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[All characters are aged up and adults in the story.]


"In your dreams, Joffrey. I accept the bet!"

Joffrey chuckled and looked back. "Brave."

"You better keep your word," Arya growled like the wild wolf girl she was and pointed her Needle sword at him. "Don't cry if you bleed like the last time."

Joffrey's jaw tightened a little at that jab. He knew she was talking about that riverside incident. But he wasn't the same old Joffrey anymore. 

With a metallic grind, Joffrey drew his sword. "Quite a loudmouth you got there. Don't worry, I'll have it stuffed very soon."

Arya glared at him and prepared to fight. 

Joffrey used both hands to hold his sword and started circling, maintaining distance between them. He measured Arya's steps that lacked the finesse of a trained warrior. Her sword was strange, but he knew her shortcoming was her stature, reach, and strength. 


Arya moved fast and waved her hand as she had trained. One hand behind her back, she maintained a very to-the-book pose while cutting the air with the sharp top of her blade. 


Joffrey easily broke her rhythm with a wide slash. He was taller than her and his arms were longer. His blade was also lengthier, making it impossible for Arya to reach him without endangering herself. 

"Impressive," Joffrey mockingly praised. 

Arya gritted her teeth and started to attack frantically. Combos after combos, it seemed like a dance. Her Needle made arches in the empty air trying to land a blow to Joffrey. However, Joffrey was also quick on his feet and moved accordingly. 


Joffrey pivoted on his feet and suddenly got behind Arya, reducing the gap. Being so close, he caught her in an elbow necklock and pressed her back against his chest. Arya tried to wiggle out but Joffrey's grip only strengthened. 


Joffrey chuckled while feeling her entire back against himself. She had grown finely but lacked the flesh that Sansa had developed. However, her lively persona was exciting. 

"Did you truly believe you were the only one who trained all this time?" Joffrey asked while lowering his face down beside her face. Softly he let his lips caress her ear for a tease. "That my victories in the North were mere luck?"

"Haaah!" Arya tried to do her best, even trying to bite him on his forearm under her chin. 

Joffrey chuckled and suddenly released her, pushing her away. But he swung his sword at the same time, aiming the flat side of the blade and smashing it hard on her tight buttocks. 

"I suggest you get serious, wolf girl. I won't be this kind next time." Joffrey warned her and prepared to end it quickly. It was evening already, and he wanted to end this before dinner time. 

"You!" Arya felt a burning heat on her rear from that sword slap. "You're pathetic!"

"Yet I'm the King," Joffrey quipped. 

Arya skipped forward, stabbing her Needle straight with the intent to kill. Her speed was increased, but she gave up on technique for it.


Joffrey easily swung against her stab and connected. His higher strength threw Arya off balance, her hand holding the sword got yanked to the side. Joffrey immediately followed through and landed his blade on Ayra's shoulder, the edge softly touching her neck. Just a little movement and it would easily slide through her skin. 

Pitiful. Joffrey saw the desperation in Arya's eyes. 

He could understand where her hatred was coming from. He even agreed with it as it was logical. She had seen her father beheaded, his head skewered on a pike for display for weeks. 

Even if she somehow believed his lies that it was Cersei's doing, it was impossible for Arya to lose her hatred for Joffrey. After all, he was the reason why she had lost her dire wolf. His family was the one responsible for Robb’s death and so many more. 

But the more he pitied her the more he desired to tame her. A loyal wolf can go a long way in helping me stabilize my rule. Once I'm done with her, it's better to give her to Tommen. 

"Drop the sword, Arya." Joffrey threatened her. "I’ve won."

Arya dared not make any movements. But her eyes still held plenty of defiance. "Just kill me, Joffrey."

Joffrey smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I expected more resolve from a Stark," he sneered. "Are you trembling at the thought of upholding your end of the bargain? Very well, I'll grant you a reprieve. Take a week to hone your skills, then come and challenge me again."

Arya stared at Joffrey without moving, feeling his cold sword still on her neck. She gulped, asking herself if this was worth it. Joffrey was far too strong for her and she had seen it first hand. But she was rebellious, with a fire burning in her to prove herself. Losing to Joffrey was something she couldn't ever accept.

"W-With the same terms?" She asked back. 

"More or less." Joffrey shrugged. After all, after having her throat, why would he ask for that again next time? "Make up your mind now, I don't have all day."

Arya gritted her teeth, her breaths had already calmed down. Her thin lips squeezed together in that moment of hesitation. She had never seen a cock up close, let alone take it between her lips. "What if I refuse?"

Joffrey scoffed and pressed the flat side of the blade harder on her shoulder. "Then I'll understand that House Stark is full of craven cowards who lack the honor to uphold their own pitiful bargains."

"Don't be so full of yourself!" Arya glared at Joffrey for that. "I'll beat you next week, Joffrey."

Classic Starks. So easily swayed with honor and such nonsense. Joffrey simply smiled at her threats since he knew that next week he'd take more from her than just her lips. 

"Then throw away your sword," Joffrey repeated. 


Arya did as asked, throwing her needle sword to a distant corner of the room. "There..."

Ah, that ferocious face. Joffrey removed his blade in response while admiring her athletic form. Her head only reached his chest, her lithe form lacked curves, and her cheekbones were sharp and yet charming. With her shoulder-length brown hair, her gray eyes were a highlight. 

Indeed, she was more a Stark than a Tully.

Joffrey sheathed his sword and stepped closer to Arya. He noticed her flinching and looked away, nervous about the events that were to unfold. Yet, she never stepped back and allowed Joffrey to stand looming before her, so close that his boots touched hers. 

"You know." Joffrey made a move, sliding one hand over her thin waist draped with tunic, while his other hand reached for her face. His fingers caressed her cheek before cupping it with his entire palm. "You're beautiful."

"What?!" Arya exclaimed suddenly and looked up at him. It was a reflex since she only remembered being teased all her life in Winterfell. Being called Arya horseface by other girls. 

Joffrey chuckled and continued to caress her face, reaching to her sweaty hair and combing through it until his palm was spread on the back of her head. "You have a different charm that most girls lack. Unlike most, you train with swords, always prepared to fight—I like it."

Joffrey noticed the shock in her gray eyes while her face became a little flushed. He knew she had likely never been complimented by a man before, let alone touched. But he didn't lie either and rather liked Arya's entire persona. She was similar to Val but less developed than her in certain areas. 

So he showered her with compliments. The plan was to fuck her face eventually, but it didn't need to start rough and fiendish. The goal was to tame her, not break. 

"Don't mind if I…" Joffrey suddenly pulled her in by her waist, held her face in place with the other hand, and softly leaned down. With his face slightly tilted sideways, he locked his lips with Arya's.

This was most likely Arya's first kiss, and that made it all the more important for Joffrey. He held her tight against himself, ensuring an exchange of warmth. His lips remained passionately locked with hers for a few moments before he finally started moving. 

Taking in her delicious, fresh sweetness, he probed in and parted her lips with his. With that, his tongue swept in and mated with the moistness within her, sliding between her parted lips and stroking her mouth to ecstasy. 

"Ummh!" Arya breathed out that bordered a moan. This was all new to her, her first kiss. And somehow it made her heart race faster than the duel she had just lost. At first, her hands tried to push against his chest, but once his hot tongue met hers, her arms went limp.

Both their breaths turned choppy. Arya began to respond to Joffrey's intruding tongue in no time, being far too inexperienced to hold back. Their silky flesh danced against each other, sweeping and sharing warmth.

Finally, Joffrey broke the kiss and pulled back. A long string of their mixed sticky spit stretched, connected to both their lips. 

"Sweet…" Joffrey complimented again and started pushing her back. He kept at it until she bumped into a table behind her, old, dust-covered, with a broken model of some ancient city built on it. 

The table was of no concern, however, as Joffrey suddenly lifted her by her ass and made her sit on the table. Arya almost yelped at the touch on her rear, but somehow a tinge of thrill started to invade her thoughts, remembering that night she heard Sansa’s reckless moans.

The table was high and made her feet dangle in the air. But Joffrey didn't waste time and stepped between her legs, and pulled her in; proceeding with another wet exchange of saliva.

But this time his hands played all over her body. He felt her thin waist, so thin he could almost circle it with his two palms spread wide. Going up, he caressed the front of her chest, feeling her soft, small breasts, barely forming a swell enough to hold. Yet, he felt the hard little pebbles on both her swells, growing hard.

"Nnnngh!" Arya was lost in that deep kiss. 

Both hands rested on Joffrey's shoulders as she swayed her face to draw more from his mouth. Her tongue completely surrendered to the pleasure, a first kiss she knew she'd never forget.

Enough games. Joffrey started feeling a little uneasy in his pants so he moved ahead. His hands gripped her tunic from each side of her waist and pulled it up with a jerk.

Arya felt cold hair strike her skin. But she didn't stop the kiss since this was a part of the bet. 'Bare' as Joffrey had said, so she accepted it. It was also the shame that made her refuse to stop that kiss, or else she'd have to see him glance at her nakedness. 

But Joffrey had to break the kiss. He pulled the tunic further up and with a final hard tug, took it off her head. 

For a moment he lost himself. There were no smallclothes on her breasts, as she didn't need them. They were slightly less than a handful, shapely round, with small areolas around tight pale brown buds. 

Charming indeed. Joffrey admired, ignoring Arya's embarrassing discomfort at his peering gaze. But he returned to touching her and caressed his hand over her belly. He could feel real abs there, although they weren't visible. She had definitely trained hard, yet her alabaster skin felt velvety.

"Oooh!" Arya moaned. Getting her nipples pinched was new to her, shocking, ticklish, and a little exciting. 

But Joffrey suppressed her voice with his tongue in her mouth once again. Both his hands got to work in the meantime. One hand fondled her breasts while the other remained on her belly, slowly inching down. 

"Ah! Joffrey!" Arya broke the kiss and cried out. She felt goosebumps all over, her stomach knotting up in that heated moment. She hated feeling the wonderful sensations from his attention. 

But that was merely the beginning as Joffrey's other hand moved down from her belly and reached the middle of her spread thighs. The cotton breeches she was wearing were tight and he felt the dampness there already. 

He smiled and began rubbing four of his fingers over her heated core. If he wanted he could have removed her breeches too and touched her there directly. But he wanted to leave that for next time, for the main course next week.

"Mmmmmh! God!" Arya mewled, her hands started to clench on his shoulder, almost confused if she should feel anger or lust. But it was all oh so good. 

Her toes curled up, hands locked around Joffrey's neck. It felt so blissful, so hot everywhere. Displeased by herself, she shut her eyes and surrendered herself to Joffrey, as if she just wanted it to end as soon as possible. 

Whatever he wanted to do, she let him. 

Can't wait to shove my cock in there. Joffrey thought while caressing her tight pussy under her clothes. Grinding left and right, he wanted to have her cream on his fingers before moving on with stuffing her throat. He wanted her to remember that hot, erotic release and lust for more.

"Louder, Arya," Joffrey ordered and stopped kissing her. 

He arched his back and brought his face to her tight, pebble-sized nipple. Taking it between his lips, he pressed it hard and rolled it around, aided by the tongue teasing with flicks. His finger also poked and prodded the little bump hardening between her legs, like a tiny squishy toy for his amusement.

"Aaaaaah!" Arya involuntarily screamed. 

The pleasure was so otherworldly, in her cunt and on her breast. Her toes stretched straight and she tightly clenched Joffrey's hair with her hands, unknowingly pulling his face onto her swells. She couldn’t believe a mere single spot would feel different when touched by a man’s rough hands. It almost made her want to rip off the cloth standing between her and his touch.

Joffrey's fingers picked up the pace and grinded over her lower lips like no tomorrow, up and down, sliding the slightly coarse cloth in between her drooling slit. So moist that the wet sounds were audible, so much teasing that he had no doubt she was already swollen red. 

But at last, he noticed Arya throwing her head back in abandon. Her body shuddered under his hands, her breath halted like a silent scream of pure bliss.

"Ah! H-how? Aaaaah!" Arya went through her first aided orgasm. 

She had explored herself before, but never something this strong. Could this really be the power men had? So rough, so demanding… addicting. Her legs quivered, her belly throbbed inside, and her breath refused to calm down. "Ooooh!"

Just a few moments later she erupted in dazzling ecstasy, her swollen pussy crying out her squirting nectar with an intense gushing stream. But her breeches hindered that watery cream from escaping and only drenched her own legs. 

Some drops filtered through and leaked down, while the rest formed a massive damp evidence all over her beige breeches. 

"Aaaah!" She almost fell back if not for her hands stopping the fall. Both of her legs went limp, falling despite Joffrey standing there between them. 

With a satisfied smirk, Joffrey continued to tease her. Both his hands reached for her breasts this time and cupped them in his palm. He squeezed hard, enough to leave red prints. "That wasn't a part of the deal, but no need to thank me."

"Y-You-ugh…" Arya still felt out of breath. Being naked didn't feel as shameful anymore, all she could think about was that heavenly sensation that took over her very being. 

"But…" Joffrey stepped back at last and started taking off his clothes. Starting with his surcoat, then tunic, and finally breeches. He got rid of every piece of clothing on his body. Not because he planned on going all the way but because he wanted to feel free. And possibly show her what was to come, what she could ask for… what she could beg for later on.

"Time for the main course, Arya."

"T-That…" Arya stared at his cock foolishly. She didn't have anything to compare it with but she believed it was big. Veiny, throbbing, erect, and pointing upward. She gulped just at the thought of Sansa taking all of that in… herself taking all of that in. 

But she quickly shook her head and focused. She only had to use her mouth this time. Although her confidence was shaken, she remained headstrong.

Joffrey gestured for her to get down from the table and kneel on the floor before him. Being a gentleman, he had even placed his surcoat on the floor so she wouldn't scrape her knees. "I suggest you start quickly if you don't want to spend the whole night here."

No, she didn't want that. Arya jumped from the table, almost stumbling as she felt sore in her womanhood. Her legs felt wobbly, but she walked enough to reach Joffrey and got down on her knees. 

"I have to take that in my mouth?" Arya asked in disbelief. From so close, she truly noticed its real size. With Joffrey's height, his balls were dangling before her eyes while the girthy shaft throbbed near her forehead. 

"Of course." Joffre stepped closer to her face and let his cock tap on her head. He grinded his balls on her face. "Use your mouth! Lick it, suck it, pleasure me until I feed you my seed."

Arya shivered hearing him talk so shamelessly. But a bet was a bet, so she timidly pushed her tongue out and licked on his ballsack. The scent was strong, a strange and masculine smell that made her feel weird things, the heat almost scorching her.

"You can use your hands as well. Stroke it." Joffrey had to teach her everything. When she tried, he grabbed her hand and showed her how to stroke his cock back and forth. Her dainty fingers intertwined with his, caressing his sizable cock, almost making it seem bigger.

"Like that. Take it in your mouth as well."

"This?!" She exclaimed. 

Joffrey didn't ask again and widened his legs to lower his cock a little. Once at the level of her lips, he probed her to open her mouth with his pre-cum coated cockhead. "Let it slide in!"


Arya opened her lips to speak. But Joffrey seized the chance and pushed in, filling her mouth to the brim with his thickness. Her lips formed a perfect, tight 'O' around his girth, the heat inside was otherworldly. She was tight even there, her teeth gave off a spicy, thrilling pleasure. 

"Stroke me with your mouth," Joffrey commanded further. His hips started moving as well, not depending on her entirely. Both his hands reached for her head at the same time, guiding her to motion. "Just like that… Yes!"

Tight! Absolutely tight! Joffrey experienced heaven inside Arya's mouth. The more he shoved in the hotter it became. The warm breath locked in her throat with that coating spit glued to his cockhead felt like a warm sleeve. He melted right there, feeling the build-up in his loins straining to no end.

"Mmmm!" Arya struggled to take all of his cock in, spluttering and battling to breathe through her nose, but she never tried to push him away. A deal was a deal. On top of that, she felt too weak after having had her explosive release. 

"Ghk! Ghk!" Arya gurgled once Joffrey started fucking her face with deep and long thrusts. 


She choked at times and gagged at others. Joffrey flexed himself and made the hot, pumping rod swell more inside, kissing the back of her throat each time. The way she tried to suck and fail, the way she flexed her tongue to take in all of him in vain, every little movement she made nuzzled his cock even closer to her throat.

With one hand he reached down and massaged her breasts roughly, feeling the warmth of her entire being, molding her tight swells as the very little flesh she had spilled between his fingers. 

"Ah, you're doing great, Arya." Joffrey praised while slapping his balls against her chin. The veiny, bulbous shaft left no room for the lithe girl to pull away. The pleasure peaked soon enough and his speed hastened. A desperate desire to fill her up and feed her what he'd soon shove into her cunt. 

Continuous, rapid fucking; Arya's warrior-like form looked so feminine at that moment. Her buckling knees spread wide, her cunt drenched still with the breeches on. Her hair was a mess of sweat, her eyes drowsy and hazy. 

What a beautiful sight. Joffrey admired his work underneath him while groaning in for that last edge. The intimate touch of her tongue and her clamping lips was heaven. Even if she didn't move her tongue due to the lack of experience and technique, nothing stopped the King from having his pleasure. 

"Ummmphh!" Arya continuously moaned as she felt her head being moved so fast it made her dizzy. Joffrey’s thrusts were intense and each pump grounded his length to the hilt. 

She failed to understand how it was possible. The scorching heat in her mouth, the smell of his sweat, everything about it was somehow thrilling, even exhilarating; A hot ticklish shiver crawled down her nipples, tingling in her gut, down to her moist lower lips. Building up a sudden craving for something she couldn’t figure out.

"Arh!" Joffrey rose on his toes and leaned forward, pulling her face harder on his cock. The dripping, sticky residue had already made its way out of the corner of her lips, hanging in long strands. "Almost… there!" 

"Umph!" Arya struggled. 

Joffrey pulled in her face until her nose smashed against his pubes. 

Right there, he grunted out in deliverance, that ball-bursting release came like a fountain of fertility, exploding right inside her throat. Spray after spray of cream paved the way down her sticky wetness. But Joffrey pulled back slightly and kept bucking up to pump out more ropes of cream. 

Cough! Cough!

Arya gagged up and coughed around his cock, a consequence of which she faced immediately as the white batter oozed out of her nostrils like a mess. 

I'll never forget this. Joffrey felt satisfied and pulled out of her mouth. He slapped his cock over her forehead and spilled out the last drops, taking in the last hints of those glorious sensations. 

Tired, panting, and choking, Arya sat there in a daze while slowly calming down and that cock rubbed all over her face. Her mouth remained open, letting the white, hot, sticky mess slowly dribble down to her small breasts. 

Her cheeks, and her nose, were all painted white, while the rest was a shade of erotic red. She tried to close her mouth with her hands, but it only caused a mess to spill through the gaps of her dainty little fingers; causing her to gulp a few times and clear her throat.

Joffrey finally stepped back, grabbed Arya's tunic from the table, and cleaned his cock with it. All the while he stared at his masterpiece. The fact that Arya was submissive in this whole ordeal had made the face fucking far more enjoyable. 

Perhaps I'll keep you for myself if you're this good. Joffrey thought while getting dressed himself. How tight she'd be down there? 

Although he had his release in her mouth, he still longed for the warm embrace of a cunt. But he had already made plans so he didn't care. 

"You were amazing, Arya." Joffrey walked over to Arya who was still sitting there with her knees spread wide. He used her own tunic to wipe her face clean as a show of kindness. "I look forward to our next duel, my beautiful warrior lady."

Arya reacted to his words, albeit tiredly. "T-The bet… Don't forget it! I kept my word… You should too."

"Of course, I would. But do know, if you lose again you'll have to pay with your flesh again." Joffrey warned her while rubbing all over her breasts to wipe her down. 

Arya glared at his handsome face. "I don't care about sucking your cock, Joffrey."

Joffrey smiled like a devil. "Oh, no, no, no, Arya Stark. Next time it won't be your mouth but…"

He stopped wiping her and threw the tunic to the side. Then he looked down between her spread knees and gently curved four of his fingers to rub all over that drenched, sore, hidden cunt, feeling the hints of heated throbbing, a hunger even she didn’t quite understand yet.

"Next time I'll fill this one." He finished.

Arya's eyes widened when she almost moaned unwittingly. She shuffled her knees back to get away from his hand, confused about why her body wanted him to touch her some more. She had already seen and experienced his cock. To take that rod in her virgin cunt? She couldn't even gulp down her sticky saliva at that thought. 

Joffrey patted her head and got up before walking towards the door to leave. "It's up to you to decide, Arya. Whether you want the duel or not, is entirely up to you. But now, you understand the cost of failure."

Silence ensured for a long instance. Only Joffrey's feet made noise as he finally grabbed the knob of the door and turned it to open. 

"I'll win!" Arya declared all of a sudden. "I'll defeat you next week!"

Joffrey smirked back and opened the door to leave. 

There, Val stood facing him, her eyes narrow while her lips pressed in a curve. She looked over his shoulder into the room and nodded firmly. "Impressive, Your Grace."

Joffrey chuckled and closed the door behind him. "It's hard to tame her, Val. I'll need another session next week."

"As expected from a northern girl." Val approved and followed Joffrey behind like a Kingsguard. "But it seemed you spilled a lot. Are you sure you'll have the energy for this lowly woman now?"

My Wildling woman is hungry for my cock? Joffrey noticed the hint of jealousy from her. 

"Don't worry, Val. You'll have the entire night to yourself." Joffrey assured and headed straight to dinner. It was a big one with plenty of guests since the marriage was the next day. 

Nonetheless, Joffrey hated the social gathering. A majority of the smiling faces he interacted with were scheming behind his back and planning his downfall. Dealing with them felt more exhausting than a long night of fucking. 

But he maintained his calm and spoke with everyone. Olenna was especially talkative that evening, praising him for his many achievements. Meanwhile, Tywin analyzed Joffrey and wondered what he was planning for the wedding day that'd require his Lannister soldiers to stand guard.

Sansa looked uneasy, while Cersei constantly smiled and it didn't appear legitimate. The entire table had more than ten people and yet, Joffrey only knew one or two who were genuinely working for his interests. Heck, he couldn't even trust Tyrion with the way he was acting. Even now he had skipped the dinner feast. 

As the dinner ended and the subsequent discussions led to exhaustion, everyone started to leave for their bedchambers. Joffrey, ignoring and avoiding everyone, walked to his royal bedchambers with Val. 

"Did you receive any word from Mance Rayder?" Joffrey asked, walking right beside his tall warrior woman. 

Val was in a good mood that night. "He’s selected fifty of the smartest among the Free Folk. Instead of just sending men, Mance decided to send entire families to settle down the wall."

Joffrey agreed with that decision. "Family ties a man. Good thinking on his part."

"It was my idea." Val proclaimed proudly. 

Joffrey looked at her in surprise. Unashamedly, he got closer to her and grabbed her by her waist, under the cape. "When?"

"I observed the kneelers here and noticed the men with families feared making mistakes more than anyone else," Val answered, loving the attention from her man. "You did bring me here to study the way of the kneelers."

Joffrey was impressed beyond words. He never expected much from a wildling woman no matter how beautiful she'd be. But Val was clearly different from most. She was smart, strong, and of course, his.

"I guess I'll have to reward my beautiful Kingsguard then." Joffrey squeezed her waist and pulled her closer just as they arrived at his bedchamber's door. "Don't complain if you can't walk in the morning."

Val chuckled and scoffed. "Oh, my King of kneelers. You still have so much to learn about me."

"Such as?" 


Val abruptly pushed Joffrey by his shoulders, slamming him into the door and throwing him into the room. She followed into the room and locked the door before focusing back on her man. "I'll drain the life out of you tonight, Joffrey Baratheon!" 

Seven hells, this is why I love this woman. Joffrey didn't mind in the slightest her being so wild. It was her nature. Nor did he mind her taking his name as they had an understanding between them. In the bedchamber, there was no King, no Queen, no Kingsguard, no Prince—Just a man and a woman in passion. 

"Let me help you take off the armor." Joffrey grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the open window overlooking the sea. The moonlight that night was enough to illuminate the room. 

Val let him move her around and stood in one place, letting him walk around her body and remove her Kingsguard armor. At first, he got behind her and took off her cape. 


Joffrey embraced her waist as soon as he removed the cape. Hugging from behind, he locked his hands on her navel. 


Joffrey kissed her neck from behind, glazing her pale skin with his tongue. "I've been too busy. Forgive me for not giving you more attention, Val." 

Val's heart shook hearing those words. She knew what kind of man Joffrey was. Cold, ruthless, and scheming. A man who hid the matters of his heart from the world. Every word from his mouth held deeper meanings.

She felt like melting in his warm embrace. "I knew you were busy, Joffrey. That's why I never forced myself upon you."

"Force upon me? Hah!" Joffrey chuckled, being on the receiving end for the first time. "Hmm… I wouldn't blame you if you did."

He left her waist and began untying her braided, honey-blonde ponytail. His fingers softly combed her hair straight at the same time. Once done, he walked to her side, took off her shoulder armors, and then finally got in front of her to remove the breastplate.

At last, she stood in nothing but breeches and a cotton surcoat. He untied it too, and proceeded to lay it open. 

Her toned belly was naked, while her voluptuous breasts were wrapped tight by a long cotton strip. He took out his dagger and simply cut it apart, freeing her magnificent swells that lacked any semblance of sagging. The tight nipples stood erect, burning hot as soon as both his palms softly rested on them. 

"Joffrey, may I ask you something?" Val asked all of a sudden, her tone serious. 

He gazed at her beautiful face and stopped fondling her breasts. Instead, he held her waist and pulled her closer to his chest. His other hand cleared the strands of hair falling on her face. "Go ahead."

"When will you fill my womb?"

Oh? She wants a child? Joffrey smiled warmly and pecked on her forehead. He cherished this woman. Perhaps more than any other. He needed loyal, strong people around him. Not to mention, she was a major piece for his plans that would ensue after winning against the White Walkers. My Wildling princess wants to be a mother?

"Val, it would be my greatest pleasure and honor to see you birth strong heirs for me. More than anything, I desire to fill you with my seed and have you carry my essence for nine months. Yet, I’m plagued by hidden threats seeking to harm me and those I hold dear." Joffrey pressed a possessive, passionate kiss to her lips. "You’re closer to my heart than Sansa, or any other woman. Your safety is paramount to me. I can’t burden you with carrying my child until I have the realm firmly in my grasp."

Val didn't make a big deal out of it and simply nodded. "You've won me, and I'm your woman for life. It's natural for me to bear you strong heirs. But… It's also my duty to protect you with my life. Forgive me, I won't ask you again until you're ready."

"You did nothing wrong." Joffrey held her face with both hands and drove in with a more passionate, heated kiss. This was different from the last as he didn't stop and just ate her lips and dug in between with his tongue. 

Val responded in kind and reciprocated all that attention. After listening to Joffrey, she at least felt calm in her heart. Knowing that she wasn't just some whore to Joffrey. That she held meaning in his grand life. 

"May I take the… upper hand tonight?" She shyly asked, a rare emotion that she showed. 

"Haha!" Joffrey laughed heartily and nodded. He quickly removed all his clothes and laid down on the bed. "I'm all yours, my wild princess."

Val grinned ear to ear and tore off her breeches, hastily removed her boots, and dived right into the bed. Landing on Joffrey, she crawled over his chest, rubbing her hot breasts on him before finally smothering his lips. 

Like a hungry lioness, she ate his mouth and kissed his neck, and his nipples, before finally going down to his royal cock. 

"Still standing? Quite the cock you have, Joffrey."

Joffrey folded his arms under his head and relaxed there, letting Val do whatever she wanted. "Well, of course. It's the King's cock, after all."

"Pff…" Val giggled and gripped his girth tightly. "Then let me crown this royal cock with my… lips…ummm!"

Bloody Mother and Maiden! She's one terrific woman. 

Despite feeling like his soul was being sucked out of his cock, Joffrey loved every bit of it. 

But only if Joffrey knew how big was his Wildling Princess' appetite. How many hours could she go on without a break? 

The night was dark and full of pleasure. The day was distant, yet he already had a beauty so full of lust. 

Yes, it was altered from the quote his cock sucking Red Priestess was so fond of.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Ugh…" Joffrey groaned as he woke up in the morning to a knock on the door. In his arms, the beautiful blonde, perhaps the only blonde he liked, lay naked hugging him. "Who the hell is it?" 

"It's me, Your Grace." 

Joffrey recognized that voice and tiredly got off the bed. He put the quilt back on Val to hide her nakedness and then wore loose pants himself. Still naked from above, he went to the door and opened it. "The wine finally waned?" 

With nothing but shame and self-loath, Tyrion nodded. He failed to meet Joffrey's gaze. "May I have a word with you, Your Grace? In private?"

"Lock the door." Joffrey shrugged and walked back into the room. He poured himself a glass of water and then went to sit at the bed's foot-side edge since the table and chair were covered with Kingsguard armor and accessories. 

Tyrion took some steps and stood a little distance away from Joffrey, ignoring Val in the bed. Like a guilty man on trial, he had his shoulders drooping, his hands clasped in front. "I was, regrettably, too drunk to control myself, Your Grace. I humbly beg your forgiveness for the unfortunate spectacle I caused."

Joffrey didn't say anything and noisily sipped the water. He just stared at the imp before him. A man who had a brilliant mind but also plenty of shortcomings. 

The silence made Tyrion feel even more ashamed. He genuinely liked this new Joffrey, for he was the only man with power and prestige to recognize his talents and efforts. The only person who knighted him, and made him a hero. The one who fought Tywin Lannister for him. 

"It won't happen again, Your Gra—" 

"That whore…" Joffrey voiced finally. He noticed Tyrion flinch when he called Shae a whore with disdain. "Do you think she loves you, Uncle?"

"She does, Your Gra—"

"Gold! She adores your gold, not the kind filling your coffers, but the kind you wear—shaped in the emblem of the Hand of the King." Joffrey sneered, hurling his goblet aside with a crash. "I’d wager a thousand golden dragons that the moment you’re stripped of that lofty title, she'll be sniffing around for the next fool with a heavy purse and a willing cock."

Tyrion's fists clenched up, his lips shivered as he controlled his anger. "In that case, I'm not the only man who loves a whore."

Joffrey's blood boiled when Tyrion glanced at the sleeping Val for a split second. He knew it was Tyrion's habit to jab at others indirectly. "She'll birth me strong children very soon. Will your whore do the same?"

"She would." 

"Hah, don't make me laugh, Uncle." Joffrey rose to his full height, towering over Tyrion with a sneer. "You know nothing! Blinded by the mere hint of romance she's dangled before you. Blinded by lust! Very well, let's settle this. I’ll strip you of your position and seize all your wealth. All I demand is that you put on a display of sadness and rage before Shae. Within a week, I promise you, she'll find another rich cock to suckle."

Tyrion stepped back anxiously as Joffrey walked closer and closer to him. "Your Grace! T-This isn't something you can prov—"

"Are you frightened? Terrified that I might be right?" Joffrey sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he spun his web of deceit. Each word he uttered was a calculated step in a treacherous dance, digging a pit for Tyrion to tumble into. A trap, cruel and cunning, that would claim not just one life but two, should his plans come to fruition.

Tyrion's jaw tightened, his heart racing. "W-What if you're wrong?"

"You shall have the gold, the esteemed title of Lord Hand for life, and I’ll see to it that Casterly Rock is placed firmly in your grasp!" Joffrey declared a loud proclamation that should have been spoken more lightly. 

I always planned on giving you that. Let this be a lesson. Joffrey glared at him coldly. 

If it was the past Joffrey, Tyrion would have scoffed. But this Joffrey, he genuinely believed him. "Then I accept this test."

"Good." Joffrey warmed up a little with a smile. "You think yourself clever, Uncle. But oh, how blind you are to the simplest of deceptions. If only... If only you hadn’t been so foolishly oblivious to the truth, perhaps you wouldn't have sought comfort in the company of whores."

Tyrion frowned, his mismatched eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "I-I don't understand what you mean by that, Your Grace." 

"Of course, you don't. You're not supposed to." Joffrey ignored Val's flinch in the bed. She was listening to him. 

He walked over to the window and gazed towards Essos. "Once upon a time, there was a drunken septon. He married an imp and a girl with pigs as witnesses."

Tyrion's heart froze. "Tysha? Why are you bringing up that whore?"

Joffrey's jaw clenched and he looked back at Tyrion with a side-eye. "Are you sure she was a whore?"

"Jaimie had set it all up! He planned to make me a man… the outlaws and everything was a plo—"

Joffrey interrupted and dug a deeper hole for him. “Ah, Jaime Lannister, the paragon of honor, isn't that right? The man who still cowers before Grandfather. He would never lie to his dear brother on someone else's command, hmm? Tysha, a lowly whore, she must have been... Who could ever fancy a twisted Imp, eh?"

Tyrion gulped in silence. He felt his heart burning. 

"Start asking questions, Uncle. A suspected whore may not always be a whore. While a lover could easily turn into a harlot in an instant." Joffrey decided to stop there. "You can go now."

Eyes wide open with a thousand questions shuffling in his head, Tyrion turned around and left Joffrey's room without saying a single word.

Forgive me, Jaime. But I must push you into a corner for you to turn against Cersei and Grandfather. Joffrey sighed and looked back at his bed. Just one more nudge and I'm sure you'll break. 

"I don't know what just happened, but I have a feeling you've done something grand just now." Val sat up in the bed, her breasts saluting with the quilt sliding down the smooth pale skin of her bosom. 

Joffrey proudly scoffed. “You wouldn’t be wrong to say that.”

“Then.” Val smiled mischievously and removed the entire quilt from her body. All naked, she laid back down and spread her long legs apart, revealing her sore yet still lustful slit. “Once more before beginning the day?”

Joffrey swallowed a hot breath and stared at her beautiful, curvacious, erotic body. Her slippery cunt had drained him dry the previous night and he still felt hungry for more.

“Not today.” He forced himself to refuse as it was his wedding day. “I have the Tyrells to deal with.”

Val pouted and pulled the quilt tighter around herself. “Do you mean to deal with the marriage or really ‘deal’ with them?”

Joffrey snorted dismissively and wore his tunic over his head. “Come along and see it for yourself. You'll be thoroughly entertained, I'm sure."

This new life… This new legacy. Joffrey calmed his nerves to stay focused. For today is the day where it all began. 


Choice for Jon Snow's future!!! Choose one of them and comment. Both of them have greater, but slightly different implications.

1. Jon Snow dies on his northern expedition.

2. Jon Snow lives.







1, no room for Jon here