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New gameplay additions and features!

-Added functioning rings to the game that heal players when collected.

-Added TV Boxes to the game with a few effects.

-New Fiona Battle sprites added.

-Playable Fiona with full moveset up to level 20 has been added.

-Episode 2 Raid Mode has been added.

-Four bosses given incredibly hard new versions have been added.

-New Powerful gear for defeating Raid Mode bosses have been added.

-Raid bosses can be fought as many times as you like to collect all the gear.

-New Cutscenes drawn by Sallyhot and written by Blazeymix have been added.

-New playable areas have been added, including a small new dungeon for Raid mode.

-Springs have been added to the game.

-A proper credits sequence has been added after beating Episode 2.

Gameplay tweaks!

-Sally's Limit Break has been nerfed significantly. It cost 65 Role points, up from 50, and it can no longer critical hit.

-Sally's Loud Exploration has been changed to only remove Stealth Mode.

-Sally's Stealth Mode effect of receiving only 25% experience while active has been removed.

-Sally's Stealth Mode and Loud Exploration has been removed from appearing in battle entirely.

-Bunnie’s Limit Break has had its name changed to better reflect her character.

-Bunnie’s Limit Break buff has a new icon to help players see it easier.

-Bunnie’s Elemental Armor has been renamed to (Element) Shield.

-Bunnie’s Elemental Armor can now be used on any character instead of just Bunnie.

-Bunnie’s Elemental Armor no longer has cooldown despite the information claiming it has a 5 turn cooldown. (Will be fixed in next patch)

-Burn debuff has been nerfed to do 1% less damage per turn and lasts only 3 turns instead of 5.

-Poison debuff has been changed to last for 5 turns instead of indefinitely.

-Various small adjustments to several fights/bosses to make them better balanced.

-There’s a lot more, but I can’t remember them all right now!

-Western Great Forest's encounter rate has been reduced to make battles occur slightly less frequently.

-Bug Fixes! There’s tons.

I’m sure there are more things to add but there’s just too much to remember! This is the biggest update since Episode 2 released, and the first time new gameplay has been added since 2017!

Game breaking bug: After leaving Raid mode, there is no way to get down, the player is stuck and cannot leave. This will be addressed in a nearby hotfix! It shouldn’t require a new save! In the Hotfix build folder, go to /Chronicles of Acorn (v0.025)/www/ and create a save folder or just start a new game and save it! Copy the files of your old save date to the new save folder of the new build!

Notes will be updated frequently over time as I remember them/find things I forgot to mention.