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"Only today." 


Ron stepped forward and gently pulled Amelia's waist into his arms. He squeezed his hands on her loose gown and felt her naked curving waist underneath; strong, firm, teasing with soft flesh in all the right places. Her mature form still whetted his appetite, her cold demeanor but gentle brows enchanted him.

Ron still felt a bit doubtful. 

He gulped and braved a lean forward. To his surprise, Amelia rested her hands on his shoulder and closed her eyes in a willing gesture.

Ron finally landed a kiss on her lips. 

At first, he only wanted that small sign of affection, something to keep the connection between them, something to remind himself that she was an important part of his life now, the mother of his child. But those supple, soft, suckable lips ignited his memories of that unforgettable night. 

His own lips felt scorching hot. Ron couldn’t help sliding his hand down her gentle slopes, exploring down to her ass behind, finding it softer and fuller now, slightly different from what he remembered. In a way, even more inviting.

Ron pushed eager to go deeper, melding into her. Amelia instinctively moved on her feet, sliding back and resting her back against a wall. Her hands slipped over Ron's neck and chest, heated and needy. 

Ron noticed her movements, also feeling the urge to do more. He stopped fondling her ass, pulling his hand up, and sliding his palm over the cloth of her dress in search of those tender, full bosoms. His other hand crawled over her thigh, tickling her with his fingertips before finally sliding over the material that protected her heated core.

But Amelia removed his hand and raised them to her hair, which had grown a little now, reaching below her ears. His fingers combed through the hair as she wanted, still kissing her passionately.

Ron was fine with keeping it the way she wanted it, but he still couldn’t help the urge to grind onto her body. The excitement pushed him to do as much as he could, to get close, to make her want it as much as he did. His knee slowly came up between her legs, brushing his thigh against her passion-moistened depths.

With his height above hers, she almost danced on his knee. Grinding and taking in the fervent pushes against her clothes, taunting her sensitive skin. His tongue explored her mouth, flicking and pressing against her own in a bid for dominance.

She also combed her hands through his flaming hair, pushing and pulling in their exchange of dribble. Eventually, Amelia had to break the kiss for breath and continued to kiss the side of his face. Ron moved his tongue down, kissing and licking her slender neck. 

Finally, they both chose to stop and looked at each other's faces. She could feel Ron's hardened bulge, and he could feel the heat of her loins and the wetness around her nipples. 

At last, he caressed her face and took a step back, albeit a little reluctantly. Adjusting his pants, he coughed awkwardly.

"He's quite a handsome little chap," Ron said with a grin, shifting the conversation as he made his way to the small cradle where the red-haired baby was sleeping peacefully. "Even more so than me, if you can believe that."

Amelia chuckled and walked over beside him. "He weighed more than normal babies at birth."

"No wonder he looks chunky." Ron poked the baby's soft, squishy cheek. "It'll be hard for you to hide the parentage."

“Don’t fret. Our family hasn’t strayed from its red-haired heritage either. The very one for whom our son is named bore the same hair,” Amelia revealed and gently lifted the baby and extended him towards Ron, to hold.

A little taken aback, Ron quickly wiped his palms on his sleeves and took the chubby little baby in his arms. Right then, the baby opened his eyes, revealing a blue depth like the sea. The giggling smile formed the very next moment, leaving Ron frozen in a multitude of emotions that stormed his heart. 

Momentarily he looked back up at Amelia, and then back at the child. The automatic mental reminder that the raid was soon going to happen at the Ministry made him a little anxious for the future. As with Fleur, an innate desire to protect them arose. 

I can’t just stand by and let the Dark Lord hurt them. I’ve got to find him before it’s too late, no matter what it takes!

"Don't!" Amelia interjected sharply, her voice a firm command. "I know what you're thinking, but no, I don’t need you to be my savior. Just ensure your own safety and well-being, Ron. You're young, kind-hearted, and I can’t bear the thought of Edgar being left orphaned."

But I have the means and the luck to do what all of you can't. Ron thought and gently placed Edgar back in the cradle. Harry's the chosen one, and he's expected to fight. Where does that leave me with all this luck? 

"But you already said I could use the Unforgivable Curses, didn't you?"

"That’s granted for the sake of self-defense, and I can revoke that privilege should I find it necessary."

Ron made his best puppy-dog eyes and stared up at her, his voice full of hope. "But you won’t, will you?"

Amelia breathed in deeply and then let out a sigh. "I don't want you hurt."

"If the Dark Lord wins, being hurt will be the least of our troubles," he said, stepping closer and gripping her shoulders firmly. "I could just sit here and do nothing, and then regret it later. Or I could go all in and be content, even if it means losing in the end."

"I have no right to stop you," Amelia said softly, stepping closer and embracing Ron with a gentle warmth. "You still have a few days before you return to Hogwarts. If you wish to see Edgar, you’re welcome to visit my home."

"I will." Ron caressed her back and stepped away. "I won't do something dumb, I promise."

"Walking into an ambush wasn't one of them?"

"I meant from now on." He averted his gaze and looked back at the cradle one last time. "I'll bring him a gift next time. I should go now, Daphne must be getting curious."

"Be safe." 

Smiling, Ron waved as he walked out of the door and closed it behind him. The two Aurors standing guards looked at him, and he looked back at them. His smile was already lost. 

With a nod at them, he went to the stairs and walked down. Finally, he bought the ice cream that he promised and returned to his shared hospital room, finding Daphne sitting on the bed in her casual clothes instead of the hospital ones. 

"We can go?" He asked.

Daphne jumped down from the bed and rushed to him to grab the ice cream. Her gray, shirtdress was highly modest, revealing much of nothing to anyone's gaze. "We can. And what took you so long?"

“There were some Aurors. I asked them about your family,” Ron said, already starting to pack up his things, dressed in his fresh clothes. “So, where will you be staying?”

"My… home?" 

"It's been sealed off by the Ministry for further investigation," he said, his voice serious. "Your parents were last spotted somewhere south of England, using an unregistered portkey to who-knows-where. The Ministry's going to widen the search across the whole of Europe."

"And Astoria?" Daphne inquired, worry filled in her eyes. 

"She wasn't mentioned. But she must be with your parents," Ron said and finally walked closer to her. "If you've got nowhere else to be, you can stay at the Burrow until we return to Hogwarts."

"With you?" 

"I’ll be there to rest at times," he answered and continued to walk. "Let's go, we can use the Floo Network."

Daphne thought about it for a very short moment and soon followed behind. Of all people, Ron was the safest to be with, she felt. 



The faint, fiery cloud-like fire disappeared and they both found themselves in the Burrow. Thankfully, the place was very clean, not even a spot of dust was around them. 

"This is where you live?" Daphne stepped out to look around excitedly. "It's… homely… Wait, why aren't you coming out?"

“I’ve got some work to finish up. I’ll catch you at dinner, Daphne. And, um, say hi to Mrs. Malfoy for me, would you?”




Ron reappeared somewhere in Diagon Alley. Changing into the appropriate and pre-decided disguise, he walked into the narrow pathway of Knockturn Alley. The place was less crowded than usual, but still, he received plenty of calling voices that he just ignored. 

Broad shoulders and strong framed, thankfully nobody dared to bother him on his way. Eventually, he entered a side street behind one of the shops and entered the backdoor of the building. 

"The word?!" 

Ron paused, feeling a wand's tip on his neck. "Ugh, seriously Sirius? I love cute rainbow ponies—happy?"

The wand was removed and he finally looked to his side. Sirius Black was standing there, smirking at him. Behind him a few more figures from the Order and the Ministry. 

"No Death Eater would say those words," Sirius claimed. 

Ron shrugged and took out a small pouch loaded with an expansion charm. "Here's the money. I hope the plan's been going smoothly."

"More than smooth, Ron!" Sirius said with a grin, draping an arm around Ron’s shoulders and guiding him further into the building. "Your plan was brilliant. The Dark Lord needs elixirs and rare ingredients the most right now. By clearing out the market and setting up a traceable supply, we’ve already uncovered six more Death Eaters. They’re all under surveillance now, thanks to you."

Ron thanked Merlin for the plan going smoothly. It was his money being used for the entire operation, after all. Well, not his but the charity he had started. "Any clue where the Dark Lord's hiding?"

"None yet, but we'll know soon."

"Even if you find out, don't go after him," Ron replied, confusing them. "We already know he’s planning to strike the Ministry soon. We’ve got a pretty good idea of where he’ll be, so we can sort out a plan to overwhelm him so thoroughly that he won’t stand a chance of getting away. By figuring out their numbers, we can put together a strategy."

Sirius instantly agreed with his plan. It being his nature to be more willing to take risks. "Wasn't that the plan to begin with? The prophecy is the lure."

"Correct." Ron glanced over at Kingsley still in the room. "I really hope nobody goes and mucks up the trap."

"The Ministry is moving according to the plan," Kingsley responded quickly. "The matters at the Ministry are already taken care of. The prophecy orb has been replaced with the trap."

Sirius scoffed. "I hope it's not a half-assed job this time. Like my bloody trial."

Kingsley remained silent about that. Nobody could deny the injustice done to Sirius at that point. 

"Then I should leave," Ron said, having other matters to deal with. "I hope we can track them all by the time the attack happens."

"We will," Sirius assured. 

Too optimistic for his own good, he thought, not noticing that he was now the same way because of his own confidence in his luck. Ron sighed and left through the same door he entered. However, instead of returning home, he walked around Knockturn Alley and eventually ended up in a back-alley small shop that sold magical artifacts. 

"Is it done?" He demanded as soon as he entered, his face covered under a hood. "It's been months."

"I've made it as you wished, my Lord… hehe!" The hunched-backed shop owner replied from his counter table, revealing an ugly smile. "It wasn’t easy to get the muggle grenade but I have many friends. I can be of great use, my Lord."

He probably thinks I serve Voldemort. 

"Bring it to me."

Soon enough, Ron inspected a small, ball-like contraption. It was just like what Hermione had shown him in a muggle book. But this one also had a small, cylindrical cavity in the middle, the opening was on its bottom side while the upper side had the safety pin. 

The shop owner happily explained it. "You can fill the desired vial from below, my Lord." 

This will come in handy. Ron was satisfied. 

Being able to use dangerous potions as projectiles in a crowd of Death Eaters was a great idea. In this case, the explosion could also kill or injure the enemies. This'll be great for solo fights. 

"How many did you make?"

"A whole crate of a hundred as you asked, my Lord." 

"Good, bring it all to me." Ron took out the gold in the meantime. "And remember, if I find this in another's hand. I’ll know where to look."


"Hehe… Of course, of course."

Tossing the money to him, Ron silently left with the whole crate. This time he made his way directly to the Burrow. 


It smells so good. Ron frowned as soon as he walked into the living room of his home. His head turned to the kitchen and there he saw a scene he reckoned was worthy of being painted. Narcissa Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass cooking, with aprons on. 

"You didn't tell me Mrs. Malfoy was here too!" 

Ron chuckled and walked into the kitchen area, ignoring Daphne's displeasure. "But you don't seem bothered by it."

"Because I know her," Daphne turned back to the stove. "And I'm not mad. It's good to have someone to talk to."

Narcissa chuckled at that. "I agree."

Ugh, it's too hard not to look. Ron tried his best but his gaze kept returning to the backs of the two. Although their dresses were long and covered all the way to their ankles, they were tight around the hips. Narcissa's wide, ripe curves, and Daphne's young, bubble-like shape. 

Despite having done the deed with Daphne, he felt more bolstered to tease Narcissa. The Malfoy woman felt less riskier than Daphne. But he kept his hands to himself, not wanting to father any more children. 

I only want to come clean to Hermione. Nothing else… I don't want anything else. 

"Dinner's ready." Narcissa cooed and lifted the pot before bringing it to the table. She matched her gaze with Ron's, having been months since they last met and that 'table' incident. "I couldn't find any cloth to drape on the table today."

Ugh, she's still angry. Ron sighed. 

"What did you cook?"

"Stew," Narcissa replied and took a seat opposite of Ron. Meanwhile, Daphne sat to the right of them both. They poured the food into bowls soon, and bread was there too. 

I can sense some tension in the air. Ron silently ate his meal. It wasn't that tasty and lacked salt. But he chose to just swallow it and be done with it. 

As soon as his bowl was empty, he stood up. 

"See you in the morning, ladies."

"Good night," Daphne waved while eating. "I'm going to sleep in Mrs. Malfoy's room. So don't look for me at night." 


When did she get so easygoing and confident? Ron shook his head and left. 

Climbing all the stairs to the top, Ron entered his personal room. The only bed outside of Hogwarts that could help him get some comfort. Thankfully, his riches had helped renovate much of the Burrow and make the room more spacious. 

Changing his clothes, taking a bath, and hiding his newly acquired weapons, he finally laid down in the bed. But this time he chose to pick one of his 5th year books and give it a quick read. He still wanted to score well, after all. That was the deal with Hermione. 

Who made this damn subject? Who cares about history? Ron struggled with one of his most hated subjects. 

Knock Knock!

What is it now? He frowned, taking one look at the clock. Almost midnight, he noticed. "What happened?"

"It's me."


"You can come in."

When the door opened, Ron couldn’t look away. 

Narcissa entered, wearing a sultry, silky, gorgeously charming night dress. A short one that had thin shoulder straps, and only went to her thighs. Her hair was left draping loosely over her small shoulders, her lipstick as red as roses. The way the silk glided over her curves almost made him gulp.

Ron felt his heart skip a beat. "W-What do you need, Mrs. Malfoy?"

"Nothing," Narcissa replied and stepped inside while carrying a folded newspaper in her hand. She closed the door and locked it. "But I came to give."


Narcissa gulped a little and responded. "As we spoke that time… T-top, bottom, front and… back."

Ron awkwardly cleared his throat, feeling the heat creeping over his own face. 

He averted his gaze. "I… I changed my mind, Mrs. Malfoy. It's wrong to take advantage of your situation." 

Some disappointment flashed through Narcissa's face. She walked in closer to him, approached the bed, and sat down with her back against the headboard. Both her smooth pale legs folded to her side.

Ron caught an enchanting view of her naked thighs, now more visible. His loins started to react, eager to take a better look at what was under the teasing hem of her silky night dress. 

"I asked you to help me find a safehouse back then, and you kept your end of the bargain. Now I need to keep mine." Narcissa eased closer to him until their hips were touching. 

Her red-painted nails crawled up his legs as she leaned in, caressing his thigh. Ron could feel the heat gathering up in his loins, knotting up his belly, as his manhood started to twitch. 

He had thought about it before, hundreds of times; Heck, almost every time he caught a glimpse of her plump ass in that swaying, mesmerizing walk of hers. He just never thought she would offer herself up this way. 

"M-Mrs Malfoy… You really don't need to do this. Y-You might get pregnant if we do this," he said it; his greatest fear at the moment. "You should go back. Daphne might realize you're gone."

"Hah… Pregnant?" Narcissa chuckled in a self-deprecating tone and looked away from Ron at the wall beyond the end of the bed. "I wish, Ron. Lucius and I have tried plenty of times over the years but could never conceive." 

What? Ron frowned and noticed a hint of sadness on her face. Did she want one? 

"But still… Is this really what you want?" He asked. 

"Heh! Tell me, Ron. How did you get so strong?"

"I just stopped doubting myself and the… fear vanished on its own," he replied without thinking much. It was just his confidence speaking. "And you didn't answer my question."

"Ron, what do you plan on doing after the war? You're a legend at this point, almost no different from Dumbledore." Narcissa picked up the newspaper she had brought and placed it on Ron's chest. "Look for yourself."

What the fuck?! Ron noticed his massive portrait plastered on the front page with the headline. Hunter Becomes Hunted! Ron Weasley Duels Ten Death Eaters And Wins!

"You are the bogeyman of the Dark Wizards."

"But… I'm just a Hogwarts student." Ron frowned and noticed the discussion had shifted from sex. He thanked his luck and slumped a little into the bed. "And this paints a larger bullseye on me."

Finally, he fully relaxed down on the pillow. But the effects turned out to be the opposite of what he expected. 

Narcissa leaned sideways, almost over his head, and combed her delicate fingers into his hair. She massaged his scalp and fiddled with the strands playfully. Ron found it really relaxing and smiled. 

"Don't you hate me?" He asked with genuine intent. "I took all your wealth."

Narcissa leaned down even closer, her face slowly hovering closer over his face. Her subtle smile was somewhat sensual and charming, as if she was happy that he was still a tad bit naive, a boyish charm that made her feel nostalgic.

Ron, on the other hand, was hyper-aware of her soft breast, already pressing against his shoulder with nothing but her silky night dress covering them.

"I have enough money to last a lifetime and live a decent life. I still have my home." Her words broke suddenly and she lowered her face teasingly close to his lips. The scent of her fantastic perfumes was a pure delight, her hot breath prickling his skin. "As long as you can forgive me and Draco for the crimes of my husband."

Ron sighed and reached for her hand that rested on his chest. He held it and clenched warmly. 

"In that case. To answer your question; After this war, I really want to increase the wizard population."

Narcissa frowned and pulled her face back in shock.

"Y-You mean to have a lot of children?"

"WHAT!?" Ron turned red as his hair. "No! No! I mean, I’ll use the charity I created with your wealth to promote wizard studies and provide stability so our numbers may soar."


Narcissa suddenly extended her leg over him and straddled Ron's midsection, locking his arms with her knees. She looked down at his face, smiling. 

"You can play a major role too," she purred. "At this point, no woman would say no to carrying your offspring. Your magic is strong."

"I-I'm just lucky." Ron had no clue where she was going with this. But he felt no threat from her. 

"That you are… and naughty too. Under the table, teasing a defenseless woman with that mouth of yours." Narcissa almost moaned those words, so sweet and sultry. "Are you sure you don't want me?"

"Ugh… Don't make it harder," Ron shook his head. 

"But you're already hard." Giggling, Narcissa leaned back and touched his fully erect cock, bulging like a small hill under his pants. She lifted the sheet up to get a better feel of his virile masculinity, straining his pants, eager to be unleashed. 

"That's bec—"

She placed a finger on his lips and shifted her tender bottom further upward towards his face. The damp juncture of her thighs reached so close. "Shhh… don't say anything… Just move your–umh–lips!"

Ron was a little surprised to find out she wasn’t wearing anything under her nightdress. Her heated core presented itself to his hungry lips, the petal-soft folds of her womanhood already soaked but still twitching with thirst.

She pressed down. 

He could feel her lower lips kissing his own, the arousing scent of her core intoxicating. He extended his tongue just a little, teasing her petals with small cautious swipes. His cock was already urging him to eat his fill, but the tiny thought of ‘pregnancy’ still lingered in his mind.

“Ummm… You wouldn’t make a lady beg…. Would you?” She moaned from the ticklish feeling down there, grinding her pussy on his mouth.

Ron extended his tongue, taking a long, wide lick of her wet pussylips, and flicking her fleshy nub of love, spurred on by her lustful words.

“Ohh… I guess you like me-eeh begging, Ron…. Such a big man.”

Ron’s cock twitched at her words. Or maybe it was the way she leaned back, and pushed his pants down to his waist while one of her hands stroked his iron-hard need, her thighs opened wide to each side of his face. Her breasts jiggled as she kept swaying the warm, pink haven in front of his face.

“Yess.. More. Please… please… So strong…”

Ron’s tongue slithered into her secret satin flesh, brushing against her sensitive walls. His boneless flesh slid in and out, twisting around her portal, causing her body to shiver uncontrollably. 

“Ohhh… keep going. Yes, more… I need more. Please!”

Ron could finally wiggle his hands free from under her, sliding up her heaving belly. He could feel her smooth skin pressed against the dark silk, curving so sensually in delight. He captured both of her breasts under his palms, pinched her silk-covered nipples between his fingers, and enjoyed the view from below. 

Locking his gaze with Narcissa’s teasing eyes looking down at him. Her blushing, erotic look teased his hunger, lapping up her nectar of life like a hungry wolf. Between her milky, cushiony thighs, he fucked her thoroughly with his tongue, earning more and more sexy whimpers from the mature woman.

“Ah ah ahhh… Please, I-I’m begg-ing you. Make me feel goo–ohh… Feel so good, Ronnn…”

Moaning and begging to tickle his fantasies, she wildly took off her entire gown at last, letting Ron see her sweating pale skin, perfect and unblemished. Her needy, heaving breasts swayed as her taut nipples were tugged on and played with. 

He massaged and fondled her magnificent hills, feeling a bit excited when he noticed how hard her pussy clenched every time he pinched her nipples. The more he worshiped her protruding cherries, the more her pussy reacted with a thrill.

“Ahhhhh!! Ahhh!!” She cried out wildly as he used a three-pointed attack.

He pinched both nipples between his fingers, palms sinking into her fleshy orbs, his tongue slithering from her molten need to her swollen clit, back and forth, flicking nonstop. With all her most sensitive spots played with, her body trembled uncontrollably, leaping over the edge, and plunging into cloud nine. 

Narcissa convulsed into a chain of spasms. A fiery, cataclysmic response from her head to her toes. Her shuddering cave of wonders came fiercely over Ron’s sweet tongue, her hips grinding on their own until that last release.

Eventually, she gulped in a few breaths, wetting her dry throat from all the moaning. She slid off of him and laid down beside him. They were both panting a bit, but Ron was still hungry and heated. 

Ron seized the chance, quickly moving and returned the favor, taking his pants fully off and straddling her belly. He shoved his massive, bulging cock between her glorious peaks. He squeezed both her breasts, enveloping his cock in her glistening, charming hot flesh.

“Umm… Not even some rest… So strong…” Narcissa giggled in delight, extending her tongue to lather his thrusting cockhead with her saliva. His cock head popped in and out of her mouth with squelching dribbles of her drool, creating a sticky mess in the hot valley.

“It’s good… to be… Young…” Ron grunted with every thrust, squeezing her breasts harder as he kneaded. His fingers left red prints on her pale white skin, marking her body.

“Oohhh, Ron…” She mewled, enjoying the attention on her aching breasts. 

His hips moved with fervor, fucking her creamy flesh. Her silky spit helped him feel all of her soft, ripe swells; his hands squishing them together in search of that wonderful, tight, squeeze. Her hands eagerly tickled his thighs, caressing up and down as he recklessly thrust into her valley.

“Ghk.. This… Won’t do.” Ron suddenly grunted, his cock throbbing and straining for a glorious release.


Before Narcissa could ask more, Ron got off of her body and pulled her up. He moved her to lie down at the edge of the bed on her back, legs spread wide, and hips almost dangling off the side. 

“Have you ever been fucked while under the body-bind curse?” he asked.

“No..” Narcissa answered with a mix of curiosity and excitement. 

Ron smiled and took out his wand, pointing it at her. 

"Any last words, Narcissa?" He asked playfully.

"I surrender! Ron Weasley!" Her voice was full of lust.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Ron cast the spell. 

Narcissa’s entire body froze right there, but he could still see her pupils moving. Ron tickled her to test it out and noticed her eyes moving. She can still feel everything… great!

His hand glided over her pointed nipples, sliding over her belly, positioning himself between her legs. Finally, he aimed his swollen cock head at the moistness between her legs, parting her rosy petals.

He started to push himself in ever so slowly, enjoying every last bit of pleasure her tight cunt could give him before they took it further. Leaning down, he felt her breasts and found them soft still, realizing the spell didn’t affect her body composition. He kissed them, suckled, and licked as his girth gently vanished inside, balls deep. 

Narcissa couldn’t move, she couldn't even mutter a word. All she could feel was the pleasure in her breast and pussy, agonizingly slow, tormenting her mind as she couldn’t even beg him to move faster. Every inch of her body screamed for him to plunder her, fuck her with his virile young cock.

“You wanted this, right?” Ron taunted, “A young, strong cock, taking your everything? Even begging me?”


Ron suddenly plunged in vigorously.

“Why?” He asked, slowly pulling out of her sucking pussy. The vacuum seal of her tight slit caused her petals to scrape over his bulging veins as if it was reluctant. 


He thrust in again with a slapping force.

“Lucious couldn’t step up? Too weak to bed his own wife?” He taunted once more, slowly pulling out again.


His thighs against her ass echoed. “Then I’ll have to step up and…”


“Fuck his wife…deep!”


“Until she’s mine!”


Everything he said made her burn hotter. The shame, the crassness, the taboo—Narcissa couldn’t control herself, her eyes rolling back in ecstasy. Every part of her pussy stroked and struck. Ron went in deep, so deep his cock was practically kissing the entrance of her womb with every thrust. Her first instinct was to resist by squeezing herself tight, but she couldn’t even react. All she could do was surrender to his magnificent cock.

Ron sucked on each breast, circling his tongue around her nipples, and took in her lips, gently biting and tasting her lipstick. His hips kept thrusting, now moving in and out in a steady rhythm.

“Hmm...hmm…” Narcissa struggled to react in pleasure, her pupils widening as her throat tried to make noise.

Ron could feel the prick of pressure in his balls, coming close to climax. But this time he wanted her to react, to show him how much she wanted it. With one hand holding on to her waist, his other hand grabbed his wand again. “Finite Incantatem!”

“Ahhhhhh!!! Yesss! Yes! Yes!” Narcissa instantly cried out in unrestrained pleasure. 

“Harder, take me... Take me… I won’t get pregnant. Yes, fill me up.” Narcissa let out a crazy, fanatic moan, as she came, grinding her throbbing pussy on his rock-hard cock.

Ron slammed harder and deeper, faster, chasing that final release. He abandoned himself to pleasure, his magnificent body shuddered, and he finally poured himself into her.

Narcissa pulled Ron down on herself, locked her legs around his waist, and deeply kissed him like her lover, not able to have enough of him. Her hips kept moving round and round as if she wanted every last drop of his cream in her, to feel that smooth, hot fluid inside herself. 

Ron’s legs buckled, but he didn’t stop, still moving in and out as she wanted him to, albeit slowly now as he shot spurt after spurt. She felt every sensation as his length moved inside with squelching, sticky, strokes, each time scaring her as if he could shatter her precious womb. 

Then, at last, he exhaustedly fell on her fiery, sweating body; taking in a breath and her sex-filled scent. 

Of all the women, she was perhaps the hottest for him. Somehow feeling like she was the very definition of a ‘lady’. Her body was so fine, so soft… so needy for his attention. 

"I hope I didn't hurt you," Ron whispered in worry. 

Smiling in passion, exhaustion, and excitement, her hands held his face, pressing her forehead against his. "No! Not at all! I… I loved it… Too much."


"Yes, and yes, and yes… Anytime!" 

"With the spe—"

She completed him. "With the spell! Please!"

Oh! What have I created? 


Question: So, what should be the culmination of this hot union of Ron and Narcissa?

1. Baby
2. No Baby

Write one in the comments. Or if you have any other ideas.



1 I want so many Ron babies! 💛 Fill a few Quidditch teams of blue eyed gingers!