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Hey everyone! Happy New Year! :) I hope ya'll have been safe and having a good holiday! Blazeymix here, btw! 2021 was a pretty good year for us here :) We even saw a new build of CoA! So what will 2022 bring?

Well! My personal goal is to finish CoA Episode 3's demo build. By that, I mean Episode 3 Acts 1, 2 and 3. I want to try to get each act completed quarterly this year, so Act 1 should be ready to play by the end of March this year, or sooner if I get it ready, but my goal is then. Act 2 will be ready by the end of June, Act 3 will be ready by the end of September, and finally, Raid mode for Episode 3 will be added in the final quarter of 2022. That's my ideal "roadmap" I guess.

As for PokeBuns, it's tougher to say, because I want to migrate the game to a new engine. I'm going to continue developing it on the current engine at least to get more progress into the Visual Novel itself until I can transfer everything to the new engine. I'll be working close with Fruitbloodmilkshake on that migration, so stay tuned for more news. If we can get it migrated though, it's going to mean the Visual Novel will get a big boost in functionality and features. :)

On the art side of things, Sallyhot will be working on the Pinup Poll this month, the one featuring Bianca, and he has some other things cookin' on the fire, so stay tuned. I'll try to update you guys this month on all things new with CoA and PokeBuns, like screenshots, progress reports and the like. Keep a lookout! :D

Take care and stay safe, and thanks for the support guys! It's directly helping me develop the games, I really appreciate it. 


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