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Hey guys! A few years ago I read some tutorials on how to make a game with RPG Maker and such. Needless to say it's quite complicated for a novice like me! I followed the guide and made this demo with my own original story and characters, I also tweaked some things here and there, and added a boss(in the guide there were only two). So this prologue takes place obviously before my actual game The World of Creations. See once I finished the original guide game I continued the story in a seperate project!

Note: This game has assets from RPG Maker, I couldn't make my own, including the music, so be aware of that. The music is catchy though so that's a plus!

Note: My game design can be considered difficult! You may have trouble beating a boss or two in this! Consider leveling up to around 10 before challenging the last boss if it proves too difficult, also stocking up on healing items is essential, even if obvious!

If you guys wanna know the characters, see the intro and such, I suggest playing this first. :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/7l1h0jibuy4m68d/Prologue%20to%20the%20World.exe?dl=0

When you download, simply extract to "Prologue to the World", then run the application!

I will post the full game The World of Creations tomorrow perhaps, once ya'll have given this prologue a try. Don't be afraid to leave comments and such, I'd love to know what ya'll think of this little game. It's about 30-60 minutes long play time wise. I think my speed run was like 15-20 minutes I can't recall. xD

Something cool once you do beat this demo, is that the World of Creations features Hard Mode versions of the original bosses from this prologue and they are insane! :P Also the World of Creations has a lot of cool updates, visual tweaks and things that you guys will notice and appreciate after beating the prologue.

Alright, enough rambling. Have fun! <3


P.S. Please do comment and let me know you played it and what you think! Feedback is important for me to improve and for Project T-Party to be the best it can in the long run! :)



Oh! I think I found a potentially game breaking flaw. When I was in the boat I approached this castle in the corner that turned out to be the demon stronghold and I was nowhere NEAR leveled up enough to challenge it, but once I entered it I was trapped. The boat was parked in the square directly below the castle and whenever I'd leave I'd emerge to the left of it, so I couldn't get back in the boat because every time I'd try to get to it I'd end up back in the castle again. The easiest fix is probably just making sure you leave at least one square of coastline between the sea and any interactive spots on the map, to make sure a location doesn't block the boat.


Ah yes. Thanks for letting me know. I THINK I know of that one, don't quote me on that. I probably didnt fix it since that was just a prologue demo thing but then again I normally fix all bugs that are found regardless. Anyway, the demon place is a good area to level up, you can save inside and spam the healing jar underneath the demon without triggering the battle until you're ready to fight it. Thanks for letting me know about the issue and trying the game out!