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Hey again Patrons! 🙂

Gonna be putting out the next pinup poll this weekend, but would love to know what fan character you’d like to see me draw next for the smutty Xmas pinup!

Been awhile since I’ve done some fan characters, and there’s still plenty I have yet to draw, so figured I’d leave it up to you guys this holiday season, who you’d like to see me draw! I’ll choose 4 girls from your suggestions and then they’ll be in the next pinup poll! Then I’ll be sketching up 1 or 2 new sticker bases for Xmas (whatever I got time for), you’ll also get to vote on who the next sticker will be!

So just comment your suggestions below! Can be multiple characters, so feel free! 😀Pinup is gonna be very smutty this Xmas, might even do a poll for what the scene should be, so feel free to suggest a scene for the pinup as well! 


George Humleker Jr.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Since the Buns have gotten a lot of traction lately. Why not give either Mynt the Hyena or Viola the Cat some pin-up time? Assuming Blazey is a-ok with it given they're her characters.


SH: Well, though I’d luv to draw our other OC’s eventually, I was thinkin more along the lines of well known franchise characters, like Gadget, Luna, Lupe, Krystal, or any others I’ve yet to draw. Or heck I’m always down for drawing my main gals Sally or Lola again. 😄 But yesh, that sort of thing, no OC’s this time around. Ya know I’d even draw some pony gals, odd that nobody’s ever asked me, maybe they think I wouldn’t dig em…but nope, even down for those gals. Not hinting at anything, just suggestions. 😄

George Humleker Jr.

Understood!! If that's the case I nominate best mouse (that isn't someone' OC) Gadget Hackwrench as the pin-up gal!


SH: Right on, it shall be done! 😊 Ya, I’ve still yet to draw her…so strange. 😄 But I’ll add her in the poll, just need 2 more, only had 2 suggestions so far. 😅

George Humleker Jr.

Hell, I'll throw another pin-up suggestion. How about Rebecca Cunningham? Why not two Disney Afternoon nominees?


SH: Ohhhh, sexy momma pinups, always a good time! 👍 Ya, I haven’t drawn her yet either. 😄 Good suggestion sir George!

George Humleker Jr.

Hey if nobody else is gonna feed the fire I will!


SH: By all means. 😄 Just need one more for my poll tomorrow, and you’re so far the only one suggesting, other than Zaki. Also need some suggestions for stickers, though probably just do a Sally and Lola, or another Sonic girl. 😄

George Humleker Jr.

I'd recommend Tangle or Whisper for the stickers. Out of all the new IDW comic characters, they jam the best. As for the poll.... hmmmm. How about Carmelita Fox from Sly Cooper?


SH: Also a good suggestion! I see a lot of Carmelita lately, but I’ve never played the games so she slips my mind. 😅 But good suggestion, she’s is a beauty! Not familiar with Tangle or Whisper, haven’t dipped into the new comic, but I’ll check em out! Thanx for the suggestions bud! You’re doing gods work!


Honestly, folks. That's Sallyhot. Not suggesting Sally Acorn would be an act of cruelty. So, anyway, I'm nominating Mina Mongoose for the pinup and/or stickers.


SH: Best girl for life yo! 😎 But Mina is a good suggestion too, thank ya kindly. 😊