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Hiya everyone! Sorry for the quiet month. It's been a heck of a month, and both Fruitbloodmilkshake and I have been doing some IRL stuff! (Not together, he lives far away from me hahaha)

The only detail I can provide from Fruitblood's side of things is that he's on a trip! so we'll see him again soon I'm sure. As for me, there's been some recent family health issues that've really rocked our world, but I'm sure many of you know how that can be. Thanks for the support guys, and there's a lot more content coming. ;)

I was thinkin about a sexy scene with the Champion next, to see the backside of her outfit. So we'll see how that goes! As for the main PokeBuns art side of things, we're just about done with all the art from Chapter 1, so we'll be able to finish the Visual Novel for Chapter 1 completely and get it sent out to ya'll soon! Which is ultra exciting. :D Although, we don't have music for it yet.

Anyway! Take care, stay extra safe and cool. It's a hot summer this year.


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