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I have failed...

...but not without some success. Let me back up.

I took nearly the entirety of last month to focus on writing with the objective of finishing the written portion of the visual novel. In hindsight, this was a lofty goal, but one that I thought that if I had failed, I would at least fail well.

I have failed well. I was able to get down a significant portion of the work and solve a lot of big-picture issues before I ran into them. It has largely become a process of painfully typing and editing what will be around 80,000 hand-selected words by the end with most of the technical and creative issues cooked out. Mostly.

I also re-learned that if I announce my intentions like, say, that I'm going to finish a first draft in a month, then I'm at least 50% less likely to actually do it, contrary to advice given to me. However, if I treat it as a *surprise* then I'll be highly motivated to actually do the thing beyond all expectation. Weird how that works.

So I won't be telling you when I'm going to be done. It'll happen when it does. And I'm very close.

In the meantime, I'm still streaming over at Twitch.tv/GlitchyReal and we're riding the hype train for the next Legend of Zelda game: Tears of the Kingdom that's releasing next month.

I'm going to be playing a randomized version of Ocarina of Time only this time, you can mess with my game. Using a program called Crowd Control and a point system, you can cause me to catch fire, jump stupidly high, heal me, spawn Dark Links and Iron Knuckles, or warp me somewhere random. It's great!

If you'd like to ruin my gameplay experience (for the fun of all, I assure you) or want to support me in smaller ways than Patreon, I'd love to have you there at 6pm [PST] on Wednesdays (and other days besides.)

Thanks all for the faith and support. I'll get it done as I've always promised and I'm always getting closer with your help.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I got sick on day three and am still dealing with the residual. It was tougher than expected.


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