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Heya Patrons. 

Sallyhot here, just wanted to let ya'll know that I put in my last day of work the other day at the job I've been working over the last few months and I'm finally back home and ready to get back to the arting! I know it's been pretty slow while I've been working, so thanx for stickin with us during that time, you guyz are awesome! I'm super excited to get rockin again with some new stuff for ya'll! :)

The job was only temporary, just a short construction job away from home that like most construction gigs had a deadline date, so I didn't get fired or quite or anything  like that, simply layed off if you were wondering. xD . I took the job mostly to help out my cuz who needed a job, it was one of those both of us or neither of us kinda things, but it was also a great opportunity to earn and save some extra bucks to help fund future projects. Namely the game we've been working on, so it was win win. :) 

So now that I'm back full time again, you'll be seein some new stuff coming your way soon. Starting with the pinup you all voted on along with the latest time lapse video of the progress. Aside from that I'll be working on the next page for TSP, a few more concepts for the game and I know I missed easter but I heck...how often do I get a chance to draw sexy bunny gals!?! I mean, other than whenever I want...but ya, Lola Bunny...<.< it's been to long. 

With whatever spare time I got I plan to also jazz up this page a little better, cause it has been awhile and it needs it badly! xD 

So that's what's new, be seein ya'll soon! Tis good to be back! :) 



I'm all happy to see you back.