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Hey folks! I know it's been awhile. :)
Definitely been a quiet few months. Sallyhot has been busy with his printing thing and I've been trying to sell commission slots! >:O but with no luck.
What have I been doing in the meantime? Well.. I've found the time to work on the main attraction of this patreon, er.. what was supposed to be. Right? I dunno, maybe some of you are here for it, maybe not. BUT! The good news is, I've got something playable in the works, and I'll be sending you guys a build in DMs to try it out for yourself if you're interested!

Btw, in case you don't know, PokeBuns is a Visual Novel written and programmed by me, with art by the amazingly incredible Fruitbloodmilkshake, a good friend of mine. We've both worked hard on the first chapter, and while the build I have now is rough and still needs polish, music, and second drafts, I hope when you check it out you'll enjoy and appreciate what we're going for. It's an adult VN, but it's got a story above all else, and I hope I can tell it to ya'll someday. Anyway, I'll send that over in DMs, thanks a lot for all the continued support everyone. :)



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