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Hey everyone! Here's the finished look for Pricia Croak. She's gorgeous isn't she? We have some lovely variety of expressions for her, as well as a nude version ;) I'll be posting sometime soon.

SO! For PokeBuns, what I'm working on now aside from polishing, is looking into implementing big new features into the game. The current resolution is 720p. I'm going to be increasing this fourfold to 1440p, since the game is playable in fullscreen it shouldn't be a problem even for 1080p or 720p monitors. At the new res though, the assets will look really nice when playing on a 1440p or 4K monitor, as right now they are a bit.. too small and blown up to 4K makes the assets look pixelated. Making this update will require me to resize all the implemented assets, which is gonna take awhile ^^; but it needs to be done nonetheless. Aside from that, I'm working on implementing a custom UI to the game. I'm stil learning the program as I go, so a lot of research is needed to make changes and updates like this, but a custom UI will allow us to make the speech box look like it's from the Pokemon games. So I can't wait to get that in. x)

Aside from that, I'm working on the scene with Bianca meeting Professor Croak. Fruitbloodmilkshake took a short break from working on assets to do some other things, but he'll be back at it in a few days so expect to see a lot of new art in the beginning of April Maybe we'll get around to working on the first H-Scene ;) Anyway, thanks for the support and I hope you stick with us for next month! Your support is keeping this project alive and thriving! :)



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2021-09-30 11:37:49 Wouldn’t mind providing some semen samples for her to experiment on <3 Just dunk her eggs in and see the results ;)
2021-03-30 23:40:46 Wouldn’t mind providing some semen samples for her to experiment on <3 Just dunk her eggs in and see the results ;)

Wouldn’t mind providing some semen samples for her to experiment on <3 Just dunk her eggs in and see the results ;)

Thomas J Corton III

I love her colors. The world will always need more adorable frogs. If the lore of this universe gets expanded on I would love if every professor was a frog to play on the whole "every prof is a tree" thing.