue jeans. So shapely and slender, that it felt impossible to stop his hand from caressing her. Her lithe and athletic frame was up to his liking.

Ron won't mind. Harry's mind tried to play tricks on him. He had no clue if Voldemort was influencing him. It's not like he ever told me to stay away from her.

Ginny shyly let Harry into her room and shut the door behind. Quickly, she picked up her wand and looked at Harry. "So where do we start?"

On the bed; He almost replied.

"I'm the best at Potions these days, so I'd have preferred to teach you that. But how about the charm to turn vinegar into wine?"

"Can we drink it?" Ginny asked at the mention of wine.

Harry noticed red flags right away, but he was too mesmerized by her charming smile. "We can have some."

"Sweet! I'll go and bring some vinegar." Ginny quickly rushed out of her room to tiptoe around the kitchen.

Left alone, Harry looked around. The room was small, but still a little bigger than Ron's. It had a good view of the orchard out of the window. The walls were all painted pink, and were decorated with posters of Gwenog Jones, the Beater and Captain of Holyhead Harpies, as well as the Weird Sisters band.

Interested, he walked over to the study table and looked at what kind of books she had. Nothing other than school books?

Disappointed, he opened the table drawer before thinking more about it.


He slammed it shut right away. So many cutouts of my face? They're all from the newspaper, if I'm not wrong. Ginny’s interested in me? But isn't she dating Dean?

"I'm back!"

Harry stepped away from her table and watched her move in, skipping and appearing more than excited. Quickly, she placed the bottle and the two glasses she had brought.

She's serious about it?

"So, how do you do it?"

Harry shrugged and took out his wand from his pocket. Initially, he knew he wasn't good at this spell, but with Voldemort's free magical knowledge, making the best wine out of vinegar was easy. He focused and flicked his wand once with the right spell.

"It's changing!" Ginny stepped closer to the bottle and watched it turn red in time. "I-I can smell it too."

Harry nodded and waited a little before being sure that it was safe to drink. "Let me check it."

He poured a little in one glass and took a sip. Not too bad, even better than the one Hermione made. No wonder Voldemort's so feared. Even his mundane spells are at peak level.

Then, he poured another glass and handed it to Ginny. Afterward, they both sat side by side on her bed, their shoulders touching as they silently sipped the wine. It was awkward, but Harry only felt hotter with the physical closeness.

She smells so sweet. He felt the side of her thighs brushing against him So soft. It’d be amazing to tear her clothes apart… No, no, no… That's dangerous, Harry!

But to his amusement, Ginny finished her glass and went to take some more. "It's not bad, Harry."

"I thought I was going to be teaching you," Harry offhandedly commented.

Ginny chuckled and shifted a little to face him better, turning her knees towards him. "I don't get to drink much. Mum is too strict."

"You seem… different," Harry blurted out what he thought at that moment. "I mean… You never acted so open with me before."

Ginny blushed and gulped the entire glass again. "Maybe it's the wine."

No, no… Get back down. Harry cursed at his erection. I won’t touch her.

"So, are you still dating Dean?"

What? Why did I ask that? Am I that dumb?

Ginny played with the glass in her hand and stared down, "We broke up."

"But I just saw you kissing him not too long ago in Hogsmea—"

As soon as Ginny realized Harry had seen it, she jumped to put down her glass and shifted closer to him. "No, that was just casual… It's not a big deal, Harry. I mean… it's just a kiss… I can kiss you too, you know."

"Really?" Without realizing it, Harry raised his hand and placed it around her waist on her back while the other hand rested below her chin in a pinch. "I don't believe you."

I don't believe you? Really? That's the best you can do, Harry Potter? Harry cursed himself inside. Good God, she looks so beautiful like this.

Was it the wine? Or was it the mutual desire?

Ginny leaped forward all of a sudden, threw her arms around Harry's neck, and hugged him tightly. Soon after, she pushed her face towards him, and his lips met hers in a surge of electricity, a magnetic force drawing them together. It wasn't just a kiss; it felt like a wall melting between them, one that had kept them distant.

Her pink, thin, hot lips and his teased each other in a tantalizing dance, a playful exploration that sent shivers down Ginny's spine.

"Unhhh…" She breathed heavily through her nose and tried to squeeze into Harry's lips and take the passion of his saliva.

His hands cradled her thin waist in that shirt, a possessiveness softened by the tenderness of his touch. But instead of pulling her into himself, he pushed her back and gently down on the bed. He followed over without breaking the plundering kiss.

"Oh!" Ginny yelped when she felt the bed against her back and Harry on top of her. Her legs remained parted, and Harry's knees rested in between, spread as well, bringing his covered groin closer to her entrance, hidden behind the tight jeans.

Harry leaned down and nibbled her sensual lips and danced with her tongue, slurping that sweet flavor of hers and the residue of the scentful wine in her mouth. With eyes closed, they both moved in heated passion.

He slowly allowed her to feel the weight of his body as his hands went up and eased into her flaming red long hair, giving a soft tug on her scalp and sending her into shivers of giggling desire.

"Harry…" she moaned his name and touched his chest, trying to unbutton his shirt.

Harry felt an ache in his groins and began dry-humping her. His noticeable erection probed against her covered entrance, pushing her body up each time he thrust gently. Both of them breathed into each other, wanting this moment to go longer and deeper.

"Ah…" Ginny wrapped her slender legs around his hips and pulled him onto her, making Harry's dry humps more powerful and noticeable by her arching back. She let out low groaning moans, whimpering against his passionate movements.

Harry soon retracted one hand and gently placed it on her chest and felt her small breast, less than a handful but soft. He cupped them, trying to feel her hotness even more. All the while, they rolled their hips together, his aching cock grinding into her with need.

"L-Let… Ummh…" Ginny tried to speak. "Let's lock the door."

Harry continued to dip his tongue into her mouth, biting on her lips and sometimes letting her do the same. "Agreed."

Knock! Knock!



Both of them quickly separated their bodies and sat down on the bed's edge. Harry tried to fix his hair and shirt while Ginny did the same. However, it was awfully clear what they were up to as some lipstick marks were visible on Harry's cheek, and Ginny's hair was too disheveled.


The door opened, and someone walked in. Lips curved into a teasing smile, a head covered with bubblegum-pink hair.

"What do we have here?" She strolled into the room and jumped to sit in between the two. "Ah, I smell something… Wine?"

Harry cursed her internally. Couldn't you come at a better time?

"Oh, don't be so stuck up. I'm not some old granny who'd scold you. I'm just…" She placed her hand on Ginny and Harry's leg, close to their laps. "...disappointed that I wasn't invited for drinks."

Fuck! Is she crazy? Harry noticed the slight flinch when she placed her hand on his lap, as it landed right on top of his fully hard, painful erection. But, surprisingly, she didn't move her hand away and instead clenched her palm around his girth.

"T-Tonks…" He looked at her attire and couldn't help but take a second look at her black stocking-covered legs under the knee-length black dress over a multicolored shirt. Her athletic, mature, slender frame was alluring, and her persona was exciting.

Doesn't Remus fuck her enough? I didn't even try anything. He clenched his teeth when her palm began to tease his cock a little too much, not just kneading it but also rubbing it and teasing his knob with her thumb.

Can I just do both of them? He wondered in heat. N-No… Tonks might agree, but Ginny won't. Fuck, I need a release, and Hermione isn't even here.

"I… I should get going." Harry ignored her exciting touch and stood up. "It's Christmas Eve and… I told Uncle Vernon I'll join them."

"What? Why there?" Ginny complained, and quickly felt ashamed. "I mean… we're also having a feast-like dinner."

Harry glanced at Tonks' face and felt like shoving his cock in those smirking lips. He wondered if she could change her body to his liking too, change her size, color even. The idea felt quite exciting.

Something to ponder for later. She’s taken the first step anyway. Harry decided. Isn't she posted at Hogsmeade?

Sensing an opportunity not too far away, he chose to leave. "I’ll see you later then."

No matter what, Harry knew how drastically his life had changed. Having been with so many girls over such a short period felt unreal and thrilling. He knew he still wanted to defeat the Dark Lord, but somewhere deep down, he didn't hate having the chance to feel so many women on his molten member.

Let's deal with Malfoys first. I'll need some backup if I am to be careful around Narcissa.


Godric Hollow was once the home of the Potter family, where Harry Potter became the-Boy-Who-Lived.

Harry arrived there with Dobby beside him. "Wait outside the house. If I call for you, come and apparate me away, and if it's too dangerous, go back to the Burrow and inform everyone about my whereabouts."

Dobby resolutely stood there, covered in warm woolen clothes. "Harry Potter needs not to be afraid. Dobby will stand guard."

"Thanks, Dobby." Harry fixed his black leather jacket and kept the wand at the ready while staring at his old home. "Let's hope this place still has some protection left."

Finally, he took a careful step forward and walked into the house. It was dusty everywhere, and he felt emotional just by being there. So he waved his hand and quickly cleaned all the dust from the living room.

But then he walked upstairs and arrived at his own bedroom, where the cradle was still surviving under the dirt. The memories of what he remembered from that night came back hauntingly, but he found himself in control.

Evil enough to kill a baby. Voldemort deserves no mercy, no matter what. He thought and cleaned the place as well.

Then finally, he moved to the other room and cleaned it too, the bedroom his mum and dad had once shared. Looking around at the various empty squares of dust on the wall where portraits were hung, he sighed. "Too early, too soon…"

"You are right, Mr. Pott—"

Harry raised his wand in a split second and pointed towards the door behind himself. "You're early."

"I couldn't afford to be late."

She didn't react to my wand. What does she want? Doesn't she want to be with her family on Christmas Eve? Harry wondered and looked at her from top to bottom. She appeared overly dressed for the evening.

A tight, silky, dark-green sleeveless gown was covering her body from her neck to her ankles while being tied in a butterfly knot behind her neck, leaving her entire upper back bare. Her white evening gloves contrasted against her gown and skin and accentuated the white pearl necklace and emerald earrings.

"What do you want to tell me?" Harry got straight to the point, never lowering his wand. "I need to get back for dinner soon."

She took a long, audible breath, moved on her high-heeled white shoes, and sat down on the bed. "Don’t act in undue haste, Mr. Potter. I, too, have taken leave from my family, but urgency demands attention. This cannot be ignored, for the consequences are dire. I hope you can take a seat and hear me."

"So you can call your allies and hunt me down?" Harry barked, never taking a seat beside her. "Give me your wand and purse, or I’ll leave. Take off your evening gloves as well."

Narcissa's eyes sparkled with a strange helplessness, but she immediately agreed to Harry's demands. "Very well."

But surprising the Boy Who Lived, she raised her hand and pulled the stick keeping her hair tied into a bun, revealing it to be her wand. Her long blonde hair fell, so silky and straight, even after being roughly set free.

Too bad, Draco doesn’t even have half the grace or looks of his mother. Nasty in the face and nasty in personality. Harry amusedly watched the mother of his nemesis move to his command and take off her gloves, finally handing him all of it.

"There shall be an attack tomorrow," Narcissa declared with an air of unwavering certainty. "The assailant's identity eludes me, yet the target is unequivocally the Burrow."

Harry's brows furrowed. "Why them?"

"For the reason that you hold them dear, and anything held dear must be eradicated. Such is the conviction of the Dark Lord," she revealed.

That does sound like something Voldemort would want. But, if he's listening to me right now, then he might change the plan and attack sooner. Harry felt worried about getting information from Narcissa. She's putting herself at risk too. There has to be a way to know when he's intruding on my mind.

"I'm grateful for this information, Mrs. Malfoy. I’ll return then, and if your information turns out to be true, maybe I will give you a real chance," Harry declared and packed his wand back in his jacket. "Good ni—"

"Wait!" Narcissa hastily rose, a tone of desperation lacing her words, her gaze full of fear. Strands of her hair swept across the sides of her face as she tried to approach him. "You must help Draco... That was the agreement... I am bound to preserve my family!"

Harry scoffed and stepped closer to her as well, finding her as tall as himself. He stared into her blue eyes and almost cursed her out loud. "Look around… this is where everything was taken from me—my family!"

Narcissa, her composure slightly faltering, swallowed delicately before tentatively addressing him. "I-I am aware, Mr. Potter... However, I find myself in a position where I have no other way."

Harry scoffed and stepped back a few feet away from her. "You really think I'll buy into this without a second thought? Mrs. Malfoy, let's cut through the pretenses. I see no cause to extend my hand to Draco. He's been nothing but trouble for me and my friends since day one. If he's willingly diving into the Dark Lord's clutches, I won't be shedding any tears for him."

Tears welled up in Narcissa's desperate eyes while she tried to hold her emotions in control. For no reason, she again lifted both her hands and extended them to the back of her neck, a gesture alarming Harry enough to make him point his wand.

"What are you doing, Mrs. Malfoy?!" Harry narrowed his gaze, ready to call Dobby at any moment.

But Narcissa's gaze remained fixated upon Harry's face, particularly his eyes. Her lips quivered ever so slightly as her delicate hands performed a subtle, intricate dance. "If I must somehow gain your trust, Mr. Potter, I am prepared to do anything—prepared to give you everything… my wand, my mind… m-my dignity."

In that cool, almost dusky room, Harry's gaze widened, ensnared by the allure unwrapping before him. With a sinuous grace, Narcissa's sleek, dark green gown slithered down her form, tracing the curves of her bosom, accentuating her waist, and finally pooling sensuously at her dainty feet.

A hint of reluctance lingered in her gaze as she encircled her arms around her midriff, a subtle tease that only enhanced the allure of the crimson, intricate bra decorated with tempting white lace. Below, a scarlet panty with delicate, seductive lace completed the enticing ensemble.

"M-Mrs. Malfoy, what’s the meaning…" Harry's words faltered mid-sentence.

Her porcelain complexion, untouched and pristine, emitted a velvety allure. Her mature curves were nothing short of divine–from the generous bosom to the graceful hips and a waist that enticed an embrace.

"Hush…" she whispered with a hint of embarrassment, attempting to quiet Harry as she approached, providing him with a clearer view of her supple flesh of the breast.

Her cleavage was so deep and visible that there was no way he wouldn't feel hot. She knew she was old, but her beauty was appealing to all, no matter the age. "M-Mr. Potter… I am willing to do anything to earn your trust."

Harry felt a peculiar warmth stir within his loins, causing an uneasy gulp to escape his lips. He instinctively took a cautious step backward, his gaze meeting her eyes.

"But, Mrs. Malfoy," he uttered, his voice betraying a subtle blend of uncertainty and curiosity.

Is she serious? He asked himself.

Just look at her. She's so… well made. Ah, I feel like touching her… But what if it’s a trick? Is she trying to waste time? No, she's too proud to do something like that.

"Are you sure, Mrs. Malfoy?"

With a subtle trace of defiance etching her features, Narcissa Malfoy stood in a state of undress, a shiver betraying the chill that enveloped her. "What other recourse do I possess, Mr. Potter?" she murmured with a delicate nod, her voice a fragile melody of shame and desperation.

"This is all I have to give you… something so private and… a shameful piece of mine with which I can hope to earn your trust."

What should I do? Harry asked himself, but he knew his judgment was slowly being clouded under the presence of this ethereal beauty standing before him, baring much of her skin. The cascade of blonde hair, the delicate pearl necklace, and the earrings held an irresistible allure.

I want to touch her everywhere and see what’s still hidden.

Narcissa suppressed a sigh, her lips caught between her teeth, as Harry hesitated to draw near as she had wished.

As his indecision lingered, her desperation intensified. Determined to take matters into her own hands, she gracefully retreated towards the bed.

The faint rustle of her form against the sheets accompanied her subtle movements. Reaching the headboard, she reclined against the pillow, delicately parting her raised knees, revealing the concealed prize, a tempting offer extended solely for his taking.

She fixed her gaze on Harry and seductively pressed her supple flesh between her elbows while resting her palms on her inner thighs, right at the sides of her hidden entrance. It was hinting at vulnerability, yet commanded attention over her secret entrance.

"Mr. Potter," she purred, her voice a desperate whisper, "There are no elaborate schemes, no lurking enemies. Just a… desperate woman pleading with you for your trust and help."

Fuck! Fuck! Harry felt his mind short-circuiting. The heavenly scenery in front of him pushed his rock-hard cock beyond the usual erection. Is she expecting me to show pity at her words? He didn't care anymore.

It's Draco's mum. He reminded himself, making the idea of what he saw even more exciting.

Attracted by the charm, he felt his hands move on their own, removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt entirely, then unbuckling his belt and removing the pants, leaving him in his gray underwear.

He saw the hint of fear and rejection in Narcissa's eyes, but that only made this even more valuable. Proud Narcissa Malfoy, now before him in her bra and panties, prepared for his reckless touch.

"Peculiar choice of innerwear, Mrs. Malfoy." Harry moved onto the bed on his knees and slowly rustled closer to her parted knees. At the sight of her undergarments, he smirked. "It seems you came prepared to give me my… Christmas gift."

In utter shame, Narcissa felt like cursing him right there, but there was truth in his words. She had no option but to give her dignity and body to the Potter boy. Not for the sake of the Dark Lord anymore, but for her family—her son and husband.

This look of defiance. Harry was still on alert. She's loathing this.

With his heart beating like a zooming Nimbus broom, he approached the fully developed woman and stopped once his knees rested right between her legs. Still, he hadn't touched anywhere on her skin, and she seemed to want to keep that distance too.

I’ll make this night memorable. He told himself and leaned down on top of her and placed his arms at her sides, still not touching her skin. From up close, he just took a closer view first, and felt the scent of the high-class woman.

Her seductive, juicy lips were looking madly inviting. So, he chose to claim them first and break any wall she had kept between them.

Lower and lower, Harry leaned down towards her face while Narcissa kept pressing her head down on the pillow, uselessly defying what she had already accepted.

"Unnnh…" she hummed and pressed her lips close.

Harry sighed and sat back again, staring down at the curvy woman and her beautiful face. "If you don't want this, I can just leave."

Narcissa's eyes welled up with tears in the corners, and she closed them to control herself. Her lips kept trembling while speaking. "N-Not on the lips, P-Potter… That's too intimate… anything else is fine."

Harry sighed annoyedly but agreed with her. "Fine, but remember, you let me do this."


Without any warning, Harry grabbed the middle of her Christmas-themed red and white bra, and pulled it down violently to her belly, plopping out her swollen breasts with a jiggle. And my god, were they perfect to look at.

Harry couldn't even take his eyes off of them. Perfect shape, busty size, and pale pink, tight nipples with small areolas were like decorations on her utterly spotless skin. Even the faint hint of her veins on that smooth pale skin seemed like an ornate decoration.

"Beautiful…" Harry muttered and dug both his hands into her flesh, feeling the warmth, the smooth texture, and the way they filled between the gap of his fingers. Even marshmallows felt rough against it, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Let's taste them."

"Nooo-oooh!" Narcissa yelped, but that only excited him more as his cock probed against her covered entrance.

His lips found their way down too quickly, and he gulped a piece of her swollen, aching breasts. Taking a good amount of her peak in his mouth, he violently and sloppily sucked, making slurping sounds, leaving his saliva coating her satin-smooth paleness.

"Ungh… oh!" her back arched the moment Harry nibbled on her tight, budding nipples, one with teeth and the other with his pinch.

Harry slowly lowered his weight down on her, and his cock grinded against the junction of her thighs. He hugged her curvy waist with one hand and aided her rising back, pulling her further into his mouth.

"Lord Malfoy never did this to you?" He mocked her, earning furious frowns on her face.

"Mr. Pott-ah… don…." She attempted to reprimand him, but he was quicker and pinched her pink buds harder until she clenched the bedsheets with her noble fingers.

But Harry stopped there and shifted his body abruptly.

He fell to the left side of her body and pressed his chest against her back while keeping one hand under her neck and continued to grope her breast from behind.

"W-What are you doing, Mr… Pott-ah?!"

"As you said, 'Anything else' I want," Harry smirked and whispered into her ears. "Going for the main course."

Narcissa understood what he meant by that but felt relieved somewhere deep in her heart as this meant this ordeal would end much faster. So, she readily allowed him and even assisted by pushing down her panties.

However, before she could tug it off her last ankle, Harry moved even faster, like a beast that couldn’t wait for his meal.

"Ah!" she yelped when Harry unashamedly pulled one of her legs up by the knee, making her thigh rest near his waist.

She felt truly vulnerable in that moment as the coldness of the room was felt on her helpless petals. Her legs parted by his body, her core exposed for him.

She's so… perfect in body. Harry was in awe of her as he felt the mind-melting softness of her plump ass against his pelvis. He couldn't see her entrance fully, but he had no doubt it'd be delightful too. Too bad I'm in no mood to eat you today.

Harry pushed down his underwear easily and threw it away. Finally, his hard, long, hungry cock felt her inner thigh, right below her raised leg, very close to her entrance. It was hot, and coated with a hint of his precum—testament to how hard she had made him.

From above her knee, he squeezed his hand down and began rubbing her steaming clitoris right away. "Not as wet to my liking, but it'll do," he groaned into her ear, hunger filling his words.

Whenever he spoke, it would bring Narcissa back to reality and the realization of what she was doing. Her eyes would well up each time, and she'd feel like she was a common whore, not Lady Narcissa Malfoy.

"Ummm… tight." Harry knowingly made grunts and comments while pointing his thick, swollen knob at her entrance. He pushed softly until he felt a shiver from her body. "So tight, Mrs. Malfoy… Is Lord Malfoy not that big?"

"Stop taking my husba—aaaaah!" She shut her mouth and bit her lips in anguish midspeech. "Ummmm…!"

The almost dryness of her lower lips caused tantalizing friction inside her core, causing them both to feel every inch he pushed in. In subtle reaction, her body started to salivate, lubricating her little by little, adjusting to his phallus.

"Ghh~" Harry shoved half of his length roughly into her petals, as if taking revenge for all those years Malfoy annoyed him. Half of his girthy, throbbing cock rested within, pulsating and reminding her of how stretched she was.

He pulled her body into himself. The kneading of her breasts and teasing of her clitoris resumed with a craving, rough desire. The tantalizing experience was new to her, as being noble, she never expected her husband to be so… savage, nor was he ever like that with her.

Even this position was new to her, having only ever done it face to face before, him on top and her underneath… like a nobleman and noble woman. This time, having her bare front exposed to the empty room felt like a thousand eyes judging her. It was scandalous, disgraceful… but… somehow thrilling.

"Here I go…" Harry warned her before pulling out an inch and then shoving his entire member deep inside, sinking in until he felt his balls welcoming the warm touch of the skin of her thighs. He ground himself there, keeping himself impaled in her and letting her feel that widened hole in her body.

Her head was already thrown to his chest, and her free arm was raised back to hold his head in an instinctive desire for support, something to feel reassured with. "Ah, aaaaah…"

She hated making such contemptible noises. It was never this hard to control myself with my husband, she thought. But here she was, clenching her teeth to keep her moans in control.

"Cry for me, Mrs. Malfoy… say something," Harry whispered to her while restlessly starting his deep, plundering thrusts with a hint of vengefulness. A big smile remained plastered on his lips, hoping to show it to her whenever she'd glance up. "Say my name… ugh."

"N-eh… Never!" Narcissa defied. "Ummmh."

Harry went in harder with that and clenched his hands harder on her breast, forming deep red marks. His fingers pinched her nipple and clitoris in harmony with his pumping cock, causing her walls to contract around him at the perfect moments.

He grounded his girth each time he sank deep into her, pushing her body up and letting her breast juggle, reminding her how mercilessly she was being fucked on that old, creaking bed.

"Oh, oh…"

In the end, she began to let out a few moans as her body was thrown up and down by Harry, ramming himself in each time. Her hair was a mess, and it started to get tough to find a moment to take a breath.

"Hah… hah…" At the peak of his excitement, Harry also lost his breath and increased his pace like a hungry beast, sweating all around, and his loins getting excited for the sweet, sweet release.

His wild, echoing pumps clapped against her feathery soft ass, sending ripples through her flesh. His digging length seemed greedy to squeeze out every inch of pleasure in her, along with her womanly nectar.

Sweating, Narcissa seemingly knew what this suddenly increased pace was and felt alarmed. "N-No…ah, ummmm… not inside!"

"You said anything…" Harry reminded her and, with no intention of pulling out, pumped harder and kept her clutched tighter against himself. His stiff shaft started to show signs of tension soon enough, and with a deep, satiating erotic explosion, he spilled out all the white nectar into Narcissa's ravished cave. "This… is… anything."

His grunts only ended once his thrusts slowly came to a gentle calm, and his manhood began to rest. For a long time, he didn't let Narcissa move and waited until his cum dripped out of her squeezing depth.

But then he noticed something too wet under her body, on the sheets, and on her thighs. He realized something. "So it wasn't just me who finished."

"Ugh…" Narcissa tried to shift away from him and head home. "I hope you will maintain your end of the deal."

Harry didn't let her go and caught her waist before moving again and pinning her torso down under his own. He stared into her blue eyes dangerously. "I think you had the wrong idea, Mrs. Malfoy. When you said anything, I accepted everything—no going home without my permission tonight."

Her beautiful pale face turned paler, and her brows furrowed. "What?"

Harry chuckled and pressed his slowly rising cock on her legs. "It seems you haven't experienced a real man yet, Mrs. Malfoy."

"Don't!" She bit her teeth helplessly. "Don't mention my husband's name."

"I’ll stop, if…" Harry rolled away from her and eased his back on the bed, relaxing with his legs spread, and his member rising like a flagpole. "You stopped me from claiming your lips with mine, but there is a better use for it… go down there and pleasure me."

"What?!" She felt offended. "How dare you? I’m—"

"Just a desperate woman pleading with me for my trust and help," Harry repeated her own words. "Mr. Malfoy may have never shown you how a real man makes love, so let me."

"Don't tak—"

He interrupted her again. "Then do what I tell you to, there, I even cleaned it for you."

He used his own shirt to clean his drenched cock and then relaxed again. He waited for her to move and soon heard the rustling of the bedsheet. Soon, he felt her warm breath blessing his shaft and then her thin, manicured fingers wrapping around him.

Go on, the more ashamed you'll feel, the more memorable it’ll be. Harry, God knows from where, had nothing but evil ideas for the woman. What a fantastic Christmas Eve.

"Oh!" He moaned once he felt the wetness of her tongue on the tip of his shaft and then her lips coating around tightly. "G-good, Mrs. Malfoy… move your head and hands now… take it all in…"

No doubt, she felt annoyed by his voice by now. But Harry couldn't care less as she was the one who approached him.

Narcissa followed his command, keeping her eyes locked with the Boy Who Lived as she slid his cock between her lips, feeling warm and salty on her tongue. Moaning around the length, she swirled her tongue experimentally around the smooth head, prodding at the leaking slit a moment later, determined to draw more noise from Harry in the hope of a minor triumph.

"Keep going..." Harry inched himself inside with a bit of thrust of his hip.

I’m loving it!

Not a clown. It was Harry as he felt the softest touch known to mankind.

A pureblood, proud noblewoman's lips fucking themselves on his cock. Ah, the heat, the velvet smoothness, and the tongue of hers.

Then, her tongue pressed harder on his cock, squeezing him in her mouth as her head moved faster; An attempt to make him come as soon as possible, releasing her out of this situation. Harry’s abdomen started to contract, diving into the viscous pleasure.

"Drink it!" Harry commanded as he grabbed her blond hair between his fingers.

"Umm?!" Narcissa was confused.

But before she knew it, Harry's hand pressed behind her head, keeping her impaled. And then she noticed his spasming muscles and twitching hips. Panic grew in her eyes, but once she felt a sticky, warm substance coat her throat, her eyes closed in surrender.


"Swallow it!"

Was it Harry? Or was it Voldemort? It was a question only for the Boy Who Lived.

For Narcissa, this was all because of Harry Potter.

But to her utter surprise, even when his pressing hand stopped holding her, she remained tightlipped around his girth while gulping down something she never even did for her husband. But she accepted her situation now and gave herself up to whatever he had in mind.

"Come up now and ride me," Harry ordered her again, but it was going to take some time. "You'll love it, Narcissa… trust me."

For a proud woman like you to fall this low. You must be utterly desperate. Harry felt somewhat sorry for her but knew he couldn’t take risks either. So he planned to break her that night no matter what, no matter how many rounds.

Harry gently pulled Narcissa's fleshy body up towards his chest as she straddled around his pelvis, his flaccid cock resting underneath her soaked, blissful petals. He teethed on her breast and kissed her neck until she moaned, combing her silky blonde hair with his fingers and feeling all her hot curves.


This time, it was a bite, a little souvenir as her Christmas gift. A mark on her pristine body, proof of how thoroughly Harry had sullied her that night. But he continued and left a few more bites on her shoulder and her breasts.

Remember this forever, Narcissa Malfoy… you better do. Otherwise, Draco will hear about this.


Lord Mehmeh

This boy is da machine