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Hey guys, it's been an even quieter month than last time! >.< There's a good reason for that lately. and I'll let all you know what's going down right here, right now.

Firstly, hi! It's Blazeymix :) I've been wanting to post some news here for awhile now, but things have been happening so quickly and then changing, it's too unpredictable! If I let you guys know what was going down a few days ago, you'd be pretty disappointed that things have changed. Luckily that didn't happen.

ANYWHO, so the main reason things have been quiet is Sallyhot is still playin catchup. Seems like this whole year has been catchup, and it's slowed a lot of the comic progress and game progress down a lot, to the point we haven't had a new page in.. 5 months? And we haven't been able to create our demo for T-Party yet either. It's been rough, and I am sorry we haven't been able to get you guys new comic pages to say the least. >.<

What's going down now is.. well things are finally looking up! Sallyhot is off at a camp working his bum off to make a lot of money to help pay for more music and stuff for the game. The bad news is, he's gonna be gone for another two weeks. Which means no new art from him until next month. :(

The GOOD news is, when he's back we'll have two new inked pages of TSP for you guys! He has a lot of spare time up in that camp, so he promised he's wokin on not one but two pages to post when he gets back in October. (Side note as his girlfriend it sucks he's gone this long. :(   )

So aside from the new stuff already posted this month, nothing else is gonna be posted. However, I'll be sending you a bunch of pages of the Bat Who Cried Werehog in the content drop so you can have new shiny stuff to enjoy in the meantime.

So to summarize, October is gonna see the return of Taking Sally(s) Pie and we'll be off to a MUCH faster and better schedule from then on. It means more pinups, more pages, and more art for the game!

Yup, that's all the news I got, thanks for sticking around and supporting us, and we'll be posting those new TSP pages HERE as soon as he's back. I'll be coloring those as well. ^^

I'll keep you updated on all that's happening. Content Drop might be sent a bit sooner than before since it's just gonna be Werehog comic stuff. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Note: ALL TIERS will receive the Werehog comic stuff! <3



^^ oki doki