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Once upon a time, I promised such a thing. A demo build of the visual novel I was creating. This was some time ago in 2017, I believe.

Three hard years of spiraling depression, and 2020 besides, I have overcome.

I finally have an understanding and a capacity to put this together.

The attached software is in no way indicative of the final product, rather merely a test build that I've used to learn as well as see what's possible in Ren'Py, the Python code-based game engine I'm using.

I'm providing it to you by way of evidence of my hard work, as well as a sign of gratitude for waiting so long for this to really begin to happen.

Learning to write.

Learning to draw.

Learning to animate.

Learning to program.

...and all the things life throws at us.

These were the things that have so far gone into this project.

And by the mercy of forces greater than I, I have come this far.

Thank you, and thank you all.


Windows PC
Mac OS 

Extract the compressed file with WinZip, WinRAR, or any compatible extraction software.

Run 'MyEarthlyHome2021.exe' (Windows)
Run 'MyEarthlyHome2021. app' (Mac)

If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, I welcome you to let me know.
Please be aware that this is a "proof of concept".
I'm mostly concerned with how distribution works on your machine.




Apologies. I've submitted the post before the game files were done uploading. My Internet is atrociously slow for such a thing. It will be live shortly as far as I can help it. EDIT: Should work now.


Also, full disclosure: I don't own a Mac and don't know how they work anymore. If you need help, I'll try my best but can't test it myself.


Ah, the current links don't seem to work for me. "File is in the owner's trash" 😅


I successfully own-loaded the PC version. Webroot detected and removed a virus threat, so you may want to scan your system. "Voice" was a change in "typewriter" pitch- was that the intention? Love the background guitar. Great work Nicholas!


My PC is clean and the software I'm using is clean. It sounds like a false-positive which is common for "homemade" software. Yes, the "voice" types are just the little blips as the text scrolls. Thank you, it's been a long time in the making.


Good to know and congratulations!


I was expecting just a bit more, but then again, this a proof of concept. I'm very impressed with your understanding of the software so far. Can't wait to see what you do with it.


Yeah, like I said, it’s a very modest demo. It just had a bunch of pieces of implemented code all in one short thing. (Plus, I did the foley work on those voice blips if that counts for something.) Anyway, thank you. I’ll post more demo chunks as I make them.