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Look at this.

It may not seem like much, but this is the result of years of studying art and animation, writing and storytelling, and a heaping pile of Python programming. Not to mention major depressive disorder and that pandemic thing we're all doing these days.

I started this project in 2017, freshly out of college, just married, and looking forward.

Life doesn't always work out the way you plan it, you know?

But I know how it works now

I have all the things I need. The tools, the know-how, all of it. Sure, I'm still going to be learning along the way and I'll need bits here and there, but for the majority of it, I can do it.


Now it's just a matter of getting it done. I hope you'll look forward to the end result. (I hope it goes without saying that everything is subject to change, blah, blah, blah.)

This is one of the few things I make Patreon-exclusive. I wouldn't normally share this kind of rough work, but I'm just too excited for it!

(Carla's art is still in the shop, so are the backgrounds, but they are actively being worked on.)


My Earthly Home - Scene 1 [alpha preview]

Super early days, but the foundations are solid. I can keep doing this!



The video is privated, you'd need to change it to "unlisted" for us to see it. So excited to see the results and to see you make that jump! Let's get this thing done!


Oh, jeez, thank you. Yeah, I will! (Also, my comments here are blinking out and being weird. So I hope I actually did fix the thing, I can't tell.)


It looks good, thanks for sharing! Keep up the good work!




A huge step forward! You are certainly on your way! I love seeing the progress.


Love this! So glad you shared!!! :D