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Hey peeps! :)

Sallyhot bringing ya a new WIP and some news! 

Sketch for page 6 is pretty close to done, so tomorrow I'll be inking it! Still pretty rough and unfinished here but that's just how I work really. xD A lot is gonna look different when it's finished, but the layout should remain pretty close to what ya see here...I tend to mess around a lot with panels to make sure I'm diggin em. Anywho, yesh, back at it tomorrow...erhm, later today! xD 

Also tomorrow, while I work on the inks for this I figured it was about time I stream the progress for ya'll! ^_^ Cause it has been awhile for sure. Blazey is gonna be joining me tomorrow as well workin on some colors of her own, so gonna be a good one! :)

We will announce the stream again tomorrow for everybody when we're gettin ready to rock, we're thinkin around 7 or 8pm, that's CST time. So not to early and hopefully not to late for peeps either. 

Anywho, can't wait to get things done for ya, see ya'll then! :)    

Ps. For those who helped in voting for the new pinup, Jenny from the cartoon series Bucky O'Hare was the winner for this round! :) By one vote actually, Tess came pretty close but one of the votes sadly was past the due date and couldn't be counted for her, otherwise it would have been a tie. ^^; So on Monday I hope to have a sketch for the new pinup as well! :) Thanx to everybody for voting!  



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