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Synopsis: When the lady luck shines, you fit perfectly into the worldly designs. At least, that's what happened to Ron Weasley.

The poor lad failed Potions Class due to spending too much time helping Harry prepare for his Triwizard competition.

Held back by Snape for extra class, he chose to show his disagreement in the most unique fashion—ruining Snape's experimental potion vials. But the vial contained something he could have never expected, and when he drank it, something invisible and yet spectacular happened.

TL;DR - Ron is very lucky and winning in the most unexpected and fun way possible. Be it girls, life, or battles.

[A/N: Don't worry about there being too many series. Ms.Squirtle is helping me write these.]


Take that, Snape. Triumphantly, Ron Weasley downed a potion vial from the consumables section, not noticing the ‘experimental’ words written underneath the vial.


Bloody hell! What is this? Alcohol? He coughed uncontrollably and returned to his seat before the Professor could come and scold him again. It wasn't his fault that he spent too much time trying to figure out the clue for Harry's second task.

"Have you finished the experiment, Mister Weasley?"

Ron straightened his back, "I have, Professor. It’s within the range written in the books."

Blimey! I didn't stutter.

Ron felt utter confidence oozing from his being. For no reason, he began feeling like he could conquer the world if he wanted to. Defeat a dragon with his bare hands, even though he knew it'd be suicide.

"Then why are you still here?" Snape barked back in his usual disdainful tone.

"Have a good day, Professor." Ron quickly gathered his books and other materials before running out of the potions classroom. At last, his annoying extra class was over.

He felt energetic, excited, and confident even when he walked. But still, he worried about the Yule Ball that was approaching. Only three days were left now, and he still had no partner. He had already asked Fleur out and been rejected by her, failing spectacularly. Now, his options in Hogwarts were reduced as many girls disliked Fleur for charming so many boys.

Who’s left now? Umm… Ugh, most of them have already accepted others. Dammit, why were we so late?

Furiously brainstorming, he soon arrived in the common room. Harry was there, sitting alone and brooding as usual. Of course, there was also the worry about the golden egg and finding the next clue.

"Any luck?" He asked.

Harry shrugged. "You?"

"Although I've seen Snape in Neville's grandma's robes, I didn't ask him out," Ron snickered, sitting beside his best friend. "Any luck with the clue?"

Harry dejectedly shook his head, finding double failure weighing on his heart more than anything else.

"I'm gonna try Hermione," Ron said suddenly, shocking his best friend. "Even got chocolates. I mean, I brainstormed on my way here, and surprisingly, I don't know why we haven't asked her yet. Anyway, wish me luck. I'm going to find her."

Harry shrugged as Ron left, leaving him silently sulking at Cho's rejection. Sadly, he couldn't share this sorrow with anyone, or didn't want to.

But he couldn't help but wonder why he felt there was something new about Ron.

He seems different for some reason. Did he—

"I'm back." Ron returned and threw himself on the couch.

"What happened?" Harry shot closer to him, fearing his best friend had found a partner, leaving him alone in misery.

Ron sighed and brushed his red hair with his fingers. They had grown quite a bit. "She took the chocolates and didn't reject me."

Harry's heart sank, "So she's your partner now?"

"No, she accepted Viktor Krum just before I got to her," Ron breathed out deeply and slumped on the couch. "We're done for, Harry—the only two boys with no girls."


The god of luck seemed to shine upon them at the last moment, and thankfully, the two lads found two partners who came in a package. The Patil twins were exquisite and exotic, to say the least, and nowhere lacking in visual beauty.

"Wish me luck, Harry," Ron muttered as he raised his wand towards his robes hanging in front of him by the bed.

It went without saying that the robes Molly had sent were more than repulsive and outdated. They looked and smelled rotten. But Ron remembered he was a wizard, and transfiguration existed. So, he attempted to turn the nasty clothing into something more proper—just an ordinary black suit with a coat.

"You seem a bit too excited, Ron."

Ron shrugged, smiling. He just loved being himself these days. "What's there not to be excited about?"

"We don't know how to dance."

"Who cares? There’s going to be food and music there, and we even got ourselves partners. Everything is going just right. And dancing is easy; just throw your arms and step around without looking like a jester," Ron mumbled and swung his wand. "Ugh, if Hermione was here, she could have done this much more easily."

"Is she angry at you?"

"Angry? Why? I just gave her a flower this morning, and she let go of everything. I'm telling you, Harry. Dealing with girls is so easy." Ron again flicked his wand, and finally, his clothes began to change in color and shape. Now they were sleek and black, fitted for him, with a small red pocket square that accentuated his hair color.

"Wicked!" Ron clapped and quickly donned clothes before checking himself out in the mirror. "Let's go, mate."

The two hastened through the corridors and reached the Great Hall, which was decorated with magic to give the appeal of an icy Christmas but without the cold. There were even fairies in the lawn area, actual living fairies.

"Hi, Harry," Parvati arrived with her sister.

"Hi, Ron. You look great in that suit," Padma complimented genuinely.

Ron smiled, scratching his head, "Thanks, you look fantastic. I can already tell it's gonna be a great night."

It shocked Padma to the point that her eyes widened, which honestly made her seem prettier.

"I like that enthusiasm," she chirped.

Ron nodded and couldn't help but check her out at last since this was his date.

Not quite bad, he told himself. Her shining dark hair was tied into a beautiful French twist, her marshmallow brown skin looked so soft, and her full lips were just perfect. Below, he noticed her curvy body draped in an amazing modern saree wear, tightly clenching her perky breasts covered in a tight blouse.

Padma noticed his gaze going from her top to bottom. In other circumstances, she'd have been creeped out, but right now, she couldn't deny the attention made her happy.

"There you are, Mr. Potter!" Professor McGonagall appeared just then and dragged the champion away.

With that, Ron and Padma ushered into the hall and stood near the edge of the dancing floor. They didn't have to wait too long either as the giant gates opened and the welcoming music echoed. In neat order, the four champions walked in with their partners.

"Is that… Hermione and Viktor Krum?"

"Correct!" Ron said, jumping suddenly and whistling so loud that the sound echoed in the Great Hall. "Slay them, Hermione! Beat them all by dancing the longest! My money's on you!"

"Taking bets?" Right away, George and Fred appeared at the scent of the money. "My money’s on Fleur."

"Mine on Cedric."

"Viktor is strong. Mine is on him." A Durmstrang boy joined.

"Hmph! Nothing can stand before Fleur's charm. You think that boy has control over his mind?" A Beauxbatons girl chipped in her money.

Ron had only said it as a figure of speech, but he soon found a bucket full of coins. It wasn’t his goal, but he didn't reject it either.

Amidst laughs and giggles, the dance began. Hermione didn't take his words badly either and rather silently thanked him for slaying away her nervousness. As for the dance, she sure didn't like losing bets.

"Get ready," he suddenly said and grabbed Padma's hand, not really in the right mind to realize how bold and confident he was appearing. "The moment the Professors join, we'll also enter."

"You know how to dance?" She asked.

"No—let's go."

Ron pulled clueless Padma to the dancefloor first among all the students. His hand held onto her waist tight, her body almost touching his, with the other hand clasped together on the side. Their movements were clumsy, but they both smiled and just enjoyed the moment.

Steps forward, backward, sideways, and lifting her up by the slim waist. Padma's beautiful, long black hair got untied somewhere in the middle, embarrassing her. But Ron didn't care and smoothly caressed her hair back behind her ear while continuing to dance. Not a single step he took showed doubt. Not a single action he made showed clumsiness.

Padma soon lost herself in the moment and simply moved like a wave. Wherever Ron took her, she followed his steps. His hand on her waist felt a little tight, almost clenching her silky flesh, but she didn't mind as their gazes remained locked.

"Thank you," she muttered abruptly. "I came fully prepared to see my night ruined—this is beyond fun."

Ron agreed as he remembered his mindset from a few days ago. But now, all this energy and positivity had left him confused. "Glad I could make it fun, Padma. Hey, come with me. I can’t let Hermione and Krum stop."

"Hehe… Are we going to do a dance-off with them?"

"Brilliant idea!"


The pretty Indian witch was left speechless as Ron stopped near Krum and Hermione.

"Let's see who lasts longer. If you lose, I will keep your broom. If I lose—well, I'll give you the famous Harry Potter's broom," Rom proposed to Krum.

"What?!" Harry exclaimed from a distance but was ignored.

"Let's do it," Krum agreed right away.

And with that, the night went wilder, more and more. Hermione soon began panting as her heels weren’t that comfortable. Meanwhile, Padma didn't have such uncomfortable heels, but even she began to pant.

"Lean on me. I'll carry you. They won't last too long," Ron said, pulling Padma closer by her waist, sensing the warmth of her skin even from over her dress. "Just relax."

Blushing and tired, she did so and saw how easily Ron moved her with his rhythm. It felt strange, as if this was a different person altogether. There was still that old naivety, but with more grace.

Others became tired, but they never stopped.


"And I won!" Ron decreed as soon as Hermione's heels broke apart.

Krum sighed and approached Ron, hand extended, "You won—the broom is yours."

This wasn’t a small thing. It was the broom that Krum used in the World Cup, after all. But Ron accepted it since it was won with a lot of hard work and sweat.

"I'll be back. Too tired right now," Hermione gasped for breath, smiling ear to ear as she truly enjoyed the evening.

But Harry was still not that happy and even felt alone now. He and Parvati had stopped dancing already and had taken their seats. Then, right in front of Harry's eyes, even Parvati was taken by someone, leaving him alone.

Where is he looking at? Ron wondered and followed Harry’s line of sight. Cho? He likes Ch—Ah! It all makes sense now.

"Padma, give me a moment. I'll go and pull Harry back here," he told her and stopped, giving Padma a moment to breathe.

Harry watched everyone dance in a daze, not even realizing when his friend came and shook him violently.

"Harry! Come with me. I'll help fulfill your dream tonight," Ron didn't listen to Harry's resistance and dragged him with much effort all the way to the dance floor. "Padma, dance with Harry for a minute. I'll fix him a partner quickly."

The partner he wants.

Throwing his arms around gently, Ron speared through the crowd and slowly moved closer to Cho Chang, the stunning Asian beauty in her white clothes that were a fusion of tradition and modernity. Cedric had stopped dancing, and both were dancing with others from Raveclaw's house.

Where is this mental confidence coming from? He didn’t have the answer himself.

"Hi, Ms. Chang. May I have a dance?" He extended his hands toward her, and she didn't reject him either, too lost in the moment, thinking it was normal.

"Of course," Cho smiled beautifully, allowing Ron to place his palm softly on her waist.

Both of them began swinging around, and Ron smoothly pulled her closer to Harry and Padma. Ever so slowly, using his little experience with Padma on Cho, he turned her around, picked her by the thin waist, and finally reached the destination.

"Ah, found you again, my partner!" Ron acted shocked and pushed Cho towards Harry while taking Padma back with himself, embracing her tight with his body as if they had never separated, the distance between their faces being merely a few centimeters.

"That was so sweet of you," Padma raised both hands and placed them on his shoulder, allowing him to pull her deeper into his body. He was pretty taller than her, so his crotch pressed against her belly, and no doubt, he had an erection. Anybody would in that situation.

He chuckled and slowly danced with her, "You look out for those you care about, don't you? But I hope Parvati won't mind this."

Padma chuckled, dreamily looking at Ron's face, questioning her own sanity as she surprisingly found him charming that evening. "She won't, don't worry. But she'll definitely be jealous of me."

She's flirting? This was the first for Ron. He had never had a girl acting this way towards him before.



Ugh! Damn you all, Hogwarts! Ron cursed internally when the live rock band performance suddenly began for no reason. All the girls and boys stopped dancing intimately and turned into crazed hounds, jumping and dancing like fools. Even Harry enjoyed it since Cho never left his side. But Ron felt like he had lost the opportunity.

"Ehm…" Padma coughed and kept staring at his face with a gleam in her eyes. "Wanna get out of here? I don't like loud music."

Ron gulped, knowing very well what may happen next. There was that different look on Padma's black eyes, and his own crotch had taken over his brain.

"Let's go."

She giggled and pulled him along out of the crowd and to the exit. They rushed to avoid any eyes noticing them.

She's… She has a great body. Ron realized when he noticed her hasty figure in front of him. The way her shapely tight hips swayed in that long skirt-like dress, he didn't know the name of.

"Shh…!" She lowered her head a little and dragged him over to some stagecoaches. Sadly, most of them seemed occupied, so they went all the way back and eventually found one freezing in the cold. "Quick, get in!"

Ron felt his heart rising to his mouth, his lips going dry. But he followed her inside and shut the door. They sat side by side, knees turned towards each other as their eyes locked.

Then, it happened.

"That was the best night of my life," she muttered, staring into his eyes. "But the night isn't over yet—ummmm…"

She leaned forward, one hand gracefully caressing his shoulder and going to the back of his red hair. Then, her face inched closer, and her lips finally embraced his, soft as a feather.

Ron’s eyes widened. He still didn’t know how he got this far, but he didn’t reject it. He awkwardly fumbled and didn’t know where to place his hands, but then something hot came over his loins. It was that primal craving and yearning he always held back on his own.

He placed one of his hands behind her head, sinking into her raven locks, and pulled her deeper into the kiss. His confidence grew as he felt her accepting his tongue in her mouth, kissing him deeply and passionately. They exchanged saliva like there was no tomorrow, tongues twisting and coiling around each other.

After a few innocent fondles here and there, Ron placed his other hand slightly above her hip and felt spellbound as he touched the hint of her skin under her saree top. His fingers moved and tickled her waist, teasing her skin.

Her dark hair framed her beautiful face and cascaded down to her caramel-like collarbone and dark valley; her breasts beautifully formed as her saree top covered them, lusciously pressing against his chest. At this moment, she was truly irresistible, and Ron could feel his erection grow harder.

Without her rejecting his naughty touch and his newfound self-assurance, his fingers braved their way down toward her thigh and found her soft flesh. He gently kneaded and stroked, unintentionally pulling up her skirt. Once it was fully bunched up to the base of her legs, he could feel her smooth skin in his palm, and his fingers sunk into its cushion-like softness.

At the same time, Padma’s hands weren’t idle.

Both her hands inched up his knees, brushing against the cloth of his pants. For some reason, it tickled him inside, and his shaft twitched. Her one hand hooked two fingers on his belt, forcing him to come closer, while the other found its way to his crotch, gently touching the bulge in his pants.

With heated breaths, they looked into each other’s eyes, knowing what they truly wanted that evening. Ron could see the flames of yearning in her eyes. Her nimble hands clearly told him this wasn’t her first time.

Ron didn’t care that this might be his first time. All he wanted was to take it all the way. Taking the look in her eyes as a sign, he fumbled with his belt and quickly pulled his pants down to his knees, followed by his underwear.

He didn’t know how his size was compared to other guys, and he never really wanted to ask, but the way Padma looked at his straining member, he felt that he wasn’t so bad.

Maybe I should ask her later…?

Seeing how excited Ron was, Padma giggled as she pulled her own pure white panties down her skirt-covered legs and threw them down to the seat on the other side of the carriage. Shifting to the side, she pulled Ron to sit in the middle, then, with her knees gracefully parted over his legs, she sat on his lap.

Padma’s shapely ass swayed as Ron’s hard poker started to brush against her moist entrance.

Breathing heavily, Ron excitedly pulled up the top part of her saree, which was basically a single piece of cloth. Then his hands trailed to her back and unclasped her white bra. Her breasts came out with a slight jiggle, enticing Ron to feast on them as she pleasured her own little kernel of bliss with his straining, hard phallus down there.

Her wet lower lips started to salivate as her hushed moans entered Ron’s ears. It aroused him even more as he fondled both her tanned breasts, mauling one of her dark nipples. He licked, bit, and teased, causing her to stroke him with her hips wiggling around wildly.

“Oh… Ron,” She moaned into his ear.

Feeling that her juices had already coated his straining erection, he asked with a strained voice, “Can I…?”

“Umhh… Of course,” she answered with a bronze glow on her cheeks.

With her arms around his neck, she pulled up a bit as Ron aimed his swollen knob right between her damp petals. Then, with a gentle push of his hips, his head parted her wet entrance, causing her to moan a bit louder.

Without warning, she lowered herself, allowing Ron’s hard little buddy to enter deeper and deeper. His molten member parted her walls to make way, tantalizing her insides with every little bump and groove.

“Gh!” Ron grunted a bit, feeling a sensation he had never felt before. He was trying to break through a surface that couldn’t be pierced, gasping for breath, drowning inside her.

Oh Merlin, this feels amazing! Ron couldn’t believe his first time would feel like this, as if his cock had a mind of its own, taking control of his body, wanting to go deeper, wanting to devour her from the inside out. Her moist need squeezed him inside, tight and warm.

Padma gently moved her waist, stroking him in circles and jolting on her knees. Every time she eased off and shoved him back in, Ron could feel a tsunami of bliss crashing down on his rigid source of heat.

“Ohh oh… Ron, yess…You’re… so… ah!” Padma moaned and suddenly moved faster, practically jumping up and down on her knees. The carriage rocked and swayed, following their heated exchange.

Ron couldn’t help himself, his cock searching for those final fireworks of glory, forcing his pelvis to thrust up, soaring into her even more. He moaned and groaned, tasting ecstasy.

But suddenly—


Ron stopped thrusting and covered Padma's mouth with his hand.

They both heard someone outside, and his heart almost sank to the bottom. He was already seeing the expulsion letter reaching home.

He leaned back, trying to sink into the seat cushions and hide, feeling terrified.

Padma quickly got off him and leaned over to a side window. She pushed the thin curtain to peek out a bit, also worried about being found out.

"...you are scared!"

"I have nothing to be scared of, Igor. Can you say the same?"

Igor and Snape? What are they doing? Ron wondered and heard muffled footsteps fading away soon.

Are they gone?

He waited a little and looked down, only to see a marvelous sight.

Padma was kneeling on the seat, looking outside with her hands on the window. Her ass was in the air, a good few inches from his face. With her skirt still bunched up around her midsection, he could see the drooling petals between her squishy thighs. It looked like a charming hazel fay flower, alluring and inviting; scented with sex.

It made him rock hard all over again, and he leaned forward to gently place his hands on her ass cheek and waist.

“Ah!” Padma gasped at his touch. She felt his cold, excited hands on her bare, chestnut skin.

Ron leaned over, with one foot on the floor of the carriage and the other kneeling on the seat.

“Oh Ron…” She seductively giggled as she felt his straining hard knob kiss her twitching vulva.

“I don’t think we should stop now,” Ron whispered.

Suddenly with a heavy shove of his cock, he entered her from behind. His hands steadied her body by grabbing her waist, pulling her back into him. Not wanting to end it so soon, Padma complied, letting him fuck her from behind.

Padma’s glistening copper breast swayed a little as her hands supported herself on the window, pushing her body back a bit to allow him full entry.

Enjoying their risky deed, he arched into her as she writhed in torment. His burgeoning erection went deep, striking her deepest wall. Reaching that point felt amazing to him, so his hips moved even faster and frantic.

With his agonizing groans and her muffled moans, their bodies melded with nothing between their colliding flesh. Padma’s slobbering slit clenched around him tightly, sending waves of pleasure up his spine, forcing him to feel her erotic, silky walls.

Ron felt like he was coming close to a release. He didn’t want to come first since he heard somewhere that that wasn’t a good thing.

But she feels too good! Agh! Ron couldn’t care much about that now and thrust in even harder and faster. His loins wanted that last bit of bliss so badly that he didn’t want to slow down.

"Ah, oh, oh… Too deep, Ron… Fuck! Yesss…"

With his hard pounding, Padma clenched deep inside. Her body was seized by a rush of sensation so intense it felt like her muscles locked up. She cried out with unabashed abandon and released the floodgates, bursting juices around his cock.

Feeling the hot fluids on his member, Ron also started to convulse into a chain of spasms. He knew that feeling, inching close to an explosion. However, deep down, he really didn’t want to pull out now. He didn’t want the heavenly feeling to end. It was way better than his own hand.

Soaring over the edge, he shook violently and spilled his seeds in her dark, fully flooded haven. In the end, his cock twitched, sending out every last bit of his rushing ejaculation.

Finally, he felt exhausted, and his cock started to relax. He eased back, pulling his soiled cock out of her while out of breath.

Padma panted as her hands finally slipped down to the seat, and her body curled there motionlessly for a while, trying to steady herself.

Both of them rest a little before wearing their clothes again, trying to look as normal as possible.

"Now…" Padma shifted closer to the door, her hand on the handle. "Now, my night is perfect."

Ron blushed and tried to hold her. "I liked it t—"


Embarrassed, ashamed, and tired, Padma quickly jumped out and ran away. He noticed a few wet stains at the back of her long skirt near her hips, and the realization hit him that he had just lost his virginity.

Lost in thoughts and a little fear of her getting pregnant, he dragged his feet through the lines of creaking stagecoaches back to the Great Hall, where the music was still loud. Not many were dancing anymore.

"Ron… Ron!" Harry approached him with hurried steps, throwing his arm around his best friend's shoulder. "You were crazy today. But thank you. I really enjoyed the night."

Ron looked at his friend's smiling face and sighed the next moment, shaking his head. "Me too, mate… me too—I'm famished now."

Harry grinned and pulled Ron to a corner, "So, how was it?"

Likewise, Ron grinned with all his teeth. The taste of the forbidden fruit was just such.

"Heavenly… Just… heavenly." Ron dreamily replied. But not for long, as he turned stiff and grabbed Harry by his shoulder. “Harry! I heard Igor and Snape talking secretly out there. They seem connected somehow—Igor tried to threaten Snape.”

Harry tensed up immediately. “And? Did you hear anything else?”

“No, they left soon after.”

Harry sighed and relaxed in his chair. “Great. I don’t know the clue for the next task, and now this. How am I to even compete?”

Ron, still utterly optimistic and confident, pulled Harry and dragged him along. “Hehe, I guess I’ll need to cheer you up.”

“With what?”

“With a girlfriend, of course. It was the best feeling in the world, Harry. It makes you feel so relaxed. You have to find a partner.”

Harry shook his head and stopped. “Stop joking, Ron. I've got enough on my plate.”

“Cho?” Ron muttered, realizing something. “You still want her?”

Harry blushed and looked down.

Ron sighed, seeing his friend hopelessly in love. But Harry was his best friend, after all.

Cho Chang? She has a boyfriend already. Perhaps if they break up one day, I can do something for Harry.

The idea was noble, but Ron had no clue how perfectly his stars were aligned. What could go right was going to go right. He was the living, breathing reverse of Merphy’s Law.

Of course, he had no idea. But a certain professor was indeed furious about the missing experimental potion, which had cost him a lifetime’s fortune.

Now the question was, how potent was Ronald Bilius Weasley’s luck?


Lord Mehmeh

Dude/ dudette you’re a beast, least likely pairing without the twin sex , which is nice but overdone, but like wow man you’re good.