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[Choice 1 Votes = 5

Choice 2 Votes = 8(Winner)]


"Narcissa?!" Harry exclaimed and sat up. He pushed Bellatrix back on his lap, keeping her straddled on his cock, her legs hugging around him. He stared at her erotic face. "When?!"

Bellatrix giggled and warped her arms around Harry's neck before pressing her cloud-like breasts over his chest. Her face inched closer to his, her hot breath caressing her lover's face. "When you tamed me and Cissy in Hogsmeade. She returned to hide in 12 Grimmauld Place immediately after and couldn't concoct a potion."

Is this a blessing or a curse? Harry wondered silently. I guess I'll be seeing her in a few days.

He focused back on Bellatrix, her ripe, feminine body was a work of art. His arm that hugged around the waist refused to loosen up, while his other hand caressed the side of her face. Is there any need to further my bloodline with Bellatrix now? 

However, once he gazed at her excited, fanatic eyes that held him in pure worship, he felt his cock twitch yet again. No, the more the better. 

"Are you ready for more, Bellatrix?"

Bellatrix rocked her hips in reply, loving the rising hardness of his cock underneath. Her lips quickly began rubbing against Harry's neck, going up. "Always, my Lord! Bellatrix is yours… to love… use… oooh breed!"

Love potion? Harry wondered what made her so fanatic for the Dark Lord. Thank you for this delectable gift, Voldemort. 


Harry gripped her ass tight and raised her a little before aiming his rock-hard cock in and letting her fall over it. His entire length drove in straight to her cervix. As Bellatrix moaned and arched back, Harry fondled both her luscious breasts and suckled, teasing her with dangerous bites all over.

She loved it, her moans were akin to music to his ears. She hadn't even started to move on his cock, but the sensation of his pulsating rod filling her up made her feel hotter than anything else imaginable. No potion, no elixir, no amount of wealth gave her as much pleasure as having her beloved lord's cock inside. 

"Yesss~ I wish I could have yo-ooooh… In me forever, my Lord!" Bellatrix finally grounded her hips back and forth, sliding his slippery cock in and out of her drenched, swollen red petals. This was their fourth session that night, and it was still hours before sunrise.

Harry didn't feel like exerting too much and relaxed his back against the headboard of the bed. Fondling her breasts, suckling her, kissing her ripe red lips, clawing her curly raven hair at times—He let Bellatrix do the fucking on her own while he relished in the sensory overload before his eyes. 

I’ve changed. Harry thought to himself while watching Bellatrix fuck herself to bliss on his cock. Something shameful, almost evil… now seems normal. 

Her lovable breasts jolted with each shake, and the claps her rear made on his thighs were loud. She breathed deeply, moaned, and combed her own hair through her fingers, completely lost in pleasure. 

I-I'm enjoying this. Harry felt he couldn't continue to lie to himself. What had started as Voldemort's manipulation had turned into his personality somehow. I… Am I evil?

"Ah~ Oooooh… My Lord!" Bellatrix sang his name. "I… I'm coming! Aaaaaah!"

Not just a climax but a squirt poured out of her filled depth. Her pussy lips clenched to keep hold of his warm cock tight inside. But the spraying juices only made his cock twitch harder and hotter. The sensations took over Harry's troubled mind and he moved.

"Me too, Bella." Harry finally used her shortened name. 

Bellatrix almost shed a tear as she heard that, and slammed her lips on Harry's. She let him throw her back on the bed, his cock continuously impaled deep in her core. Her fleshy soft legs quickly clamped around his waist, preparing herself to receive his fertile batter. 

Harry didn't think much and caught Bellatrix under himself, her legs spread wide. His cock slammed deep, the default position to spill deep inside. His hips moved on their own, jolting back and forth to earn that sweet tickling pleasure all over his length. 

She still felt tight, and Harry enjoyed that greatly. But feeling exhausted, he let himself fall down on her breasts, his face landing right in the middle of the marshmallowy softness. With a constant rhythm, he just kept pumping.

The thought that he didn't need to worry about finishing inside was just too provocative. Even after having spilled inside her four times that night, he felt the same amount of arousal as the first.

"Ugh…!" Harry grunted as his thrusts got slower and rougher. 

Tiredly, he kept pumping in till the last moment. "T-Take it…"

"As you wish… My Lord!" Bellatrix hugged Harry's body on herself and clenched her legs tighter around him, as if wanting him to reach as deep as possible and put one in for good. 

Harry's legs sprawled straight on the bed, pouring all his weight on her spread pussy. His eyes closed, and he allowed his cock to do the rest of the magic as convulsions took over. The jolts rose from within his core, his balls contracted as the burst approached the last threshold.

"Ahh…" Harry breathed out vocally and sprayed all of his spill. Less sticky and creamy than before, but still a good amount as his continued thrusts gushed some out through the gaps. 

Finally, as Harry rode through that climax, he fell on her body like a log. His hands hugged her sensual body below himself and simply rested upon the feathery hills. Her bodily heat didn't feel as disgusting or hateful anymore. 

It scared him that this woman killed Sirius. But wasn't this a form of payback?

His own thoughts scared him. But one thing he couldn't lie about was how he felt. A dark reflection he dared not say out loud.

I… I don't want this to end.


Drained, sore, tired, and yet energized. Harry woke up late in the morning as the light seeped through the room's curtains.

Under the sheets, wrapped around his body, was Bellatrix's arm and leg, hugging him and sleeping contently with a big smile on her lips. The night had been amazing, having exhausted each other sexually until five in the morning. 

Harry remained in bed, resting for a while. 

Unlike before, he didn't push Bellatrix away, nor did he want to do it. His own arm was underneath her head, keeping her close. After having made up his mind to further his bloodline through her, she was no longer a stranger. 

Don't hate me for this, Mom, Dad. 

Harry slid off the bed, putting away Bellatrix's arm. He quickly put on his pants and walked over to the window. The teacher's corridor was really well placed. The view was worth it from there. But despite the warm sunlight, he knew there was nothing but darkness waiting for him outside.

Where could the Slytherin locket be? He racked his brain trying to figure it out. The more time Voldemort has, the harder it'll be to kill him. No more time to waste here. 

He gave Bellatrix one last glance and left her room. The woman had worked herself until she passed out so her deep slumber was understandable. 

Stretching his shoulders, he left the teacher's corridor carefully and arrived at the regular area accessible to students. 

"Mr. Potter, there you are!" 

"Professor McGonagall." Harry saw the old witch rushing towards him. 

"The Headmaster has summoned you to his office. Follow me quickly." 

Harry didn't argue and walked behind her. "How is the Professor now?"

"Better than yesterday. But he fears he… It's better if you speak with him directly." McGonagall refused to elaborate further.

Yet again, Harry found himself facing an uncertain future. If something happens to Dumbledore, Voldemort's power would be left unchecked with no other wizard around his level. 

Knock! Knock!

McGonagall pushed open the door and ushered Harry into the headmaster's office. 

"Professor!" Harry saw the old man sitting in his seat. His complexion was dark, his face looked as if he had aged a century in one night. He was barely anything more than skin and bones now. "What happened? Will you be al—"

Harry stopped midspeech as he noticed another presence in the office coming into view from a corner. He frowned at the man. "Professor Snape?"

"Lower your eyes, Potter. There is plenty for you to hide." Snape sneered at Harry and approached Dumbledore to feed him a potion.

"Be at ease, Harry. Severus is helping me fight back the pain." Dumbledore willingly took it all and finally spoke to Harry. "Take a seat."

Harry silently waited for Snape to finish whatever he was doing. The potions professor had come with a whole box of potions and mixed various vials right there. To Harry's own surprise, he could make a sense of what was happening just by looking. 

Voldemort's knowledge and that book of The Half-Blood Prince helped Harry greatly. Potion to slow down aging? Professor's hand!

He still remained silent and waited. Finally, once Snape was done and left, Harry jumped up from his seat and approached Dumbledore. "What happened to you, Professor?"

"Drink of Despair… The false Slytherin's locket was hidden under it. The only way to access it was by drinking the potion." Dumbledore explained and took out the fake locket from the table drawer. "Someone other than Voldemort found it before us, Harry."

Harry took the locket and tried to match it with his memory. It looked the same as the real locket but without any darkness hidden inside it. 

"Harry, I don't have much time left." Dumbledore took out another thing from this drawer, a ring. "The curse I received destroying this has spread too far. It strengthens over time. Severus tried his best but this is the limit…"

Harry already expected it, but hearing it was different. The old man, who had forever been synonymous with ‘invincible and wisdom’ to him was now on the verge of death. 

"H-How will we defeat Voldemort, Professor? We need you for the final battle against him," Harry asked. 

"Believe in yourself, Harry. You are the boy of the prophecy. It is in your fate to be Voldemort's end. The two of you share the wand core—Not me, it is you who will defeat him," Dumbledore said as if it was a matter of fact, not just a possibility. "From your first year to now, you have faced Voldemort and won each time. Have faith in yourself, you will triumph once again."

Harry looked down, unsure if he should even be called that. Since last year, he had done so many vile things that he questioned his magical nature. Was it still light?

"Harry." Dumbledore seemingly saw the doubts. "I have fought many dark wizards. From Grindelwald to Voldemort, and dozens of those who came between. Sometimes… you have no choice but to take a less pleasant path for the greater good. The important thing is to not lose yourself to the darkness."

Harry gulped, wondering if Dumbledore knew about what he had been up to. "I… I don't think it matters, Professor. Since Voldemort's end means my end."

Dumbledore found himself at a loss of words. He could see Harry had already accepted his fate and yet chose to walk it. Unlike himself, who had lived over a century and experienced most of what life had to offer, he knew it was harder for a boy to make peace with himself like this.

"You have my admiration, Harry." Dumbledore placed his wand on the table. "You have fought and defeated Voldemort physically and mentally, a feat not many could have achieved. If there are some… setbacks from it, it's natural. You should accept your shortcomings and strive to keep forging a path ahead. Nobody is perfect, not even me."

It's like he knows everything. Harry could feel it. The old man was asking him to stop worrying and just deal with it. 

Dumbledore stood up just then, albeit very weakly. "Now, will you accompany me to the astronomy tower?"

"Of course, Professor." Harry helped Dumbledore as the old man couldn't even walk straight in his condition. 

The two of them exited the office and found Professor McGonagall still waiting for them there. From there, the three of them arrived at the top of the astronomy tower. It had somehow turned cloudy since Harry had woken up, as if even the sky knew the matters of urgency.

"Harry, I need you to fight me." Dumbledore requested. "Defeat me in a fair duel."

"What?!" Harry exclaimed in shock. "H-How is that even possible? I'm just a student, Professor."

"Believe in yourself and give it your all. This is my last request from you." Dumbledore insisted and walked to the edge of the tower's floor. "My time is limited, Harry. You may have stopped Draco Malfoy's plan, but its culmination remains the same."

"The attack on you?!" Harry questioned. 

"A dying tree remains a dying tree no matter the water and potions you feed it. Harry, raise your wand now and prepare." Dumbledore readied himself too. "Give it your all. Worry not of how it ends for that is my fate."

I hope my guess is wrong. Harry took out his wand and prepared himself.

"Professor McGonagall, please stand as a witness." Dumbledore requested the transfiguration professor. "You will need to give an account to the Ministry in the future."


"Aaagh!" Harry groaned in pain all of a sudden. Dumbledore had just flicked his want a little and he felt sharp stinging pain on his shoulder already. 

He's serious! Harry realized. 

"Expulso!" Harry responded with an attack. 


Dumbledore easily neutralized it and retaliated, throwing Harry back with such force that he was flung in the air and hit the astronomy apparatus. 

He's not using verbal incantations. Harry stood up again in pain. How am I to fight the strongest known wizard?

"Give it your all, Harry!" Dumbledore bellowed, his long beard fluttering. As if responding to his mood, the cloudy sky turned into a heavy storm. The winds picked up and the rain followed. 

Harry gritted his teeth and went ahead with deadlier attacks. He had learned plenty from Voldemort's memories, including his way of fighting. He merely never tried it in fear of losing himself to the dark side.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted and prepared for a response.

However, to his utter shock, Dumbledore was struck by it in his chest as he remained standing there in a daze. Blood oozed from his chest, sullying the white robes crimson. 

"Where did you learn that spell?" Dumbledore asked sternly.

Harry didn't hide it anymore. "I found a book, Professor. A potions book, marked with revisions, corrections, better ways to concoct potions, and… this spell. The previous owner was the Half-Blood Prince!"

Dumbledore glanced at Professor McGonagall for a moment, nodded at her, and then focused back at Harry. "Why have you stopped? The fight is far from over."


Harry quickly made a Protego shield and stopped the exploding force right in front of his face. Every single spell from Dumbledore was life-threatening to him. Any mistake was deadly. 

"Haaa!" Harry bellowed, this time opting for Voldemort's magic knowledge. He avoided verbally chanting the spell. At first, he couldn't cast anything and had to continue to block the incoming attacks. But he kept repeating it and focusing on it. 

Just work! I can't defeat the Professor otherwise! Harry constantly tried to use non-verbal spells. Come o–



At last, Harry sent an Expelliarmus to stop the old man before they went too far. However, Dumbledore gave his best and countered it with the same spell. 

From then, Harry no longer shouted the spells. He tried to keep moving, making space between them. His spells got quicker slowly, deadlier as time went on. Meanwhile, Dumbledore's responses kept going slower and slower to the point Harry was able to guess the incoming attack and counter. 

However, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't land a good blow to Dumbledore. The duel seemingly entered a stalemate as he kept defending himself. 

Dumbledore increased the power behind each blow as if aiming to defeat Harry finally. 

Constantly being pushed back, Harry gritted his teeth and decided to try out something he had never used before. It was notorious for being hard to control. But he had no choice and he had seen Voldemort use it in his memories. 



A powerful storm of fire oozed out of Harry's wand and circled all around him, getting bigger and bigger until it began taking the form of a dragonhead. It looked like a fiery tornado as it kept growing, burning the walls, the astronomy mechanism behind him, and much of the tower. 

"Ugh…" Harry struggled to contain it but slowly got used to it. "I'm sorry, Professor!" 

At last, he swung his wand towards Dumbledore and struck him directly. As expected, Dumbledore formed a shield for himself and stopped the fire. But Harry kept on going, stepping towards Dumbledore.

The fire kept getting bigger and bigger, decimating the entire top of the tower. The tornado increased in size and grew bigger than the tower's floor area, floating in the air around the tower by then. All of that blazing fire struck Dumbledore from all sides. 

I-I'm losing it! 

He had no idea how Dumbledore was doing since he couldn't see beyond the fire. But he could feel the resistance was becoming weaker as walking forward became easier. 

Seconds passed, and the ringing headache in Harry's head signified his magical limit. But he kept going, even when his nose started bleeding. His face turned pale as if all his blood was drawn out, his eyes turned bloodshot red. 


At last, the Fiendfyre exploded outwards.

"Professor!" Harry failed to feel Dumbledore's presence anymore. 

Harry tried to take back the Fiendfyre and stop its rampage. It took all of his focus and magical mastery to do it. Time-consuming, he felt every second was like an eternity. Dumbledore hadn't attacked him or resisted his fire for a while now. 


At last, the fire shrank and vanished back into Harry's wand. The sheer destruction of his move became evident then. Yet, he looked around and couldn't find Dumbledore anywhere. 

"Professor!" he shouted and rushed to where the Headmaster was standing. Right at the edge of the floor, he found Dumledore's wand. "No, no, no!"

His young heart skipped a few beats as he stepped closer to the edge. He looked down from there.



Harry fell to his knees while looking down at the distant grounds. Dumbledore's body lay there, lifeless, burnt in places. Only McGonagall was beside it as she held the body and apparated away before anyone else could arrive. 

Harry fell back, his body exhausted more than ever in his life. His magic was depleted and his internal bodily injuries were far too many. Although he fought Dumbledore, who now only possessed a tiny fraction of his full power, it was enough to leave Harry physically devastated. 


Lying there in the rubble, he gripped Dumbledore's wand before shutting his eyes and losing himself to pain, injury, and exhaustion. 


Harry woke up a few hours later in the hospital wing. As soon as he woke up, he rubbed his eyes with his hands as the last memories before he fell circled in his thoughts. I-I killed Dumbledore! 

"You did not."

Harry looked up. Professor McGonagall entered the hospital wing. With a wave of her wand, she shut all the doors and windows of the large hall.

"Headmaster had mere hours left to live." McGonagall stood beside his bed and explained. "He feared you wouldn't be prepared to do what’s required when you’ll eventually face Voldemort. I was against it, but he wanted it."

"But I still killed him!" Harry blurted, feeling conflicted. "It was my magic that killed him! P-Professor Slughorn said that killing is the darkest thing a wizard can commit."

"You didn't kill him, Harry. It was Dumbledore's will. Besides, he had a greater reason." McGonagall took out Dumbledore's wand and placed it on the side table beside Harry. "The Elder Wand."

Harry picked up the oddly shaped wand and felt it in his grip. It felt like his own, as if it had always been his since forever. 


"The only way the Elder Wand can change its holder is if the current holder is defeated. Dumbledore had no other choice, Harry. With his depleted power, he knew you'd be able to defeat him, and you did," McGonagall added. 

Harry gritted his teeth and stared at the wand silently. "People will forever remember me as his killer now."

"No, they won't. Even before the duel happened, Dumbledore sent letters to the Ministry and ICW. He had already declared that his end has come and professed his desire to be buried in the school grounds." McGonagall revealed a book she had brought. "The man you fought had already died, Harry. He passed on a great responsibility to you, so I ask you to put your faith in him one last time."

But I still killed him. Harry tried his best to stop tears from welling up in his eyes. Is this punishment? 

"Your friends will join you in an hour." McGonagall placed the book beside his pillow and left. She had her own thoughts to quell, after all. As the new Headmaster, there was a lot to do.

Alone, Harry sat up in the bed and grabbed the book McGonagall had brought. It was thin and handwritten. He had never seen Dumbledore's handwriting but he was sure this was written by him.

"Harry, if you're reading this, it means I’m no longer alive. I had plenty of matters to discuss with you before, but due to Voldemort's interference in your mind, I couldn't. Despite all the negative effects of Voldemort's magic on you, I never doubted that you'd win against him…"

Harry read the whole thing in one sitting. 

It detailed Dumbledore's recollection of his parents, his thoughts on him, and his hopes for the future. It detailed some of the hints about Voldemort, his apology for not doing enough, and much more. 

By the end, Harry sighed and placed the book aside. 

So you always knew, Professor. Harry felt ashamed of what he had done. Yet you want me to keep Bellatrix under my command. 


Hermione and Ron ran in just then, both unaware of what had just happened. The official excuse for his current condition was a magical experiment gone wrong. 

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped," Hermione asked angrily. 

"I thought I was the dumb one, Harry," Ron said and sat beside him on the bed. "It's good that it's not serious."

Harry just forced a smile and kept nodding. It was hard to lie so much so he chose silence. Dumbledore's death was a secret he had to take to his grave. Luckily, the end wasn't that far away either. 

"Did you hear about Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione inquired, worried that it'd pain Harry deeply. 

"I know," Harry replied softly. "When's the funeral?"

"Tomorrow," Ron answered. 

Harry knew McGonagall was trying to hold the funeral quickly so nobody would suspect anything. But even that felt criminal. 

All for the greater good? Then where does it end?

"Ron, we should let Harry rest." Hermione noticed Harry's complexion and chose to leave. 

Soon, Harry shut his eyes and fell asleep alone in the hospital wing. He kept the Elder Wand firmly hidden underneath his shirt.


The funeral happened without much fanfare. The school staff, students, and some representatives from the Ministry arrived to oversee everything. Following that, the tomb was built beside the lake. 

The days following remained depressing for Harry as he took the sixth-year exams. Everything felt too calm as if it was a silence before the storm. 

Before he knew it, the sixth year came to an end and he left the school secretly with the help of McGonagall instead of taking the normal train. To keep his location a secret, he didn't go to the Dursleys anymore and instead went to 12 Grimmauld Place; To spend his entire summer there. 

"Master Potter has returned." Kreacher was there to welcome him.

Harry nodded at him and pushed his luggage towards the house elf. Dobby was there too, cleaning the place. "Where is Mrs. Malfoy?"

"She be in her room, Master," Kreacher answered and dragged the luggage upstairs to Harry's room. 

Harry followed behind and walked upstairs. It was better to greet the guest living in his house before going to rest. It was already evening so they were going to have dinner together anyway. Though more than anything, Harry hoped to confirm if what Bellatrix said was true. 

Knock! Knock!

Narcissa opened the door after a few moments, appearing in her usual aristocratic dress. A long, full-sleeved dress that hid everything on her except for her hands and face. Her hair was loose and draping, however.

"Mr. Potter," she greeted. 

Harry breathed deeply, unable to lie to himself. He did find her beautiful and highly arousing. But he no longer held the gullible look on his face anymore, nor the smirking smile. 

It didn't miss Narcissa's sharp eyes. There was something different about Harry now, she could see it. He no longer appeared naive or immature.

Harry forced a smile on his lips. "Good evening, Narcissa."

Her jaw tightened as he didn't use any honorifics. The memory of what had happened in Hogsmeade was still fresh for her. "I hope you had a fruitful year."

Harry tried to glance at her belly to see any signs of something. "I did… I'll see you at dinner then." 

Was Bellatrix wrong? Harry wondered and went to his room to take a shower and change clothes. I'll have to confirm it myself then.

A few hours later, both of them sat face to face at the dinner table. Harry could see Narcissa didn't have much interest in conversing with him. But he still entertained her, the least he could do after what he had done to her, and for what he was about to do. 

"With Dumbledore gone, dealing with the Dark Lord will become tricky. I'm afraid you'll have to hide here for a little while longer," Harry suggested. 

Narcissa nodded softly, not even looking at Harry. "What other choice do I have?... I'm done eating."

The blonde witch patted her lips clean with the napkin and left the dining table, back to lock herself in her room. 

Harry sighed and ate his dinner by himself. At least Dobby was there and he was a far better buddy to chat with than any. The amount of stories and gossip he knew could shake wizarding Britain. It was shocking to Harry how ignorant wizards were regarding the overpowered abilities of house elves. 

Eventually, Harry returned to his bedroom and sat by the study table. Almost two hours to midnight, he reckoned people would still be awake. So, he fetched a piece of paper and started writing a letter. 

[Auror Moody, I’m writing this letter to you with great urgency. I'm afraid the fight against the Dark Lord will take a turn for the worse as they may feel bolstered by Professor Dumbledore's passing.

As I prepare for what's to come, I wish to inform you about a Death Eater that was recently given a Dark Mark. 

Like Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy has also chosen to serve the Dark Lord. This year, he entered the school with a task in mind, an order he received directly from the Dark Lord. I caught him trying to repair an old vanishing cabinet in school to aid Death Eaters in invading Hogwarts directly, the main goal was to kill Professor Dumbledore. 

I thwarted his attempt, luckily. You can find the other part of the cabinet at Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley. Draco is still young, so I hope he can be sent to Azkaban soon so we can stop him from committing an even worse crime that may grant him a Dementor's kiss instead...]

Harry soon finished writing the letter and sealed it in an envelope. Then, he sent it directly to Alastor Moody with his owl. He had no doubt that Moody would do anything in his power to throw Draco in Azkaban as soon as possible. 

With nothing to do, Harry relaxed in his chair and sighed. He felt like a villain, an evil man while doing that. But he couldn't bring himself to not do it. 

As long as Draco is free, he’ll always be a danger to my offspring, especially from Narcissa. Harry reasoned with himself as if trying to convince himself that he wasn't evil. I'm sorry, but I have to be selfish this time… If this makes me evil, so be it.

He didn't know to whom he was apologizing. 

"Let's check on Narcissa then." Harry got up from the chair and stretched his arms. It was almost midnight on the clock. So, he took off his T-shirt and walked out of his room. In the same corridor, at the further end, he stood outside Narcissa's room. 

He paused there for a moment, his hand resting on the doorknob. I don't have the luxury of waiting and choosing. If Narcissa isn't already with child… I'll make it happen.

After taking a long breath, he finally turned the doorknob and opened the door. The room was dimly lit, only the bedside table lamps giving some light. Though Harry froze as soon as he entered the room and shut the door. 

There on the bed, Narcissa sat, her back against the headboard, her knees raised to one side. Her attire was a simple, silky silver nightgown that went only to her knees, supported on her shoulder by thin straps, and completely sleeveless.

The silk traced the curves of her substantial breasts. Her legs were particularly visible, all the way to her upper thighs, it was too short and already bunched up.

Her hair was still untied, flowing down to the smooth skin of her shoulder, and she held a book in her hand. Her dainty, slender fingers skimmed through the pages.

She sat there like a maiden waiting to be called out.

I have to do this. Harry reminded himself and stepped towards the bed's foot side. I'll be dead soon anyway. 

"What's the meaning of this, Mr. Potter?" Narcissa asked, quickly putting the book aside and straightening her legs.

Harry still gazed at her figure from her toes to her face, relishing in all that came in between. With her age, she had only grown more charming, like a finely aged wine. Her voluminous bosom, her wide hips, her creamy full legs. He could almost feel the urge to sink his fingers into her soft flesh, making her cry out for him to do more and more.

As for her face, it didn't need any words of compliment. Every little expression she made when he penetrated her heated body the first time ran through his mind.

"What do you think?" Harry replied and took off his pants. In only underwear, he crawled onto the bed, spreading Narcissa's legs with his own hands. 

She didn't protest and allowed him. 

Harry gripped both of her ankles and pulled down her body until she lay straight on the bed, her head on the pillow. Then, he traced his palm upwards to her shins, her knees, going under her nightgown, and reaching her soft thighs. 

Goosebumps? Harry felt every reaction from her skin. Her face held a faint, hidden blush of shame while her eyes remained firm and serious. 

Harry continued to go upwards, lifting her silky gown up, pushing it above her naked, soft belly, and then finally over her pale, succulent, curvaceous breasts. 

"Ah!" Narcissa moaned, feeling both her sensitive hills between Harry's claws.

Harry leaned over her on the bed, eclipsing her ripe body, pressing his veiled hard cock over her covered slit that required his further attention. But he wanted to focus on her face first since this night was more than just fucking. 

He desired her acceptance instead. 

"Ummm!" Narcissa squirmed as he became rough with his hands. However, her eyes remained locked with Harry's as he lowered his face towards her. But just before his lips landed on her she gulped and spoke. "I'm pregnant!"

Music to my ears! 

Harry didn't even react and still landed his lips on her velvety skin and kissed her softly. It was short as he pulled his face up again for a quick moment, gazing deeply and heatedly into her blue eyes. 

"Then this is nothing but a normal occurrence between a man and…” Harry nestled his face between her ear and her neck and kissed there before uttering his last word. “...his woman.”

My woman.


Orion Chung

Next one Harry impregnates Luna

Antar Das

Also another typo, you said Professor Voldemort instead of Dumbledore