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Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well! So I wanted to update everyone on PokeBuns and what we're working on! At current, we're integrating a PokeNav function into the game so that you will be able to explore Bianca's cell phone and open various apps! Like PokeNav, PokeDex, TrainerID app and the region map! It's pretty cool to see it work in game, and it'll be a fun thing you can interact with once the story reaches a point where Bianca pulls out her phone. I want there to be sections of the game where Bianca camps for the day/night, and when she's sitting in her tent or in her hotel room, she'll take out her phone and you the player can interact with the apps. You'll be able to make phone calls too, to the various characters she meets along the way, like Professor Croak, and to Jackie and Rita, her sister and mom respectively. It'll be fun! And I'm excited to share that with you when I work more on it. Fruitbloodmilkshake is currently handling the art and animations for the phone and apps, and me, I'm writing/programming more of the story in while also getting it set up and ready for the live2D models of Rita (Bianca's mom) and Professor Croak and the Nurse.

I'm gonna send a link to our trello so you can get a better idea of development and progress! I shoulda done this ages ago but yeah! So at current, the trello doesn't describe in detail all the work that is already finished, more so it focuses on progress and what needs to be done soon and in the future. :) So while it doesn't look like much now I'll update it over time and hopefully you'll get an idea of where development is! Thanks for reading and supporting! It's coming along, and the first chapter is close to ready for a demo build.

Pixel art of Professor Croak above is by Fruitbloodmilkshake for the PokeNav app. :)

Trello link: https://trello.com/b/ppG1w8aW/pokebuns



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