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A month before the eventful battle at Hogwarts, Harry Potter chose to do everything in his power to gain an upper hand. Good, bad, or evil, he no longer cared for anything for his life was already forfeited. The only goal now was to win with the least casualties. 

With the two beauties, Narcissa and Bellatrix beside him, it was easy to manipulate most of the pureblood circles. The two women willingly gave their best, seducing pureblood supremacist men to lure them to Harry, only to be put under an Imperio Curse. 

As for the pureblood women, Harry chose to take a more drastic measure, taking them with his own prowess and binding them with a never-ending Unbreakable Vow. The goal was to use them to influence their families and children in the future and wash away the pureblood indoctrination.

"Ummh! Harry… I'm tired~" Pansy Parkinson tiredly removed her ripe lips from his throbbing, spent length. 

Both their flesh naked as the day born, they lay exhausted on the bed. Harry's back on the pillow while Pansy found her spot between his spread legs, her pussy still dripping with her own climax.

"Let me help." Harry suddenly reached for her head and jammed her lips back on his cock, claiming her throat deep. "I-ugh-I'm close!"

"Ghk! Ghk! Umm…"

Completely given up, Pansy let Harry shove himself as deep as he wanted, as fast as he desired. Her hot, coiling tongue was just an endless source of warmth. An endless jolt of pleasure made Harry let his head fall while he continued to fuck Pansy's throat like he owned it. 

Having done it with her in school before, there was no shame. Doing it in Pansy's own home was an even bigger turn-on.

"Mmmm…" Pansy splurted, gagged, and choked on Harry's cock. 

His actions were a little too rough than usual that night. Her nose flared up, trying to breathe in as much as she could. 

"Close!" Harry warned her. He knew Pansy was no stranger to this ritual anymore since they had done it daily for the past week. He thrust his hips up and jammed his cockhead deep, letting the ticklish throbs burst out with a sprinkle of creamy fluid. 

Immediately, Harry freed her head, and Pansy began bobbing and slurping on her own, guzzling down every single drop of that white nectar like an elixir. 

"You really enjoy this part?" Harry watched as she giddily licked him all over, her hair a mess of their sex, still swaying with her movements. Her pale, pretty face held no resemblance to her proud Slytherin persona. At that moment, she was just a girl relishing her deepest sexual fantasies. 

"Um-hum." She hummed and continued until she could no longer feel anything on him but her own spit. 

Soon enough, she moved up and laid down beside Harry to get some rest. Spent in all the ways possible, she simply pulled the quilt over her shoulder and shut her eyes. "Do you really have to go?" 

"I don't want to, but I have to," Harry replied and rustled out of the bed and began donning his clothes. Just black pants, a shirt, and a jacket. "Don't forget the vow, Pansy."

"I know, Harry. You don't have to remind me every day," she snarled and turned sideways to sleep. "Good night."

Sassy again. Harry sighed and left her bedroom without making a sound. 

It was a modest mansion with two floors, the upper floor had all the bedrooms. So, he walked in the corridor and eventually arrived at another bedroom door. 

Knock! Knock!

He turned the knob and gazed inside, making himself known. "Good night, Mrs. Parkinson. Don't forget the vow!"

"Hmm… I-ugh… Know." The weak murmur of Mrs. Parkinson came as a reply, lying on her belly on the bed, completely naked, her entire backside full of red whip marks, her soft, mature ass adorned with red palm marks. Her legs were parted wide as a white mess still lingered between her used and abused petals. 

Harry smirked and retreated, closing the door behind. It was impossible to bed the mother and daughter at the same time, sadly. A great disappointment, but he didn't think about it since he had already experienced something better—Bedding all three Greengrass women. Daphne, Astoria, and their mother—What a night that was. 

Satisfied with himself, Harry walked downstairs and arrived at the main living room where the fireplace was lit. Bellatrix and Narcissa were there, sitting and talking. Meanwhile, Mr. Parkinson was sitting on a single-seater like a statue.

He was one since Harry had him under his control. 

With this, the last of the purebloods fall. 

"Mr. Parkinson, ensure you act the same as you always do. Forget this meeting ever happened, and forget ever meeting me. When the time will be right, I will command you again." Harry ordered the man under his curse and started walking away. 

"Let's go."

"You were too loud, my Lord!" Bellatrix complained. "I felt… jealous. Even Cissy did!"

Harry amusedly looked back at the two, then focused on Narcissa. "Really?”

"M-Maybe… a little," Narcissa responded without looking back at his face. But her hand did slide onto her belly softly, making her remember that there was no need for shame anymore. "I-I won't mind if you… made me loud too."

"Oh my, who are you?" Bellatrix poked fun at her sister. "Trying to take my dear Lord from me? You better not Cissy."

"Stop fighting, you two." Harry seriously warned them in Voldemort's persona. "I'll take the both of you."

"Hehe…" Bellatrix merely giggled in love. 


"Avada Kedavra!" 

Harry made the first move with his original wand. The first deadly curse went out of his wand and the only aim was the Dark Lord. All of the pureblood wizards had changed sides, leaving Voldemort with only the giants and other ruffians that followed the Dark Lord for reasons unknown. 

"Hehe! Dare to challenge me, boy?!" Voldemort's laughter echoed, dark and chilling. Yet, his slit eyes betrayed a simmering fury towards his disloyal followers. "First, I shall extinguish your pitiful life, and then I’ll purge the traitors from existence! From the ashes of their defeat, I’ll forge a new wizarding Britain, born of purity and true magic—Avada Kedavra!" 

As soon as Voldemort blasted his spell, the battle started. 

Thankfully, Harry had plenty of fighters on his side this time, with the added purebloods. Spells furled everywhere like fireworks, some chasing each other and spreading throughout the school. 

Harry dodged the attack, his eyes darting all over. Where's the snake? 

The snake had to be dealt with before trying to kill Voldemort and himself. So Harry tried to stall as much as he could and avoid getting hit by the killing curse. Thankfully it was easier since only Voldemort was attacking him. 


He leaped sideways and hurled back an exploding charm, followed by a killing curse. All the sounds around him started to die out with time and he became fully focused on the Dark Lord. 

Behind him, Hermione, Ron, and the entire school fought the werewolves, giants, and other dark creatures. Bellatrix and Narcissa were also there, along with many members of the Ministry. The tides were all in Harry's favor. 

Yet, it all meant nothing if the snake wasn't found. 

Where could he be hiding it? Harry asked himself. He knew he was no longer Harry Potter of the old, but something in the middle of himself and Voldemort. The vile acts in the last month committed, and the rage that seared in him was proof. 

"Where is it?!" he asked directly. "Where is the snake?!" 

"You can find out in the afterlife!" Voldemort flew somehow, a magical feat that none else could accomplish. He gained some height first and then dived straight at Harry, wand drawn and grin the epitome of evil.

Then there's only one way. Harry took a deep breath and retreated his steps while anticipating Voldemort. I can do this… If he can.

"At least I'll have an afterlife!" Harry shouted back and leaped backward, leaving the ground. His focus unbroken, he used the same magic that he learned from Voldemort's memories. The same magic that made the Dark Lord fly, and now he did too. 

The stormy black mist spewed underneath his waist as she soared into the sky. His direction changed in midair and he rushed towards Voldemort as well, praying that the Dark Lord wouldn't use the killing curse at such a close range.

"Haha! You dare use my magic on me?" Voldemort came faster at Harry.


The two collided in the air and began going upward into the sky. Voldemort tried to grab Harry's head, and Harry tried to do the same with Voldemort. All the while they fought to keep an upper hand. 

Over the Hogwarts castle, they tried to slam each other over multiple rooftops, each time dodging by a small margin. 

"Thank you for your gift, Voldemort." Harry decided to play with Voldemort's head to gain an upper hand. "I really enjoyed Bellatrix. Even Narcissa and so many more. How do you think I got all of them to turn to me?"

"Haaa!" Voldemort growled in rage.

Harry found his chance just then and clasped Voldemort's head with his palms. Then, he let his thoughts sink in, the same magic that once allowed him to stare into Voldemort's mind. It was extremely dangerous, but he felt there was no other way. 


Voldemort struggled, feeling an invasion into his thoughts. He tried to stop Harry, but how could he when his own memories had taught the boy? All his offenses and defenses were known. Only a small tug of war he could afford. 

"Leave… my mind!"

Harry ignored his words and looked into the recent memories. Searching for the snake, he ripped across Voldemort's thoughts. His plans of attacking, the plan to kill him. He saw through all the plots and schemes, but they had all gone wrong with him losing his army. 

There it is! He finally saw the snake. 

Somewhere inside a room with a long table. A meeting between all the high-ranking Death Eaters that were still alive. 

In the memories, Voldemort was talking while the snake was moving around on the floor. Then the scenes changed and Harry saw Dumbledore's grave. 


Harry retreated from Voldemort's mind in that instant. He doesn’t know I have the Elder Wand?

"Bombarda!" Harry blasted onto Voldemort's chest from point blank. He seized the chance and flew away from Voldemort, heading straight towards Dumbledore's grave. 

"You will not!" Voldemort chased back. "Avada—"

Harry had come prepared for it and took out some pranks from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. In the form of a powder, he sprinkled something that left the Dark Lord itching all over his skin. Clearly, sometimes the simplest means were the best. 

Harry gained distance with that and had the grave in sight. He looked around to find Nagini right away, but the large snake was nowhere to be seen. 

Where is it? 

Harry landed on the ground and rolled away to save himself from Voldemort's ire. He used the cover of Dumbledore’s large tomb to look around for the snake. 

Where the hell is it?! Voldemort’s memories couldn’t be lies.

"Come out, Potter! Face your fate!" Voldemort landed as well, still enraged. "I wanted it to be swift, but you chose pain!" 

"Swift? By taking over my body?" Harry shouted back, stalling as he searched for the snake. "You sick half-blood imposter! You think your filthy existence can stand against me?" 

"Aaaa!" Voldemort furiously started blasting spells all over the tomb of Dumbledore, chipping away its marble finishes with each explosion. "Fight me, Potter! It was you who masqueraded as me to win Bellatrix!"

"Ah, Bellatrix…" Harry continued, "Certainly tight in all the right places. Quite a seductive and entertaining vixen. Don't worry, you couldn't, so I put a seed in her!" 



"Aaaa! Come out! Come and fight me! Coward!!”

Harry frowned, realizing Voldemort was far too strong magically. Seeing no other way, he took out the Elder Wand from his jacket. But his eyes remained searching throughout the floor.


Voldemort's frantic spells struck everywhere, now non-verbal and purely fueled by rage and hatred. 



At that distant hiss, Harry remembered something and started hissing like a snake. "Shisss hasss…"

"NO! Nagini!" Voldemort heard Harry and shouted. 

That only bolstered Harry as his parseltongue became louder.


"Stop! Don't come up Nagini!" Voldemort roared. 

Come up? Harry looked down at the ground and frowned. The snake is under the ground somewhere? 

Time was of the essence and he made a decision quickly. With the Elder Wand in his hand, he ran off to make some distance and finally looked behind at the huge tomb, waving the wand at it. Forgive me, Professor. They'll rebuild it later.



The stone slabs of the tomb began to crack apart. The ground began shaking, large chunks getting uprooted completely and lifted into the air. Soon enough, as if an entire hill was being levitated, the ground on which the tomb rested flung into the air, only to land on the side with a bang. 


There! Harry finally saw the tail of the snake, trying to hide back in the rubble. Not this time!



The Elder Wand spewed great flames from its tip. A fiery dragon eclipsed them all in the sky, hiding the sun and bringing forth the fiery ire. Harry controlled it to the best of his ability, directing the fire around him to keep Voldemort at bay, while also engulfing the tail of the snake he could see. 


The snake writhed and tried to hide further inside the dirt. But the Fiedfyre was explosive and oppressive, ripping apart the chunks of dirt to burn more of the snake's flesh. The more the snake tried to wriggle away the more it got burned. 

"Stop this!" Voldemort shouted, panic in his voice. 

Harry drew pleasure from it and continued, bombarding fire all over the possible hole that the snake had dug for itself. Charring its tail, then going further and further into its body to destroy it whole. But thankfully he didn't need to as once the Horcrux was damaged beyond a point, everything vanished. 


The snake couldn't even wriggle completely. Its grave became the very hole it had dug to reach inside Dumbledore's grave. Its body continued to turn into ashes as the fire inflicted inferno. The black shadow that arose from it also succumbed to the same fire. 

"Nagini!" Voldemort shouted all that while, unable to cross into the storm of Fiendfyre. "Potter! You will suffer for this!"


Just like that, Harry stopped spewing out the Fiendfyre and made it vanish. He stood there facing Voldemort, wand ready. "Then make me!"


Harry apparated abruptly and reappeared behind Voldemort, still keeping some distance. "You lost when I was just a year old. What makes this any different?"


Harry vanished from the spot and this time appeared in the sky, flying in the black mist. The Elder Wand had sped up his magic beyond belief. "You thought Horcruxes would save you? Look at you now! Half-blooded, half-human, and one-eighth of a soul!"

Voldemort finally noticed the Elder Wand in Harry's grasp and almost thought of escaping for now. 

"You can't!" Harry announced. "You've run once with your tail between your legs. Not again, not this time!"

The battle was inevitable. 


Back in the school, the battle was going in the favor of the good side. The Giants fell easily, the limited number of Voldemort's supporters surrendered once they saw no way to win, and their Lord was nowhere to be seen. Their morale was lost from the beginning as most of the purebloods had changed sides. 

Yet, nobody cheered. Nobody shouted in victory. Where were Harry Potter and Voldemort?

"Did we win?" 

"Not yet, Ron," Hermione nervously replied and looked left and right into the sky. "Not until Harry is here."

"It didn't even feel like a battle," Neville added, looking unhurt with just some dirt here and there. 

“Hmph!” Bellatrix sneered disdainfully at their chatter. “It’s all thanks to my Lo… Harry, who spent the last month subjugating every pureblood who changed sides today. You should be grateful to Harry that you’re even breathing.”

"Bella!" Narcissa warned her sister to control her tongue. "In any case, the battle for us is over."



All heads turned towards the sky near the school castle. Two dark shadowy figures were visible in the air, fighting each other while free-falling towards the ravaged battlefield. Voldemort's growling shrieks were audible, while Harry's roars overpowered everything. 


Both of them landed on the ground perfectly, carving a small crater with their magic. But ignoring everything else they leaped back at each other, wands flaring magic and at the same time physically dodging each other with the flying skill. 


Killing curses and Cruciatus curses got thrown left and right, at each other’s throats, both waiting for just one hit to land. But Harry's speed left plenty in shock as he dodged each of the Dark Lord's attacks and countered them with his own. 


Their spells collided in the sky like roaring sparks from a kiln. 

"Die Potter!" 

Harry scoffed, unaware of where that arrogance was coming from. All that he cared for now was to kill Voldemort's physical body before dealing with his own. 


Fuck! That was close! Harry narrowly saved himself from a green flash of the killing curse. That was the only curse that was being exchanged between them now. Pure hatred for each other fueled their battle. Voldemort's own effects on Harry's mind made him effective in casting the darkest of spells. 

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry bellowed at last, anticipating Voldemort's movement and flashing out the curse at unmatched speed. 

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort countered just in time and clashed with Harry. 


Both their spells clashed and turned into a thunderous exchange. A push against each other, to hit the other first. Voldemort started with a disadvantage, but he poured out all his magic to push against Harry. 

Thankfully, they both had to come down to the ground to do that. 

"Ugh…" Harry struggled a little as the scar on his forehead began to hurt. But he still pushed forward despite the disparity in their innate magical power. So what if Elder Wand was his, Voldemort remained one of the strongest wizards to live. No external means could help overcome the innate magic. "I… Won't… Lose!"

One step at a time, he tried to physically push forward. Voldemort's green bolt of magic against his green bolt of magic. Both their colors meant death. 

"Hehe! Hehe!" Voldemort laughed after seeing himself winning. "Be prepared to join your parents, Potter!" 


The searing, exploding, plasma-like energies continued to collide. Harry, yet remained firm, a smirk curling on his lips. 

"But you killed far more than just my parents, Voldemort!" Harry bellowed and took a larger step forward, unbothered that he was losing the battle. "Even those who stood on your side… like Lady Zabini! You violated her, and killed her! Right in front of the eyes of your own followers! You vile creation of deluded obsession!" 

"That is the world we live in, Potter! The strong reigns supreme!" 

"Not in this world!" Harry replied and his gaze shifted slightly towards the back of Voldemort. "Do it! Take your revenge!" 

"HAAAAA! Crucio!" 

A third roar bellowed from behind Voldemort. Before he knew it a sharp, stinging, mind-numbing pain took over his whole body. He looked behind while keeping the wand ahead. "You! Blaise Zabini?"

"You killed my mother!" Blaize shouted and swung his wand again and again like a maddened beast. "Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" 

"Aaargh!" Voldemort faltered at last, unable to face so many painful curses. He looked back at Harry and saw the boy had gained an advantage over him, the killing curse from the Elder Wand a meter away from him. "You fight with deceit!" 

"And you split your soul into eight pieces!" Harry responded instantly. 

"Crucio!" Zabini continued, eyes bloodshot.


Voldemort fell to his knees but kept his wand up, dark blue veins were all over his bald head. "This isn't over, Potter! It never will!"

"I know," Harry replied and took the final step ahead. 

At last, the green flash struck Voldemort's mortal body like lightning from the sky. The dark wizard growled in pain like a beast, eyes full of delight, rage, and a little disbelief. He stared at Harry while his body turned into ashes, grinning with his animalistic teeth. 

The real battle starts now. 

Harry abruptly turned around to look at Hermione, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. Other than Hermione, he couldn't call his feelings as love for the other women. But no doubt he did feel a great deal of affection towards them.

"Forgive me," he mumbled at the three women and gazed at the crowd of the army he had gathered with good and evil means. As soon as he placed the tip of the Elder Wand under his own chin, he noticed their gasps. "Don't hate me for this. There’s no other way."

"MY LORD! NO!" Bellatrix bellowed, panicked.

But Bellatrix felt Narcissa's hand holding her wrist. "Don't… Voldemort will never die without this."

"LET GO!" Bellatrix growled at her own sister. 

Harry sighed, his gaze met with Hermione's eyes. A lot of guilt swept him. This was inevitable. 

At last, Harry whispered the final spell under his breath. "Avada Ked—"





Eyes agape, Harry fell flat to the ground. His wand was stripped and now in Hermione’s hold, his consciousness sliding away. 


What's this place? Harry had no idea what had happened. One moment he was about to end himself, and the next thing he knew there was darkness all over, followed by a world all white. All except the people that walked around.

It was a busy road somewhere in London, and he could make out the texture of the building. As the people walked past him, he noticed a younger version of Professor Dumbledore entering a building. 


Harry rushed behind the fast-walking figure and entered the building. There were kids all around, some young and others older. The headmaster walked into one of the rooms soon enough. 

As Harry followed in, he froze in place. Tom?

"At Hogwarts, you will be taught not only to use magic but how to control it," Dumbledore said to the young Tom. "Do you understand me?"

Harry watched them interact the whole time. Eventually, the old man left with the boy still talking. 

"I can speak to snakes too. They find me… Whisper things. Is that normal for someone like me?" Tom revealed and noticed the look of shock on the headmaster's face. Following that, the old man left. 

Harry still remained there, staring at young Tom. All the signs were there. How did the Professor not see it?


Harry turned to the young Tom suddenly, his screeching scream almost demonic. His eyes stared right at him as if he could see everything. 


I can kill him right here. Harry patted his jacket to find his wand. Where is it? 



Without a warning, Harry felt something tug on his collar and drag him backward through the air. The entire building went past him and soon he found himself standing back on the street outside. 

However, that scene changed again and revealed a house. 

Everything was still white. Tom Riddle appeared again, but older. There were other members in the house. And soon enough, Tom murdered them all—his father and grandparents. The last Riddle line. 


Memories after memories, Harry found himself seeing all of Voldemort's life. Yet, he couldn't find himself pitying the evil being for even a single moment. He may have had a lonely childhood, but at least he didn't have to suffer the Dursleys from the moment he could walk and talk. At least he had a room and not a fucking cupboard. 

"Lack of mental growth from the use of a love potion to create him?" Harry wondered if that was the case. Perhaps Tom Riddle was born with a mental defect. Perhaps he could feel no positive emotions. "How could you miss the obvious, Professor…?”


Harry turned around in a rush, his surroundings having changed to the King's Cross station platform. But this was Tom Riddle in his adult form, not the vile-looking Voldemort.

"I’ve asked that myself. How did Dumbledore let me grow for so long?" Tom said, approaching Harry and slowly walking around him in circles. "In the end, I realized he was only strong in his magic. Not in his mind."

"Where is this place?" Harry questioned. 

"Hah! Where else but your mind, Potter." Tom dismissively replied and stopped walking to stare at his face, a smirk on his lips. "While you watched mine, I watched your life. I pity your childhood, I really do—But I also don't care."

"Happens. Born of love potion, after all." Harry mocked back. 

Tom's nose wrinkled like a feral beast. "I saw your activities… Even Narcissa? Now that I see it, I agree with the choice. Elegant, beautiful, pure, perfect to carry my seed. While I don't agree with the muggle whore, I’ll still take care of her well, Potter—I won't ever let her womb remain empty."

No change of expression appeared on Harry's face. "As expected from filth born of love potions."


"ENOUGH!" Tom bellowed. "I own your body now, Potter. It's best for your little soul to fade away and feed mine to completion!"

"Are you sure, Tom?" Harry asked him back and raised his arms wide. "Did you really think I wouldn't consider this possibility?" 

Tom frowned and noticed something strange. The world around them that was pure white now started to turn black. The melancholy of death suddenly hit him. "W-What did you do!?" 

Harry smirked as he settled cross-legged on the ground. “Before our battle began, I ate a dissolvable marble. It’s got something inside it that’ll be released in a day’s time—right in my stomach.”

"WHAT IS IT?!" Tom almost crawled over to Harry.

"Why? Can’t you guess? It's poison."

"No!" Tom fell on his rear, right in front of Harry. "B-Basilisk!"

"Ten points to Slytherin!" Harry clapped for the dark lord. 

Silence fell between them. The white world full of light around them continued to turn black. It was the poison killing Harry's body, and it was happening too fast. 

Tom, utterly confused, stared at Harry's face in fury, awe, and envy. He, who had split his soul seven times just to stay alive, was about to lose to a boy who chose to kill himself to defeat him. 

"Y-You… damned yourself to death! Is that your plan, Potter?" 

"I had a feeling Hermione would pull something like this. I've known her for years." Harry shrugged and rubbed his eyes after taking off his round glasses. He was undeniably sad—far more than he could express. "But… I would’ve liked to at least see my future family once before... well, before the end."

"No, no, no…" Tom raged in fury and pounced on Harry, gripping his collar. "You fool! You and your damned Gryffindor insanity!" 

"It's got nothing to do with being a Gryffindor. It's just being a decent human being," Harry replied and grabbed Tom's throat. He didn't know if this was real or not, but he still wanted to strangle this evil creature. For taking away his family, and for taking away his life now. "I know, it's a foreign concept for a filth born of love poti—."

"Enough of that!" Tom tried to strangle Harry back. 

It was all a pointless fight and they both knew it. Taking this as their last struggle to enact their hatred towards each other, they just did their best. 

"I'm stronger," Harry smirked and shoved Tom to the side. With that, they both fell down onto the tracks of King's Cross station that was their surrounding, just in a darker shade. 


Harry punched the evil thing in the face. 


He kept going, on and on. 

He strangled Tom. 

He blinded the damn soul or whatever it was with his bare fingers. 

Harry poured out all his years of rage onto Tom. For some reason, it looked like the Dark Lord had already accepted his death and defeat. There was no way to save a dying body from Basilisk poisoning. 



Harry didn't even realize he needed to stop. He kept on disfiguring Tom's face until he started to somewhat resemble the living Voldemort. But this time it was even worse and demonic. 

Take care, Hermione, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. 


Harry felt his vision also going dark with everything that was around him. 

Take care of my family. Take care of yourselves.


Until the very end, Harry refused to stop beating Tom's motionless body. 

I hope I can see Mum and Dad now. 


I hope…


"WHAT?! TRAIN!" Harry suddenly felt a whiff of energy and looked down the long track. There was steam, there was a mechanical behemoth, and it came right at him on that very track. Rumbling on its steel wheels. 

"What's going o—"


The last thing he saw was the train running over him and Tom. Everything went dark at last. 


Summers came and went, soon followed by winters. With very few deaths, Wizarding Britain recovered fast. The school resumed, and those who desired finished their last years. Narcissa and Bellatrix gave birth in discrete locations, soon followed by the surprising addition of Hermione. 

The three women feared revealing Harry's blood, afraid someone would desire to retaliate and seek revenge. So, in the distant farmlands, the three lived a comfortable life in their mansion. With Dobby, Kreacher, and Winky there to help, everything was a breeze. 

But not a single day went by when they didn’t remember the man who they used to consider a naive boy. His actions were hard to justify, but no one dared to question them. Only the revelation of putting all the men of the pureblood families under Imperium came to light. The secret Unbreakable Vows to wives, mothers, and daughters of all those families remained a secret. 


"Mistress Hermione! Mistress Narcissa! Mistress Bellatrix!" Dobby popped into the warm living room of the large mansion. "Dobby has returned! Master Potter has awakened! MASTER POTTER HAS ROUSED!"


St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries,

"Ummh… Harry… Ah!"

"Almost there, Luna!" Harry gripped the pale, tight asscheeks of the lithe Luna as she rode his length with divine waves, grounding her tight cunt, knees folded on the sides, her small breast squished against his naked chest while their lips slobbered each other's tongues.

Still lying on his hospital bed, all his clothes discarded, his arms hugged the slender waist of the platinum-blonde girl who often saw stars in the sky. Yet it was a charm to his eyes, her persona sweet, her gullibility cute. 

This is the only way. Harry reminded himself. The more the better. The more the stronger my sway. 

"Ummmm… Umph! Aaaah… T-Too-ooh big-ugh H-aaary!" Luna twisted herself as her strong lover began thrusting deep into her tight flower. His veiny, throbbing length felt perfect at times, and a little too much at others. "Mmmmh! I'm… ah!"

"Go ahead, Luna!" Harry pulled her unsuspecting delicate, thin lips to his and deeply kissed her. Almost throwing her hips on his cock with his thrusts, he let her ride through that satisfying release while his own approached bursting. 

Three days. 

It had been three days since he woke up. 

Feeling abysmally powerful, intelligent, knowledgeable, and able to cast the strongest magic without a wand. It had been three days since he decided to sire as many children as possible with as many women as he could. The first choice was Luna, the adventurous, single, and quite lovable good friend. 

"Oooooh…" Luna hugged his neck tight and squeezed herself over his length to feel him deep in her tightness. She squeezed her dripping core with the spasms, letting her climax ooze through the vacuum-like tight walls around his hungry girth. "I-ugh… Are you sure, Harry? Umh… You want me to?"

"Yes! Yes!" Harry resumed fucking her, practically lifting her ass with his palms and slamming it down on his cock, each time plunging himself balls-deep in that hot mess. He had to agree that Luna was still tight even after two years since the Battle of Hogwarts. For two long years, he was in a coma. 

The squelching, slapping echoes rang like music in the room. The scent of their sex was a little too strong for this being their tenth sinful exchange in the last three days. The tenth time his balls were about to unload everything deep in her pussy. 

The tenth time he went all the way in that insane tightness, a cervix-slamming, womb-battering thrust that kissed her deepest spot and unleashed a torrent of virile batter. 

All for Luna's womb to consume and soon gift him a youngling. 

Is this evil? 

"Yes, I want you to carry through," he gave her his absolute answer and just hugged her tight in his arms. Sure, they weren't married, but now her place in his heart and life was permanent. "I'd love it."

"Mmm…" Luna, too tired to even move, just stayed there, feeling the flowy fluid leaking out of her reddened, swollen slit, where his deeply jammed cock still throbbed albeit only half-mast. "A-Anything for my best friend!"

"Best friend?" He asked back. 

"Lovers?" Luna looked up at his face, her chin on his chest. 

Cute! Harry leaned down his face and kissed her forehead. 

"If you want us to be."

A big grin formed on her lips and she nestled on top of him to sleep that night. "But I prefer best friends; Feels more special. But you still never came looking for the Crumple-Horned Snorkack with me."

For that, Harry did feel bad. "Let's go on a week-long trip to find them then. Just the two of us."

"Umm…" Luna welcomed that offer but noticed the throbbing of his cock, still under her sensitive petals. "I know you'll just spend those seven days…"

"Making love to you?"

For the first time, Harry saw Luna's face turn red in embarrassment. She had grown a lot over the past two years it seemed. It only made her more adorable though. So he hugged her, turned to the side, and kept her against his chest, face to face. 

"We can do two things at once, Luna."

"In that case." Luna leaned in and pecked on Harry's lips once before closing her eyes to fall asleep. "Let's go someday..."

"We will… very soon."

Finally, Harry also shut his eyes and tried to sleep. No more pain on the curse mark, and it was even healing. But there was confusion that he couldn't answer. Confusions such as…


He merely raised his hand towards a glass on the side table and the glass flew softly into his palm without alerting Luna who was still hugging him. Then, with a wave of his finger, water appeared in the glass. No incantation, no wands needed, but mere intent.

How is this possible? 

Something to ponder on for days to come, he reckoned. 




The next morning, just after Luna left and he freshened up, the door to his room swung open with a loud slam. Hermione stormed in, weeping uncontrollably, and simply threw herself on his chest. 

"You're awake! Why didn't you tell us earlier? It's been three days!" Hermione complained and crawled completely on top of him and hugged the life out of his neck. "James is two already!"

"So is Albus." Narcissa also entered the room, as elegant as ever, but somehow even more charming than before. Fine curves, her aristocratic clothing that only he could disrobe. 

Then there was Bellatrix, looking so different albeit in her usual black dress. Her complexion was now healthy, her eyes bright, her hair long and beautiful. But the crazy, fanatic love remained. "So is Sirius!" 

Harry took a long, deep breath. No doubt, the bedroom was going to be overbooked for a week or two as soon as he could return home. 

For now, just holding them close was enough. After all, they had given him three sons. 

"Gonna keep me waiting?" 

"Not at all, My Lord!" Bellatrix bellowed and leaped forward. Without throwing aside Hermione, she nestled on Harry's right side, hugging him with Hermione, and showered wet, scentful kisses all over his face.

Then finally, Narcissa let out a tired breath and landed on his left side. Harry knew damn well she wanted to, but her personality was such that her first response was to always deny or show no care. But once she landed her head on his stretched wide arm, she too kissed him once. 

This is so… good. Harry smiled contently, holding the three all against himself. His arms caressed Narcissa and Bellatrix's back, while Hermione nestled her bushy hair under his chin. A little too good. 

"Ummh…" Bellatrix let out the first moan and it instantly made him hard. Something that Hermione didn't fail to notice. Her body only rubbed on his groin more after that. Narcissa too, began licking and biting his earlobe.

Yet, Harry simply stared at the blank ceiling above. Grinning, hard, aroused, scared of himself deep inside. 

Who am I now? I feel… so much stronger. I-I absorbed his soul… Who am I? 

He asked himself, unbothered by the hand that worked to tear apart his hospital gown over his chest. Hermione slowly kept going lower and lower until she knelt between his spread legs, her hand rubbing all over his erection. 

Yet, the more blessed, loved, and excited he felt. The more was the doubt, the fear, the panic of not knowing who he was anymore.

Is Harry now Voldemort?

He asked himself, aware of the dark thoughts looming in his heart. Thoughts of possessing more control. 

Or… Voldemort is Harry?


[A/N: This is the end of Voldemort Is Harry. I know it may feel a little abrupt, but I was running out of plot ideas so it was better to end it here. I won't be starting a new Harry Potter fic now until Ron Weasley's fic is complete.

This will give me more time to write and speed up the updates for all the other series.]

[For the next Harry Potter series I will hold a poll.

I have some ideas about Draco having a gamer system-like thing that rewards him for doing an act of kindness. In return, he can ask the other person for something in return that is proportional. Like Draco helps Hermione find some book and asks her to flash him or something.

Charlie Weasley fic where he is invited to the school to teach Care for Magical Creatures and also Sex Ed in secret. Has dragons in it.

A Dudley Dursley fic where a reincarnated boy finds himself in Dudley's body and decides to ride that Harry Potter main character energy backbone while banging some hot witches. (Dudley has average magic in this. But he has the power of knowing the damn plot.

There will be many more options.]



All for Dudley fic, and if he a average wizard then being a specialist in runes will bring many scenarios to write about, because I believe runes are slept on. Creating space or rooms, Newt suitcase, protection like barriers, and maybe take inspiration from other media that uses runes, Nasuverse, for entertainment purposes.


I'm for the Draco or Dudley fic