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Madame Apolline Delacour was furious and wanted answers as well as accountability. Fleur was like a princess of the family, and her maidenhood was a cherished sanctum that couldn’t be given to just anybody.

She was in her seventh year and would soon be ready for marriage. The Delacour family was already carefully looking through all the prospective young men out there, or the offers, who were good enough for Fleur.

Of course, Fleur had no idea about it. She wasn’t supposed to. Only the finest of young men could ever be her match. But now, it was all ruined. Fleur didn’t only have sex with someone but also allowed him to finish inside.

She walked towards the Gryffindor common room in her high-heeled shoes, making loud noises. Her long, graceful, silvery-blonde hair was tied in a mature bun behind her head with a flat top hat above, while her modest, silky dress of royal blue with delicate embroidery fluttered with her swaying, ripe, full figure.

Her deep blue eyes seethed red, while her pale ivory skin bloomed crimson as well. It wasn’t a small matter in her eyes, after all. She didn't even know much about the boy beyond what happened the previous evening.

"Pardon me, could you please call out Monsieur Weasley from your Common Room?" She arrived at the entrance of the Gryffindor Common Room and asked someone who was entering in a very heavy French accent but prim and proper English.

The boy, Neville, found himself frozen at the sight of the woman. For no apparent reason, he felt utterly flustered by her. "W-What? Weasley? Which one? We got three of them."

"Ze one from last night’s incident."

"Ron? Oh, I-I will… call him." Neville stayed standing there for a few more seconds before reluctantly moving.

A few minutes passed by after that, and finally, the door opened again. Ron came out in his regular black pants, a checkered red shirt, and a deep red sweater on it. He looked to the left and noticed Madame Apolline.

"You!" Apolline exploded as soon as she saw him and charged at him. Of course, still with the grace of a half-Veela. Quickly, she gripped Ron's arm, pulled him away to a more secluded spot, and tried to push him against the wall. But Ron was taller and heavier than her, so he didn't budge.

In reality, Ron was simply lost in mysterious arousal. His eyes, after taking her beautiful mature face in, stared at her large bust. It was all covered, but still, the hefty, big size and shape had his throat going dry.

"Monsieur Weasley! 'Ow could you be so careless? Do you 'ave any idea what you 'ave done? You must take responsibility now, or else I will 'ave a talk with your 'eadmaster," Apolline said ferociously, pointing her finger at his face.

Although in Ron's head, all her words seemed so melodic and erotic. The way she looked at him, her lips moving, her dainty thin fingers, and her enchanting voice. But the moment she said 'responsibility', he felt some of his senses returning.

"W-What do you mean, Mrs. Delacour? What responsibility? It was casual, and Fleur started it. I even warned her, and she let me."

"How dare you?!" Apolline's eyes widened at Ron's brash words. "You ‘ave no manners! You wait ‘ere, I will have a word with your ‘eadmaster. You will either take responsibility or be punished for such… such deviancy!"

Ron frowned and tried to stop her. He chased after her and grabbed her arm, but the instant he touched the soft skin of her wrist, his erection stood in salute. He lost all the confidence in confronting her and forgot what he wanted to say.

Apolline flicked her arm away from his hold and left. She wasn’t a little girl and knew her beauty and blood affected men of all ages around her.

"Just wait."

Only after Apolline vanished from his sight did Ron find his senses returning. He remembered where he was and what just happened. In an instant, his party mood from the celebrations in the common room was ruined.

Mum is going to kill me.


[Ronald Bilius Weasley! The Unlikely Hero of Hogwarts! Vanquisher Of the Dark Lord!]

In a twist of fate that reads like something straight out of a novel, Ronald Bilius Weasley, an enigmatic figure shrouded in mysteries, has emerged as the unsung hero of Hogwarts, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent.

This young wizard, often overshadowed by more prominent figures, has astounded us all with feats of bravery that are nothing short of miraculous in the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

But dear readers, it was during the climactic Third Task that young Weasley's heroism shone brightest, a beacon in the dark plot orchestrated by none other than the nefarious Lord Voldemort, in his diabolical scheme to return to power.

Daring and dauntless, Ronald Weasley displayed astonishing courage, saving the life of the Beauxbatons’ beauty, Fleur Delacour, from the clutches of a bewitched Viktor Krum. But that's not all!

In a breathtaking display of valor, he then rescued Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts' own golden boy, from the treacherous hands of Peter Pettigrew, a man whose betrayal knows no bounds.

But wait, there's more! In a thrilling climax, Weasley played a pivotal role in thwarting the dark ritual intended to restore the Dark Lord to his full, monstrous power, thereby saving the 'Boy Who Lived', Harry Potter, from certain doom.

Taking heroism to new heights, Ronald Weasley bravely apprehended the reincarnated form of Voldemort and the despicable Peter Pettigrew.

In a world where the likes of Gilderoy Lockhart bask in unearned glory, is it not time for a true hero to be recognized? Shouldn't Ronald Weasley be awarded the Order of Merlin for his valor?

But this saga raises more questions than it answers. How did the Ministry miss the signs of such a dark conspiracy? With Pettigrew captured, what becomes of the alleged murderer, Sirius Black? And in the wake of these revelations, does Cornelius Fudge have any option but to resign?

Only time will tell how these winds of change will affect the wizarding world. But one thing is certain—Ronald Bilius Weasley is a name that will be remembered.


The Burrow,


"W-What?!" Molly Weasley lost her balance and fell on the floor beside the kitchen counter. In her hand was the latest edition of the Daily Prophet, and not even in her wildest dreams had she expected to see her youngest son's face taking almost half of the front page with those sorts of headlines.

"Molly! Molly, did you see it?!" Arthur came running in from the front door right then. "I just returned from the Ministry. They're all talking about i—"

"Arthur, is this real?" Molly showed the newspaper.

"Yes, it is… It most certainly is."

Then, there was just silence. Confused, shocked, and worried silence.


The entire British wizarding community saw that. The entire Hogwarts saw that. The headline, the article, and the image couldn't have been bigger. Even for those who were present during the incident, it felt like a reminder of how big of an event it was.

The Dark Lord was in the custody of the Ministry under the strictest eyes of Dumbledore himself. Peter Pettigrew was already on trial with Sirius Black in the presence.

Ron had never expected he'd one day be as famous as the great Harry Potter. But there was no denying he was loving this attention. Especially from the girls.

This is bullocks! What did I do to be this lucky? Just one potion couldn't have done it. It's impossible.

"Ehm, Monsieur Weasley."

"Ah…" Ron noticed the older Delacour lady standing near the Gryffindor Common Room again. Since the events of the Tri-Wizard Tournament happened just two nights ago, classes had yet to start.

And since Harry was taken by Dumbledore to the Ministry for some reason, he chose to head to the Great Hall for lunch alone. But now it was all ruined.

"I… I'm so sorry, Mrs. Delacoure, but I really can’t—"

"Follow me, Monsieur Weasley. I 'ave somezing to speak weez you," Apolline said in an authoritative voice and started walking away already.

She's… Even hotter than Fleur. Half-Veela, after all. Ron gulped at the sight of her swaying, large, wide hips in the tight, expensive cream-colored dress with golden embroidery. It was a single piece, going from her neck to her shins, perfectly fitted around her mature curves, revealing skin as little as possible. Even her legs were covered with white stockings, and her arms had silky white evening gloves.

Like a bee chasing nectar, he followed the older woman all the way without realizing where he was going. Before he knew it, she opened a door and entered, closing it after he followed her in.

"W-Where is this?" Ron realized he had never been there before.

"My and my husband's room, Monsieur Weasley," Apolline replied and took off her hat, then untied her hair that was made into a modest bun.

In an instant, when the fine, silver-blonde hair got loose, it fell around her sides and back, reaching all the way to her waist. Her mature looks, pristine skin, deep blue eyes, and those juicy lips with red lipstick revealed a newfound beauty all of a sudden.

Ron looked around and noticed the newspaper on the table. The room was also quite massive, with a full set of couches and coffee tables, a dining table with chairs, and a king-sized bed near the window at one end, all of it decorated with red curtains and scentful flowers.

"W-Where is Fleur?" He asked.

Apolline glared at Ron, but then walked to the couch and sat down before picking up the paper. "You 'ave ze courage to say zat after what you 'ave done. She wept ze whole night to me for ze 'potion'. But young man, I am not 'appy about zis. If my husband was to know of zis, 'e would 'ave made it a diplomatic matter."

Ron breathed deeply, "I… Mrs. Delac—"

"But zis changes things." Apolline showed the newspaper's front page. “Ronald Weasley is no more an ordinary boy. He is a hero of the Wizarding Britain," Apolline said with a hint of pride. "You should be 'appy that you got to be with Fleur, something so many 'ave desired. You must 'ave 'ad the best night of your life on that bed."

Ron almost choked on his saliva. "Actually, we did it in the forest."

Apolline felt speechless. "What do you mean?"

Ron gulped, but felt like being truthful in front of her charm. "We… She came to me when I was training and… things happened. We did it against the tree, and ... against a..."

"Why would my Fleur allow a man to take her first time against a tree!? Zat is so savage and not at all like her. 'Ow did you manage zis? When?"

I-Is she really asking me to explain how I fucked her daughter?

Staring at Apolline's lovely face, he started feeling hot. But what made it uncontrollable were her heavy mounds hidden under the dress, and that curvy waist above the hips resting on the couch, while he remained standing. He tried his best, but his erection grew in his pants.

"I… As I said, I was training when she came and helped me. It was early in the evening, so it was almost dark. I first kissed her lips gently and then sucked them, before we teased each other's mouths with our tongues. Then… then she went down on her knees and su… sucked me, before beckoning against a tree and letting me take her… raw. She… She said she wanted me to take it as… a gift for her savior.

"S-So… I pushed in slowly at first until she felt the pain go away, and then harder, deeper, while kissing her neck and licking her skin. But after she came, I … I made her lean forward on a fallen tree and did her from behind until I… Mrs. Delacour, I… I asked her, and she said it's fine… So I finished inside her… T-That's it."

Ron explained nervously, stuttering but detailed. By the time he finished, his hardness was even more apparent than anything else. Like a flagpole had risen inside his pants, the hill was formidable. But there was still silence, as Apolline's gaze remained fixated on Ron's loins, her eyes narrow and lips pressed harshly.

"Monsieur Weasley, I must tell you, zat sounds quite savage and not at all proper, almost animalistic, I dare say," Apolline remarked with a slight sneer, sitting upright on the couch. "Ze first time is meant to be romantic, beautiful, and memorable. Just like with my beloved husband. Oh, I still remember zat night, we were so young.

"So much kissing, and ze way he tenderly laid me down on ze bed, undressed me, and kissed me all over, down zere, on my breasts, and on my lips." Apolline crossed her legs tightly, a subtle red blush tinting her cheeks. "He used his fingers to ready me, and zen so slowly, so gently, he took my maidenhood… his lips were always on mine, and it felt like we shared ze pain. Ah, so romantic. I long for zose days of his sweet caresses."


Ron had no words. S-She's really describing her first time to me?

Seeing she was still rubbing her legs together, and her hands were clenched tight, Ron tried to apologize. "I feel bad, Mrs. Delacour. Fleur is a very beautiful girl, and… I…"

"I cannot believe she allowed you to do zat to her. You 'ave no technique, no romance," said Apolline, dismissing Ron's words with a wave of her hand. She abruptly stood up, striding over to him with a challenging air. "Tell me, Monsieur Weasley, 'ow big are you?"

Ron looked down at his erection, where the wise beauty was staring. "This? I-I think it's big enough, Mrs. Delacour."

"Show me."

What? Is she serious? No matter what, Ron did feel this was utterly bizarre. But who was he to deny when blessings come upon him?

But still, with some fear, he tried to hide his length. "It's still not fully erect, Mrs. Apolline."

Shocking Ron, Apolline had something else in mind.

"Umm… Allow me to 'elp, then," she smiled alluringly as she stepped even closer to him.

Ron was baffled by her straightforwardness for a second, but then he remembered Fleur. Like mother; like daughter, they both seemed to be pretty up front about their desires. The woman was so beautiful that to reject this would be a sin.

Apolline suddenly took out her wand. With a slight flick, the clothes on her sensually mature body unwrap themselves, leaving her in white underwear. It wasn’t just some childish underwear, but delectably full of lace. The gaps in the material teased him with a peak, while the lacy girdle around her waist held up her white stockings, looking elegant, mature, and sexy at the same time.

Ron stared wide-eyed at her glorious figure.

She had utterly large breasts, perfect to cuddle and suckle on, hidden under that sexy lace-covered bra. Her wide child-bearing hips were perfectly curved up to her slim waist, but her glutinous thighs were even better. That lacy white thongs of hers curved from her hips down to her warm core, forming a taut V shape that caused his pecker to twitch, aching to rip it off. The small lace-filled girdle did nothing to hide the fullness of her thigh as they held up the stockings covering her lustrous legs.

Ron could already imagine how wonderful it would feel to be squeezed between those soft, gentle cushions as she squealed in delight—dreaming of grabbing and kneading them both as he forced them to open wide for him.

Apolline suddenly removed her tight bra with ease, and her firm, big, voluptuous breasts spilled out, bouncing erotically. Ron could see her delectable, big nubs and medium-sized pink areolas.

Ron, completely stunned, couldn’t take his eyes off them. His mouth was wide open, surprised and shocked at how Fleur’s mother showed him her priceless assets like this.

Just a little… just a little… The words ran through his mind as his hand involuntarily rose up.

Just a little touch… just a little bit… his other hand tugged on his bulging need, trying to adjust the tight restriction around the hardness of his arousal.

The room was silent as the corner of Apolline’s glossy lips turned up, seeing how Ron couldn’t hold back his hands. She allowed him to touch her warm skin, his cold finger titillating her. Without the need to say anything, Ron’s hand went even further, cupping one of her breasts with his spread fingers as much as he could.

They were so soft and gentle that his fingers sunk in, drowning in her cloud-like fluffiness.

“Hmmm…” Apolline gave a small hum in approval of his tentative hunger.

She suddenly pulled him closer by the waistband of his pants, forcing his hand to press on her creamy breast even harder. Then her hands moved to unbutton his pants and slowly pull down his zipper.

Ron locked eyes with her. He understood that she knew what she was doing, and Ron knew what she wanted. It all felt so wrong, but oh so right.

She then lowered his pants, along with his dark red underwear, revealing his fully erect eagerness.

"Umm… Good. I will teach you, yes?" Apolline suddenly commented.


Before Ron could react, she sheathed her wand on her lacy girdle and knelt down in front of him while holding his throbbing length in her tight grip. Apolline’s beautiful, pale face was very close to his straining shaft, taking a serious look. Her eyes examined every bump and groove, marveling at his swollen crown, looking a little amazed.

Ron felt a little flustered as if he was a prized stallion, examined thoroughly for breeding.

She suddenly parted her lips and swiped the flat surface of her tongue over the slit of Ron’s cock. Then she suddenly leaned in and allowed his firm shaft to enter her mouth, her sexy lips curving around his tip. Her tongue encircled his crown and wetted half his length, as if she was preparing him for more.

Ron couldn’t think straight. It felt like an agonizing tease. Everything felt hot, scorching, and feverish. “F-fuck, Mrs. Delacour…!”

Her finger waved in the air as she released his cock from her lips, “Such language is unbecoming, Monsieur Weasley…”

Then, her head went down again, allowing his cock to impale her throat again; This time, she sucked and licked, allowing his iron-hard rod to enter fully, striking the back of her throat.

Apolline hummed around the thickness of Ron’s cock in her mouth, her tongue twirling and rubbing against the vein on the underside. As she bobbed her head, her sizable hills jiggled and bounced, swaying with her curvy body. Her hair flicked behind her, caressing the smooth, naked skin of her back.

Ron could see how her whole body moved down there, fully into devouring his cock. Her plump thighs trembled a little, teasing him. Oh, how much he wanted to clutch them in his palms and slap them with his pelvis.

“Oh! Merlin! Your…. M-Mouth feels… So hot! Mrs. Delacour…” he groaned.

She sucked and suckled, stroked and squeezed. Her experienced tongue soothed and massaged his bulging veins, feeling the throb of his molten head. Her hands fondled his balls, caressing his sensitive spots to oblivion.

Ron could feel he was teetering on the edge of release, but to his surprise, Apolline noticed the same thing and released his swollen flesh from her smoldering throat.

“Ah…” Ron released a heavy breath, forced to come down off the ledge, a little disappointed but relieved.

Apolline suddenly stood up, turned around, and walked towards the couch on the other side of the room. Ron was amazed at the sight of her ‘well upholstered’ ass, swaying with each step. That sexy, lacy thongs of hers and the straps that held on tightly to her white stockings were mesmerizing. He just wanted to tug on them and let them slap back towards her ass.

Apolline sat her full derriere on the velvet couch, gracefully crossing her legs and spreading her hands, delicately curling her fingers in invitation as her elbows smushed her godly-sized hills together.

“Come ‘ere young man, satiate your thirst… And call me… Madame,” her lips curled into a seductive smile.

“Ma… Madame Delacour?” Ron hesitantly came forward, a little confused.

“No, darling… Madame D, your mistress for the day,” Apolline licked her lips, looking straight at him like a cougar having found its prey. She suddenly pulled out her wand, pointed at him with a delicate flick, and pulled his body closer to her with Levitation.

Ron’s body stopped right in front of her as she parted her legs, allowing him to kneel between her thighs. He noticed how he was forced to lean in, his face an inch away from her glorious bosom.

“Come on, you know you want to,” she said as she released her magic.

Ron’s face fell forward, smothered in her alluring cleavage, taking in the sweet scent of her body. He steadied himself with both hands on the backrest, but his tongue already got busy. His face was covered by the cushiony, soft hills, drowning in her sweet scent.

Apolline leaned back, wiggling further into her seat. Both her hands supported her heavy mounds, presenting them to Ron, breathing heavily at his moist touch. Being helpful, Ron took over the job of supporting her heavy assets, holding both in her hands. He kneaded and fondled the creamy flesh, letting it spill through the gap of her fingers. They were so big he couldn’t hold them fully in each palm.

His lips brushed over the swell of her breasts and took in one of her exposed nipples. He sucked and nibbled, causing her body to tremble. He pinched and plucked, earning gentle moans from his newly found, commanding sex education Professor.

“Go on, darling… you can do better than zat…” she whispered as she caressed his hair, pulling his face into her soft flesh even more.

Ron’s tongue went even wilder, his hands kneaded even harsher, tugging and clenching her breasts. Feeling like it wasn’t enough, he pushed the gentle clouds together, causing the peaks to meet up in the middle, and sucked on them at the same time, biting and flicking with his tongue.

“Oh, yesss... that’s it… Drink up, my darling…” She threw her head back, arching into his mouth as he swirled his tongue around both peaks. “Uuummm…”

Ron inhaled the delicate scent of her delectable mounds, squeezing them with both hands as hard as he could. As Apolline wiggled in delight, her arms wrapped around Ron’s neck. Forced to shove his face in even more, Ron’s hands couldn’t hold her beautiful hills anymore and merely sucked on them like a hungry calf with its wild tongue.

Ron’s hands moved down to her pure white girdle, undoing the claps to her stockings. Then they trailed back up to her hot, lacy thong, tugging it down and off her legs; While doing all that, he never stopped suckling on her swollen nipple.

Apolline was amazed at how nimble he was as she withered beneath him.

Releasing her magnificent mounds, Ron pulled back a bit and started licking her belly, lower and lower as she leaned back on the couch. His hands grabbed her thighs, caressing down to her stocking-covered knees, gently spreading them wider. His face came down, his tongue swirling and slithering, tickling her lower abdomen.

Apolline started to pant heavily, expecting him to reach her soaking-wet pussy. However, before he did, his head shifted to her thighs, worshiping each one with salivating licks, covering her thick flesh with his spit. Fondling them with his hands from above. His head moved slowly between her tender thighs.

Apolline quivered with each tease, sensing the tense thirst within her build-up, causing her petals to soak in her juices more and more. “Oh yesss... Darling… Such a spoiled little man you are.”

Ron locked eyes with her as he finally kissed her wet lower lips with his mouth, letting the tip of his tongue brush between the petals. He gently licked little by little, like a puppy dog, waiting for her reaction.

“Go on… Enjoy your meal,” she moaned.

“Yes, Madame…” he muttered into her pink, perfectly glazed, half-Veela pussy, his words reverberating on her sensitive spot, sending ticklish tremors into her body. His eyes never left her face. Her expression of utter ecstasy caused his straining cock to throb.

Ron’s slithering tongue eventually went into her core, hitting that sweet spot, strong and hard. His tongue drilled in easily, aided by her nectar, curling its tip to rake some out of her. He lapped it up as his fingers parted her capable pussy with gentle caressing, opening her wide as her body trembled in bliss.

“Oohh… Yess… Good boy… Ah… Keep going,” she panted heavily, her mounds trembling like jelly, her thighs quivering, and her inner walls clenching as if her hole was trying to trap his delicious tongue inside.

Feeling the tiny goosebumps on her skin, Ron’s tongue wildly twirled around her hole, brushing against her wet inner walls as his finger pinched her swollen clit, forcing her to go over the edge. Her back arched as a melodious cry of a half-Veela came out of her.

She climaxed and burst onto his mouth, quenching his thirst with her sticky honey.

Ron accepted it all eagerly, sipping and gulping down her nectar, causing her to hum sensually as her heavy breaths caused her hills to move up and down charmingly.

"Hehe… Not bad." Apolline panted uncontrollably after the unexpected release. She never imagined a young man like that could do that to her, making her come so quickly. "Now, ‘ez your turn to sit and remove your clothes. It ez time for you to learn some techniques, my sweet,” she added as she patted the seat next to her.

Ron complied, shedding his clothes one by one and sitting naked beside her.

Apolline stood up, then straddled right above him on the couch. Her moist heat hovered above his standing cock. “This is ‘ow you truly please a woman,” she said as she bent her knees and gently eased her pussy towards his loins.

She moaned a little as his cock went in, easily sliding into her soaking wet, ripe fuck hole. Ron grunted a little, not expecting this mature woman to be that tight. Her petals sucked him gently, while her inner walls grabbed onto his rod, her muscles clenching like an expert.

As she started to bounce, pleasuring herself on his rock-hard cock, both her hands guided his, sliding up from her knees, brushing through her squishy thighs, up her smooth belly, and grabbing onto her bare mounds. “Yes, that’s it darling… slow and steady. Make madame feel all of your touch.”

Ron gulped as her hands forced his own to squeeze, gently massaging them. He was entranced by how her body moved, gently milking him with her movements, wildly sending him reeling into heaven.

Letting his hands continue on their own, she leaned down and kissed him, parting his lips with her tongue and invading his mouth. She licked the lower part of his upper lip, causing his whole body to tingle. Then, she tasted the sweat on his jaw, trailing up to his ear. Licking his ear, she whispered. “Ummphh… Now move your hips, darling… Slowly... for now,” she instructed.

“Yes… Madame…” Ron suppressed a growl as he answered, starting to move his hips up, thrusting into her inch by agonizing inch. He couldn’t help it. Each little move made him want to go ten times faster; each little touch made him want to collide with her even harder.

“Oh... Oh... yes Monsieur Weasley… Just… Like zat,” her tone rose and fell along with every bounce her plump ass made.

“Gaahhh…” Ron couldn’t handle it anymore. Her pussy was too tight, contracting around him, squeezing out the juices sealed within. Her gentle teaching was just teasing him to no end. Her half-Veela body was taunting him to rebel. Her hot saliva and squelching nectar excited his senses with their scent.

His hands released the cloud-like gentleness and slid under her arms to her back, “I… I’m sorry… Madame… I … can’t…”

“Wha—What do you… Mean? Monsieur... Weasley?” She straightened her back a little, allowing her breasts to thrash freely as she kept impaling herself on his magnificent cock.

“I’m not a gentle lover…” He exclaimed as both his hands held onto her shoulders from behind, pulling her down onto his smoldering member.

“Ahh! Ah!! Noo… Not… So… Hard! Ahhhh!” she cried out as her pussy was fucked from below, shoved into as her body was forced down.

With every violent upward thrust, Ron went hard and deep, striking her deepest walls as he relished the weight of her mature, fleshy body. Apolline kept trying to say something, but her body was honest. Her ass kept jolting up and down, wanting that cock of his to go in and out of her.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Oohhh!! Yess… Monsieur… Yesss…!”

Her cries of rejection turned to moans of bliss as Ron dug deep, using all his strength to smack her thighs red with his pelvis. He suddenly stood up and forced her down onto the couch, face first.

Pushing her bare back down, he smothered her face and breasts onto the cushions of the couch. His hands finally shifted to her arms as her ass dangled in the air. Her ivory ass was perfectly round and plump, her cunt visibly dripping as she anticipated his next move.

He took a second to admire her drooling fuck hole. Her sensually mature curves and wide hips nearly had him drooling before he snapped out of his stupor and positioned himself behind her. "You like my cock, Madame?" Ron rudely asked. "You want it?"

Apolline was too dazed to think of anything else but his cock. Yes, she wanted it. She wanted it deep inside her. She wanted it to ruin all other cocks for her. She wanted to be fucked so bad, leaving her wide gaping, throbbing hole dribbling white. She simply nodded her head and whimpered, her back curved down from Ron tugging on both her arms from behind, keeping them up.

Rone snapped his hips back and rammed himself back in, relishing the expert way she took his cock. He fucked her pussy from behind, shoving deep, while pulling her arms back, arching her thick body. He slammed himself into her, balls deep inside of her clenching pussy.

Her ass bounced with every thrust, and before she knew it, she was spasming like never before; With great shuddering, clenching convultions. Her juices spurted out, filling her clenching pussy. His thrusts kept moving, churning her nectar into dribbling, bubbles around his cock

The added tightness spurred him on, and her screams of ecstasy fueled him even more.

He finally reached that jarring, pulsing climax with a few more heavy thrusts and spilled his young seeds into her, painting her mature, maternal fuckhole sticky white.

He panted momentarily, trying to steady his breath and finally letting go of her arms.

He dropped back onto the couch, sitting, spreading his arms and legs wide, exhausted but satisfied.

To his surprise, instead of getting angry at him, she dropped her knees to the floor, breathing heavily as she scooted over to rest her cheek on his thigh, sitting on the floor between his legs. Her nimble fingers traced his gradually relaxing cock, coating them with their mixed juices on his cock.

She licked one of her fingers with her pink tongue, then placed two in her mouth and sucked on them. He hummed in delight as her expression seemed to look as if she had tasted something incredibly delicious.

"Bon goût, Monsieur Weasley."

Ron, panting, smiles in utter delight at this heavenly sex. He had never done it with someone so mature and beautiful like her before, and he loved it. "Madame, about taking responsibility… Can I get some time to think?"

"Oh, Monsieur Weasley." She leaned forward and licked Ron's nipple, and then stroked his cock in an attempt to raise it again, which it seemingly did. "I do not mind 'aving a few more… deep discussions with you."

Ron, unable to control it, felt his heart throb. With heated need, he tightly gripped her soft, full ass. He pushed her down on the floor to lie back and threw himself on top of her, spreading her thick legs and easing into her dripping, maternal slit once again, then moving slowly, sensually, feeling everything she had to give, while giving her all the thick length he could.

"Ah… Monsieur! Ah, Ah… Yessss…. Deeper, tighter… bite meeee-eh!"

Ron teethed her heated, tight nipples.

Apolline moaned in abandon, forgetting where she was, never realizing her daughters could also access that room at any moment, forgetting that she never locked the door.

And to her luck, there was a pair of ears stuck to the door outside. But only one of them had realized who the 'Monsieur' was inside.

"Ungh… Madame… Spread wider… Yes, yes… Open… Your mouth!"

"Aaaaaa… Eeeeh…! Oh, oh, I am going to… sooo~ Good!"

The wild, uninterrupted mingling of two bodies in the heated, lustrous sweat, one young and youthful, the other mature and alluring, went on for a long, long time.

Ron forgot his lunch and didn't even realize when dinner time passed by. But what he knew was the finest treat that was beside him, under him, and sometimes on him. Again and again, the flurry of passionate climaxes that followed left him mentally numb and physically satisfied like never before.

No doubt, the discussion of taking responsibility for Fleur was going to go on for a very, very long time. And Ron was all in for it.


Fame and Glory amidst all the chaos. Ron could only describe his life in those words, and somewhere deep in his heart, he feared that these amazing days would be over in a snap, or worse, they would turn out to be just a dream. So, deep down, he hoped to live to the fullest with what he had now.

Confident, proud, goofy, and friendly as always. Ron Weasley soon headed back home on the Hogwarts Express as the school year came to an end. But many more surprises awaited him, one right at his home.

“Welcome home!”

As soon as Ron stepped into his home, he found everything decorated with minimal decorations, a big homemade cake in the middle on a dining table, and the best part, his two eldest brothers, Charlie and Bill were also there.

Ron looked beside him and noticed his other siblings also jumping over inside and welcoming him as if they hadn’t been on the train with him before. But no matter what, he loved it.

Shyly, he thanked everyone and walked in to see the cake. Molly had made his doodle face on it, with the words ‘Pride Of Weasley’ under it. This made him feel even more embarrassed, and thank his luck that there was nobody else to—

“Sorry, I’m late. Did you cut the cake?”

Ron’s shoulder instantly fell as he recognized the feminine voice. She had nagged him so much over the years that it was impossible to forget Hermione’s tone.

He looked behind, and there she was, wearing a white shirt and tight jeans, with simple sneakers. But her parents were also there, looking slightly similar to Hermione. However, Mrs. Granger really shared the most resemblance with her daughter.

“What about Harry?” He asked.

Hermione sighed, and walked over to him. “Sorry, I tried. But his uncle was too brutish and didn’t allow Harry to come.”

“Those bloodsuckers will steal every joy of his life,” Ron barked.


Molly smacked his head. “Don’t say such things. You’re too young for that.”

“But old enough to battle the Dark Lord, I guess,” Ron instantly talked back, something he usually never did in the past. “What about Percy? Why isn’t it here? Did he get in trouble for licking around Barty Crouch?”

“You almost sound excited there,” Fred Weasley laughingly pointed out. “Sadly, no.”

Molly sighed and stormed through the chattering family and pulled them all to the cake. “Stop everything and cut the cake now, Ron. The candle is about to die out.”

Embarrassingly, Ron did as they asked and blew on the candle. With that, claps rang, a little hooting from the boys, and then some hugs from family. Arthur and Molly were scared, as well as utterly proud of what he had done.

“You did well, Ron. Well, I’ve already said that plenty of times.” Hermione tried to hug him at first, but stepped back shyly and only messed up his head of red hair. “Write me letters when you have time. I reckon you’ll be quite busy with the chatter that’s going on.”

Ron had no damn clue. He was a man who lived in the moment. “What chatters?”

“Oh, you’ll know soon.” Hermione charmingly smiled.


The money came like Merlin’s blessing. Not as a prize, but as numerous interviews that Ron gave to any magazine or newspaper that came his way. He now understood what Hermione had meant, and he wasn’t complaining. After all, who doesn’t like money?

So, from morning till evening, for most of the days during the first two weeks of his summer break, he went from place to place to take pictures, give interviews, or even visit some parties where the good folks of the wizarding world gathered.

As for the money he earned, it was enough to do all the repairs the Burrow needed and add some to the vault as well. It felt wrong to hoard it since it was his family in the end, and he was never really that hungry for gold.


Like any other day, he finished his work and reached home using the Floo network. It was the middle of the day, so everyone was doing their own thing in their rooms while Molly was out buying groceries.

“Ugh, I’m starving.” He groaned and headed straight to the kitchen. “Those cheapskates. I thought it’d be a rich magazine again… didn’t even offer me food.”

Knock! Knock!

“Hmm?” While rummaging through the kitchen counters, he heard a knock on the main door and walked over to look. “Who is i—Lavender?!”

Ron almost stumbled back on his feet at the unexpected sight of this blonde-haired girl. And what shocked him the most was what she was wearing. A tight, slim-fit leather coat that went right till her knees, tightly tied around her curvy waist.

“Ron…” Lavender murmured his name like a puppy squeaking. “Please… Ron.”

Why is she here? I didn’t even do it with her. Ron panicked and looked left and right to ensure nobody saw him. Ugh, Mum could be arriving anytime soon.

“Get in, quick!” Ron grabbed teary-eyed Lavender’s hand and quickly dragged her all the way to the fifth floor, where only his room rested—a little one with the attic above that had the family ghoul living in.


He slammed the door shut as soon as he entered his room, and put on various locks on it. Only then did he take a sigh of relief and look back at Lavender, standing alone in the middle and staring at everything there with wide, excited eyes.

“Blimey, Lavender. What’s gotten into you?” Ron grunted and went to sit on his bed. “What is it? Why did you come here?”

“Ron.” Lavender again turned emotional and walked closer to him, but keeping a three-foot distance. Her curly hair was untied, and the leather coat on her body was so tightly wrapped that her figure was as traceable as if she wore nothing; heavy mounds, wide hips, curvy waist, and meaty legs.

I don’t like this. What if she screams to call my brothers? Rita Skeeter will spare no effort to paint me a sexual fiend.

“Ron, please take me,” Lavender finally mustered enough courage to say it out loud. “I don’t care! I don’t care about anything anymore. Please, I just want to be yours, Ron… Just accept me. I know, I won’t complain. I don’t care if you don’t call me your girlfriend… I won’t call you my boyfriend either.”

Bloody hell! Is she mental?

“W-What do you mean, Lavender?”

“I mean.” Lavender looked down and moved her hands, smoothly untying the tight coat around her waist. Instantly, the front of it spread apart, revealing what was inside—there was nothing. Not a single piece of clothing, not even the undergarments. Her milky, full breasts were at full display, as was her clean-shaven womanhood. “This, Ron!”

“W-What… Do…” Ron felt afraid, wondering if this was her scheme, and jumped back on his bed. “Go home, Lavender.”

“Please, Ron! I don’t care what you do anymore. Anything, just do something.” Lavender teared up like a maniac. “I’ll take it in my mouth, in my pussy, in my ass! I’ll do whatever you want, Ron… You can do whatever you want… Just make me yours, I beg you!”

With that proclamation, Lavender threw her coat over her shoulder and got fully naked, revealing all her beautiful curves, her pristine wild skin, and the fullness of her assets.

Ron gulped and forced himself to look at her face only. “You don’t want this, Lavender. You’re just… infatuated, because of what I did recently.”

“No! I want you to fuck me!” Lavender shouted suddenly. “Can’t you see, Ron? I came prepared for everything! I’m yours… Everything of me is yours!”

Fuck! She’s getting too loud. Ron panicked and jumped at her to slam his palm on her mouth. Is she serious? I don’t remember giving her a love potion. I’d never do something like that.

He looked at Lavender’s face, her blue eyes closely, and only noticed the crazed desire. Then, he looked down, and realized she was already wet, rubbing her thighs together.

Can I throw her out?

“Ron, come downstairs, dear! I brought some pastries!”

“Fuck!” Ron cursed as Molly’s voice echoed from downstairs. “Lavender… Are you sure?”

He let her speak.

“You don’t need to ask me, Won Won,” Lavender replied dreamily and jumped to wrap her arms around his neck, shoving her body to press against his. “I’m yours to use and yours to misuse.”

Utterly speechless, Ron helplessly looked out of the window. The quickest way to send her back was the Floo network, but Molly had returned. And if he threw her out, he had no doubt she’d return.

Merlin, help me.

“Fine.” Ron relented and made Lavender lie down on the bed. After that, he picked out a few shirts from his cupboard and tied her hands and feet. “If you can endure this challenge, I will give you what you want.”


Ron shoved a clean, dry sock in her mouth and tied it with a spare piece of cloth. “Stay still here, silent. Do that, and I will do you when I come back.”

“Hmmm…” There was only excitement in Lavender’s gaze.

This crazy girl. Did my luck finally run out? He wondered and glanced at her entirely naked body. Her quick breaths were making the full, heavy mounds heave, while the pinkness of her virgin slit looked utterly inviting. She’s still pretty, though. But why so crazy about me?

“See you later.” At last, he threw a thin blanket on her and left the room, locking it thoroughly from the outside.
